Wordplay For Wow. Part 3.

Thread: Wordplay For Wow. Part 3.

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  1. JStokes23 said:

    Default Wordplay For Wow. Part 3.

    3rd in a series. Tell me what you think. Check my other work too! It's similar.

    As I wonder what my future holds I try to remain calm
    I don't want to choose the wrong hand and get an open palm
    So I wait and let the wordplay concrete and pave the way as I write these psalms
    Lyrical Don
    Writing nothing but royalty
    Mary Jane spoils me
    So I go so bad but the flow never grows mold
    Fountain of youth is truth, I'm proof because the flow never goes old
    The book of life, I found the right page, Then rewrote the Ice Age because I'm that cold
    Everyone else might want to fold
    Because I've gotta play the cards I've been dealt, Or so I've been told
    But somehow I drew a joker
    And they say life is just a game; World series of poker
    Brainstorming, mary jane hurricane, I go Larry Coker
    I just go for show and mary jane is my showfer
    She takes me where I need to be
    Mirror marijuana, it reveals me to me
    And the need to improve is all I see
    Libertarian love babe, Love me, but leave me free to be
    And I always dream the biggest, In hopes that I can live it
    Satisfaction is a *****, But a ***** who rarely visits
    That's why every night I'm ****ing with her good friend creativity
    We have an open relationship, Yes I'm always liven' free
    So it's fair game when I take originality away with me
    And I let her play with me, She wishes she could stay with me
    So much material… Just after a day with me
    Pimpin' verbs smoking herbs, I leave these words feeling played
    I write it so bright, like I'm destroyer of all shade
    I put my faith in Mary Jane, I could never doubt this *****…
    Your an ignorant species to feces, You don't know about this shit…
    Wouldn't you like 15 minutes time inside my mind? John Malkovich…
    Getting into this, But, I am so out of it...
    Damn... And there is no stoppin' me, It's like I study astrology
    Because I watch you as your eyes get starry
    And I smoke so many trees
    Every-time I see an environmentalist I feel obliged to say sorry
    But I'm not sorry about this just go hard and hustle flow
    "Are you not entertained?" I ask haters as I quote Gladiator, So Russell Crowe
    Writing very great, lyrics that carry weight, but it's all muscle though

    ...Leave them like… Damn, you saw what he said, right?
    I just leave them scratching their heads; head lice
  2. Molotova's Avatar

    Molotova said:


    Again, a great lyric.
    I noticed that you rap about Mary Jane a lot.
    I mean, I love the bxtch too, but do you have to mention her several times in every rhyme ?
    Anyway, overall it's a great lyric.
    1 <3
  3. JStokes23 said:


    Yea haha it's usually spur of the moment type stuff and im high when I reference it alot haha.
  4. Molotova's Avatar

    Molotova said:


    I always find myself writing lyrics when I'm high too. It's a shame though,we think we're more creative while we're high while in fact we're so much more inspirated when we're sober. I don't blame you though, 1 love for my chick ! Makes me sound like a lesbian, lol. Why didn't they name her Mario Jay ? I still wonder ... Maybe I should write a piece about my dearest Mario Jay man. I feel the inspiration coming, hahaa.
    1 <3
  5. JStokes23 said:


    hahaha exactly. I agree 100% its just this feeling you get. I do more sober but for some reason I feel like I (Can) do more high!