In "good spirit" - in the name of "ART"

Thread: In "good spirit" - in the name of "ART"

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  1. ENiME said:

    Default In "good spirit" - in the name of "ART"

    Well, in good spirit - In the name of "ART".
    and "Experience" I'll 'attempt' "Poetic-Justice" (period)

    I'm as new to the "scene" as a human can be, As (I'm sure you can See)

    So I'll try not to come "unglued."

    To "Acheive" the "all I can be" effect
    affecting, All that I See.

    Like My "Perception", 'through' the way I perceive L,I,F,E to ME( Affected Re- Al-ity
    For You and For me, (by the "Factor") of ((and) so that noone "jacks" this up)) P,O,E(T)R,E,E).
    Phineticly. Causing me to be a (P,O,E,T)
    blessed inDeed, like Psalm 23 (LIKE my 'TEXT' wAs "HE"or "SHE"
    PhysicallY And I '"prayed"to Me,
    And (((G.O.D.))) made me Leaves.

    Interesting. lol
    Last edited by ENiME; 12-05-2016 at 09:06 PM. Reason: To Delete one extra character which, i noticed as i "reviewed "IGSitNoA"