explore the truth

Thread: explore the truth

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  1. sophieB said:

    Default explore the truth

    People, aren't meant to become lost, in, your head,
    Im starting to notice, that you might be brain, dead
    Walking past me, as if I'm behind a, glass door,
    I'm certainly not, the person you should, ignore.

    Forgetting my smile, rips me, into, pieces,
    The more you laugh, the more my love, releases.
    The way you speak, rushes pain, right through my mind,
    Never knowing, that I was the one you would, leave behind.

    Thinking that fate ,was on my side,
    But its better just to ,run away with a house ,to hide,
    Reserving a place in my, heart for that brown eyed guy,
    My soul, isn't ready to say goodbye,
    Sometimes I wonder, if you will return the feelings,
    But I know that thought, you will never be revealing.
    I would never have said, nothing to you,
    But I guess you never, wanted people to, explore the truth.

    When you glance, over at me, I embarrass myself,
    Feeling like I'm, an unwanted object, on a shelf
    My head, is about to burst, with all the resentment
    When I'd, rather be, full of contentment.

    Imagining things, that will never come true,
    Trying to stick parts of my heart back, with thoughts of you
    Four leaf clovers, are all one big lie,
    They will never, become useful, unless you realize.

    Thinking that fate ,was on my side,
    But its better just to, run away with a house, to hide,
    Reserving a place in my, heart for that brown eyed guy,
    My soul, isn't ready to say goodbye,
    Sometimes I wonder, if you will return the feelings,
    But I know that thought, you will never be revealing.
    I would never have said, nothing to you,
    But I guess you never, wanted people to explore the truth.

    Words, are running through my brain, but I have nothing to say,
    Just another, nervous laugh, for me to display,
    Never thought I, was good enough for you,
    But now I've just realized, the truth

    Thinking that fate, was on my side,
    But its better just to run away, with a house to hide,
    Reserving a place in my, heart for that brown eyed guy,
    My soul, isn't ready to say goodbye,
    Sometimes I wonder, if you will return the feelings,
    But I know that thought, you will never be revealing.
    I would never have said, nothing to you,
    But I guess you never, wanted people to explore the truth.

    You'll never know the truth, until you learn ,on your own,
    Try not to do what I did, and got stuck all, alone
    I'll always have a image, of that brown eyed guy, to take away,
    Im wishing, that this happy feeling, never fades.
  2. MR.Alexander said:


    wow this is a good song i like it. can you yell me what it was about because what i got was a girl likeing a guy but he has no idea and he actully when the time comes leaves her behind and she was not ready for it or even thoought he would. its a very good song i think
  3. sophieB said:


    OMG yeah, you got was I was singing about, thanks for commenting, also thanks very much for saying you like my song. Yeah, I like this guy who has no idea, he acts like I don't matter to him in this world, but I know that I do. He ignores me and that, but still looks at me, as if I'm his best friend. I know that he will never talk to me again, but I don't know why. Thank you again x