Tell me nothing

Thread: Tell me nothing

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  1. 4 shades of reason said:

    Default Tell me nothing

    I know nothing of your kind

    Won't accept your evil greedy mind

    Tell me what is this you call time

    Just another thing to keep the world in line

    I know nothing of these things

    Molded and made by hands of human beings

    Tell me what is this i see

    Just more nightmares brought to reality

    I know nothing of these words

    Put together to be spoken and heard

    Tell me what is on your mind

    Tell me why you must misslead and lie

    /Its all so new

    No i'm not blind and i havent lost my mind

    Its all so new

    It seems i walking on thin ice

    Its all so new

    I'm seeing everything through new eyes

    Its all so new

    Suddenly the world doesnt seem so nice

    All so new/

    I know nothing of your faith

    But from what i'v seen you better repent and pray

    Tell me is this your heart

    Hard cold and in the dark

    I know nothing of these dreams

    Only that they tease you with what you want it seems

    Tell me what are those machens

    That cause all that pain and suffering

    /Its all so new

    No i'm not blind and i havent lost my mind

    Its all so new

    It seems i walking on thin ice

    Its all so new

    I'm seeing everything through new eyes

    Its all so new

    Suddenly the world doesnt seem so nice

    All so new/

    I see nothing in your eyes

    Tell me what is it your trying to hide

    Tell me why is it you cry

    Its always been in front of you i only tuned on the light

    So tell me nothing and in time

    You'll see everything through new eyes

    Its all so new

    all so new

    so new

  2. PrinceComedy's Avatar

    PrinceComedy said:


    can i ask you how you get these lyrics so fast?

    you do like 5 a day!
  3. 4 shades of reason said:


    lol i love to wright alot its my way of unwinding i seriously wright for like 2 or 3 hours a day if i can helps me let go of my feelings plus the first 4 were already done when i found the site thank you soo much for reading them to by the way
  4. 4 shades of reason said:


    lol you havent been rating mine as much what happened i liked that oh and what did you think of it
  5. 4 shades of reason said:


    oh and i have a bunch in a note book that are already done that i post when i don't wrght any new ones
  6. PrinceComedy's Avatar

    PrinceComedy said:


    well you see "some" people don't like me "rating" their so-called "good poetry", i am not trying to be mean but some people are like the MOST sensitive people in the world. They think i'm trying to "show off" what I think about their poetry. So in response to their so called "internet protesting", i have promised to stop "rating" their lyrics. I personally don't care what they think but there was more than one, so I had too. They were on my nerves. Instead I would go higher on the criticism. I feel like one of those overprotective parents with my immature children. So yah, that's why I don't rate anymore, and i don't give criticism to my friends. Oh, and I thought your song was fabulous! It's really not a surprise because you write really well! I only probably spend half an hour a day on lyrics but some days i really get into it. Though, next time you should do something really weird, like aliens on mars, or like how to kill your mom in 3 days, or something like that. just a suggestion.....

    And just for you....


    For the second best lyricist in the world (behind me) - lol

  7. 4 shades of reason said:


    lol well isnt that what this site is for is to hear other peoples opinions whatever they just take it to offensive you can rate mine and even if you think its crap tell me i won't get mad i like hearing what oter people thin and ok ya i will do a weird one next you should read sever it at the neck that ones kinda otta the box lol

    oh and you should carry a note book around and whenever you hear something you like or get an idea wright it down thats what i do and now i got tons of ideas
  8. PrinceComedy's Avatar

    PrinceComedy said:


    that's what i kind of do and yah that's a good idea!
  9. 4 shades of reason said:


    cool and thanks again thats one of my lyrics
  10. 4 shades of reason said:


    plz comment on this one
  11. 4 shades of reason said:

