Behnam safavi - nameye eshghe

Thread: Behnam safavi - nameye eshghe

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  1. language said:

    Default Behnam safavi - nameye eshghe

    Hey guys

    Can anyone please translate behnams songs, sounds like a really nice song

    Many thanks in advance

    The lyrics should be on the following page , I'm typing from an iPhone so it doesn't seem to work

    Many thanks
  2. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:

    Default The love letter

    دوباره دلم برات تنگ شده
    I miss you again

    از غم دوری تو تب کردم
    I got fever because of your distance

    من مقصرم خودم می دونم
    It's my fault , I know it myself

    همه روزامو خودم شب کردم
    I turned all of my days into nights

    من همش بهونه اوردم که
    I kept finding excuses like:

    راه خونه یتو خیلی دوره
    The path of your home is too far away

    اما عشق تو مثل بارون شد
    But your love became like the rain

    داره چشم های منو می شوره
    It's washing my eyes

    داره چشم های منو می شوره
    It's washing my eyes

    من به عشق پر زدم
    I flew just for your love

    تا دوباره پیش تو اومدم
    so I came to you again

    چشم من رو به احساس تو وا شد
    My eye got opened to your feeling

    قلب از خودش بی خوده
    My heart is carried away

    مثل کفتر ها هوایی شد
    like the doves that want to fly

    زیر نامه عشق من امضا شد
    My love letter got signed

    زیر نامه عشق من امضا شد
    My love letter got signed

    خودت امشب همه چی رو خوندی
    You yourself read everything tonight

    از نگاه من عاشق می شه
    From my eyes who are in love

    بهترین صحنه عمر وقتی
    It's the best scene of life when

    چشم من از عشق تو تر می شه
    My eye get wet because of your love

    یه صدایی توی گوشم می گفت
    A voice was telling me in my ear

    حق نداری مردد باشی
    You have no right to be doubtful

    دورترین فاصله ها نزدیکته
    The most distant distances are close to you

    شرطش اینه که تو مقصد باشی
    On the condition that you be the destination

    شرطش اینه که تو مقصد باشی
    On the condition that you be the destination
  3. language said:


    Pinky girl thank you so much! This song is amazing

    Thanks again!
  4. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    my pleasure