Here's my translations i like this song too
Knjigu pise vitez roda moga
The knight of my people writes a book
U dalekoj zemlji okovan
Chained in a faraway land
Pa je salje svojoj vjernoj ljubi
And he sends it to his faithful love
Pod zidine grada bijeloga.
Under the walls of white city
Ej, ljube moja, moga oka vilo
Oh my love, fairy of my eye
Idu dani ode godina
Days go by, year passed away
Da uza me nije tvoje tilo
since you're not by my side
I da su me braca izdala.
And since brothers betrayed me
Sude mi, zato sto svoje volim
They judge me because I love my own
Volim najvise, sto sam branio
I love the most, and because I defended
Moje najdraze.
What's most precious for me
Sude mi , dusmani moja ljube
Enemies judge me, my love
Ali ne znaju da je istina,
But they don't know that the truth
Voda duboka.
is deep water
Ej, djeco mila, vite grane moje
Oh dear children, flutter my branches
Upamtite sto vam govorim
Remember what I'm saying to you
Ej k'o ne ljubi i ne cuva svoje
Who doesn't love and doesn't take care of its own
Bozjeg lica nece vidjeti.
Won't see God's face
Sude mi, zato sto svoje volim
They judge me because I love my own
Volim najvise, sto sam branio
I love the most, and because I defended
Moje najdraze.
What's precious for me
Sude mi , dusmani moja ljube
Enemies judge me, my love
Ali ne znaju da je istina,
But they don't know that the truth
Voda duboka.
is deep water
''Glupost je sama u sebe zaljubljena i njeno je samoljublje bezgranično.''
''Siamo niente senza fantasie''
''Наверное мне место на луне, но страшно оставаться в темноте''