Help what's the name of this song?

Thread: Help what's the name of this song?

Tags: instrumental
  1. Tweetiee14 said:

    Default Help what's the name of this song?

    This sing starts at :36 seconds in the video, there are no lyrics so I can't type in any to find it please help I have been looking for awhile. Thanks in advance. Here's the link

    Sent from my iPod
  2. Th3Diplomat said:


    all i can say it sounds like european lounge .
  3. f_oliver2003 said:


    I got it by the lyrics. It's in portuguese

    Ambrosia - A Reminiscent Drive

    Estamos salvos e estamos vivos
    Agora não temos mais nada a perder
    Nós nos tornamos imortais
    Nós temos o alimento dos deuses

    Do alto das montanhas não tem mais segredo para a gente
    Descalços caminhamos sobre o fogo
    Podem até rir na nossa cara
    Nós temos o alimento dos deuses