Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations

Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations

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  1. LOUIE's Avatar

    LOUIE said:


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkGirL View Post
    or this one :-s ... pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    نصيحتي أنك ترسلها لأنك باكر بتوقف وتتحاسب .
    بتقول يارب أرجعني في ذاك اليوم عشان أرسل هذي الرساله وما أفرط فيها .
    هو الله الذي لا إله إلا هو علم الغيب والشهدة هو الرحمن الرحيم 22 هو الله الذي لا إله إلا هو الملك القدوس السلم المؤمن المهيمن العزيز الجبار المتكبر سبحن الله عما يشركون 23 هو الله الخلق البارئ مصورله الأسماء الحسنى يسبح له ما في السموات والأرض وهو العزيز الحكيم
    من قرائها حين يصيح وحين يمسي ومات في ليلتها مات شهيداً

    shukran kteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer
    this is another passage from the QURAN.
  2. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:


    Could somebody translate these sentences in Fus7a, please?

    What can I do for you?
    What kind of furniture are you looking for?
    The sofa is retained.
    The sofa is made out of leather.
    You can pay with cash/in installments/or you can leave an advance.
    I will make you the invoice right now.
    Do you have an identity card, please?
    It’s cheap/it’s expensive.

    Please write it with Arabic fonts, too!
  3. LOUIE's Avatar

    LOUIE said:


    What can I do for you? fe matha akdar akhdemak
    What kind of furniture are you looking for? ma howa nawo3 el 3afsh al lathy tabhath 3anhoo?
    The sofa is retained. el kanaba mahjooza
    The sofa is made out of leather. el kanaba masnoo3a min el jeld
    You can pay with cash/in installments/or you can leave an advance.- fe imkanik aldaf3 nagdee/dof3at/ou youmkinka an tadfa3 mokadam
    I will make you the invoice right now.
    souf aktoob laka fatoora fel hal
    Do you have an identity card, please? hal youjad lak betaka shakhseyeh, 3othran?
    It’s cheap/it’s expensive. - inaha rakheesa / inaha thameena
  4. ana1228's Avatar

    ana1228 said:


    what does 3al ba7r mean?
    Those who mind, don't matter. Those who matter, don't mind!
  5. majdn's Avatar

    majdn said:


    3al ba7r means

    On the sea...
    Ya reit albi yekoon 2assi 3shan ye2dar yefoot 7obak, o a3eesh zayak sa3eed nassi o la es2alshi 3ala albak.
  6. sezoka said:


    this is a story from the QURAN, i guess, but it doesn't sound like it though. well , to be exact I'd say that this is one of those passages that are sent on MYSPACE OR FACEBOOK, so it supposed to make you feel good .[/QUOTE]

    this isn't a passage from QURAN..this is a story about a prayer that is so good and holy..
  7. sezoka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkGirL View Post
    hey guys..plz, who can translate this for me..or at least to tell me what is it about.. thank you very much :* :

    قال رجلٌ من السلف :
    لا إله إلا الله عدد ما كان ، وعدد ما يكون ، وعدد الحركات والسكون
    وبعد مرور سنةٍ كاملة قالها مرةً أخرى ...
    فقالت الملائكة : إننا لم ننتهي من كتابة حسنات السنة الماضية .
    ما أسهل ترديدها وما أعظم أجرها .....
    تخيل لو قمت بنشرها ورددها العشرات من الناس بسببك .......
    وردد أنت :
    لا إله إلا الله عدد ما كان ، وعدد ما يكون ، وعدد الحركات والسكون
    this is a story about a holy prayer..it's about a man from the ancestors prayed and said:

    "there's no GOD but ALLAH as much as what had happen and what will be,as much as motions and stillness"..
    and after 1 year he repeated it again,so angels said:
    ' we didn't finish writing the good deeds of last year '..
    which means how easy it's repetition is but how great it's recompense is..
    imagine if you spread it out and lots of people repeated it because of u..and u repeat it too..
    "there's no GOD but ALLAH as much as what had happen and what will be,as much as motions and stillness"..

    i know it's not so understandable but i did my best to translate it because the Arabic Prayers are hard to translate with the same original meaning..
  8. emtony said:

    Default What does this translate to???

    Hi there, I was searching on google about a translation that I would like, and came across allthelyrics.com. I was reading on and saw that you translated some lyrics from arabic to english.

    I was wondering if you could translate just one line for me from english to arabic? The translation that I would like is:

    "You can't stop wishing if you don't let go."

    Thanks for all your help.

  9. soulef's Avatar

    soulef said:


    Quote Originally Posted by emtony View Post
    Hi there, I was searching on google about a translation that I would like, and came across allthelyrics.com. I was reading on and saw that you translated some lyrics from arabic to english.

    I was wondering if you could translate just one line for me from english to arabic? The translation that I would like is:

    "You can't stop wishing if you don't let go."

    Thanks for all your help.

    i'll do it in fus'ha
    tell me if you need it in another accent

    You can't stop wishing if you don't let go=la yomkinuka attwa9of 3an attamanni in konta la tansa
  10. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:


    Quote Originally Posted by LOUIE View Post
    What can I do for you? fe matha akdar akhdemak
    What kind of furniture are you looking for? ma howa nawo3 el 3afsh al lathy tabhath 3anhoo?
    The sofa is retained. el kanaba mahjooza
    The sofa is made out of leather. el kanaba masnoo3a min el jeld
    You can pay with cash/in installments/or you can leave an advance.- fe imkanik aldaf3 nagdee/dof3at/ou youmkinka an tadfa3 mokadam
    I will make you the invoice right now.
    souf aktoob laka fatoora fel hal
    Do you have an identity card, please? hal youjad lak betaka shakhseyeh, 3othran?
    It’s cheap/it’s expensive. - inaha rakheesa / inaha thameena
    شكرا جزيلا, يا لوي
  11. LOUIE's Avatar

    LOUIE said:


    لا شكر على واجب يا أخت ليلى
  12. amira7 said:



    pls correct my translation. thanks

    my first letter in arabic:

    اول رسالتي في العربيةز

    awal rasalti fi al-arabia.

  13. atieh87 said:


    it is thanks so much

    Quote Originally Posted by LOUIE View Post
    tha3'et 3la el 7afla - going to the party
    bogoool ....battalat tefrig- I SAID .....it doesn't matter ( i bet this is Jordanian accent )
  14. LOUIE's Avatar

    LOUIE said:


    Quote Originally Posted by amira7 View Post

    pls correct my translation. thanks

    my first letter in arabic:

    اول رسالتي في العربيةز

    awal rasalti fi al-arabia.

    رسالتي الاولة في العربي
    resalti el oula fe el arabee
  15. amira7 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by LOUIE View Post
    رسالتي الاولة في العربي
    resalti el oula fe el arabee
    shukran kteer kteer
  16. sezoka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Layla View Post
    Could somebody translate these sentences in Fus7a, please?

    What can I do for you?
    What kind of furniture are you looking for?
    The sofa is retained.
    The sofa is made out of leather.
    You can pay with cash/in installments/or you can leave an advance.
    I will make you the invoice right now.
    Do you have an identity card, please?
    It’s cheap/it’s expensive.

    Please write it with Arabic fonts, too!
    What can I do for you?be matha astate3 an a7'demak..بماذا أستطيع أن أخدمك؟
    What kind of furniture are you looking for?3an ay naw3 mn al athath tab7ath?..عن أي نوع من الأثاث تبحث؟
    The sofa is retained.al kanaba ma7joza..الكنبة محجوزة
    The sofa is made out of leather.al kanaba masno3a mn al geld..الكنبة مصنوعة من الجلد
    You can pay with cash/in installments/or you can leave an advance..tastatee3 an tadfa3 nakdan/3ala dof3at /aw yyomknak an tadfa3 mokadam..
    تستطيع أن تدفع نقدا\علي دفعات\أو يمكنك أن تدفع مقدم..
    I will make you the invoice right now..sa a7rer laka al fatora fe el7al..
    سأحرر لك فاتورة في الحال
    Do you have an identity card, please?hal ma3ak betaka sha7'seya etha sama7t?هل معك بطاقة شخصية اذا سمحت؟
    It’s cheap/it’s expensive..enaha/enaho ra7'ees-enaha/enaho 3'aly..
    انها\انه رخيص-انها\انه غالي

    "enaha"/"انها" means she...."enaho"/"انه" means he (for things not people)
  17. DarkGirL's Avatar

    DarkGirL said:


    10x Louie..10x sezoka :*
  18. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:


    Quote Originally Posted by sezoka View Post
    What can I do for you?be matha astate3 an a7'demak..بماذا أستطيع أن أخدمك؟
    What kind of furniture are you looking for?3an ay naw3 mn al athath tab7ath?..عن أي نوع من الأثاث تبحث؟
    The sofa is retained.al kanaba ma7joza..الكنبة محجوزة
    The sofa is made out of leather.al kanaba masno3a mn al geld..الكنبة مصنوعة من الجلد
    You can pay with cash/in installments/or you can leave an advance..tastatee3 an tadfa3 nakdan/3ala dof3at /aw yyomknak an tadfa3 mokadam..
    تستطيع أن تدفع نقدا\علي دفعات\أو يمكنك أن تدفع مقدم..
    I will make you the invoice right now..sa a7rer laka al fatora fe el7al..
    سأحرر لك فاتورة في الحال
    Do you have an identity card, please?hal ma3ak betaka sha7'seya etha sama7t?هل معك بطاقة شخصية اذا سمحت؟
    It’s cheap/it’s expensive..enaha/enaho ra7'ees-enaha/enaho 3'aly..
    انها\انه رخيص-انها\انه غالي

    "enaha"/"انها" means she...."enaho"/"انه" means he (for things not people)
    3aziza sezoka, chukran jazilan, to you, too!
  19. ana1228's Avatar

    ana1228 said:

    Default Egyptian dialect please :)

    Listen here...
    Stop worring about nonsence.
    Believe me...
    Don't get fired on your first day.
    Close the door.
    Open the door.
    I speak a little.
    Tell me what you are looking for.
    Just because someone tells you something doesnt mean its true...
    Waiting for my mother/father.
    What does it look like I am doing.
    Stop copying me.
    Same here.
    You are a good student.
    Two faced.
    I wouldnt trust her/him if I was you.
    I am glad he/she doesnt understand.
    I started to practice again.
    My goal is to learn it fluently.
    Thats good how do you plan on doing that.
    By studying at least once a day.
    Excuse me one minute.
    I start school in a couple of days.
    You must be kidding me.
    We do hookah everyday.
    Meet me at __....
    What is your phone number.
    What is for dinner?
    I don't like that.
    You make the same thing everyday.
    You waste a lot of money.
    It;s my money.
    Its not for you its for him/her.
    You want to hear something funny?
    Stop playing around
    take me seriously
    fine I am leaving
    You need to learn that not everything is going to be fine.
    What do you want me to do?
    Those who mind, don't matter. Those who matter, don't mind!
  20. LOUIE's Avatar

    LOUIE said:


    Listen here... isma3 hoon
    Stop worring about nonsence.- bekafy haki fady
    Believe me... sadekny
    Don't get fired on your first day.- mish ten-tar min awal youm
    Betray. - kheda3
    Close the door.- saker el bab
    Open the door. - iftah el bab
    I speak a little. - bahky ishway
    Tell me what you are looking for.- illy 3ala shoo bet-daweer
    Just because someone tells you something doesnt mean its true... mish mishan hada hakalak shaghleh ya3ny itsadgo
    Waiting for my mother/father.- bastana imy/ aboy
    What does it look like I am doing. - sho shayfny ba3mel ?
    Stop copying me. bekafy tensakh 3any
    Same here. nafs el she hoon
    You are a good student. inta taleb imneeh
    Two faced. imwajhan
    I wouldnt trust her/him if I was you.- laou ana mahlak ma ba'amenlha/ ho
    I am glad he/she doesnt understand. imneeh ino/inha ma bef-ham
    Fake. mouzayaf
    I started to practice again. irjee3it atdarab
    My goal is to learn it fluently. hadafy it3alamha meh fel meyeh
    Thats good how do you plan on doing that. imneeh, keef bedak te3melha
    By studying at least once a day. odroos 3al aleeleh marah fel nhar
    Excuse me one minute. 3an iznak dageega
    I start school in a couple of days. babalesh madraseh ba3d youmeen
    You must be kidding me.- 3am temzah
    We do hookah everyday. kol youm ben-argel
    Meet me at __....lakeeny 3end
    What is your phone number. sho rakam telefounak { are you trying to hit on an ARAB! }
    What is for dinner? sho el 3asha
    I don't like that. ma habbeto
    You make the same thing everyday. ibte3ml nafs el shee kol youm
    You waste a lot of money. khserit massari kteer
    It;s my money. massryaty
    Its not for you its for him/her. mish ilak, hay ilo /illha
    You want to hear something funny? bedak tesma3 ishy bedaheek
    So.. ya3ny
    Stop playing around - bala it-khe-wet
    take me seriously 3an jad
    fine I am leaving tayib ana mashy
    You need to learn that not everything is going to be fine. lazem tet3alam ino mish kolshy tamam
    What do you want me to do? sho bedak yany a3mel ?