Dino Merlin

Thread: Dino Merlin

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  1. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    S vremena na vrijeme
    From time to time
    tvoje ime spomenem
    I mention your name
    s vremena na vrijeme
    from time to time
    telefon okrenem
    I call the number
    988 niko ne znam ko sam
    988 no one knows who I am

    Oprosti mi sto smetam
    Forgive me that I bother you
    znam da je kasno
    I know it's late
    i da si zauzeta
    and that you're busy
    al' valjda ti je jasno
    but I guess it's clear to you

    Nocas sam u krizi
    Tonight I'm in crisis
    k'o toranj u pizi
    like the tower in Piza
    nocas budi dobra
    tonight be good
    k'o sto nikad bila nisi, ti znas, da
    like you never was,you know,that

    Moj je zivot Svicarska
    My life is Switzerland
    skoro pa savrsen k'o blistavi brilijant
    almost perfect like a shiny brilliant
    vjestom rukom izbrusen
    sharpened by crafty hand
    imam sve sto pozelim samo jedno ne
    I have everything that I wish just 1 thing not
    da me neko bar na tren voli zbog mene
    that someone even for a moment loves me cause of myself

    S vremena na vrijeme
    From time to time
    tvoje ime spomenem
    I mention your name
    onako bez dileme tvoj broj okrenem
    without doubts I call your number
    nocas me je stalo cujes li budalo
    tonight I care,do you hear me fool
    dodji dok me nije srce izdalo
    come before my heart stops


    Ref. 2x
    Chorus 2x

    It's late now and I don't have power to do the others...Tomorrow the others,I promise .
    ...το κορίτσι της ντίσκο...
  2. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Tako rijetko silazim u grad
    I come downtown so rarely
    Sve je manje toga što me veže
    There's less and less things that tie me
    Ta crna rupa između nekad i sad
    That black hole between once and now
    Svakog časa pada mi sve teže
    Every moment gets more difficult for me

    Ova bol je samo jedan dio
    This pain is just a part
    Od onoga što nikad nisam smio
    From that thing I never could
    Ova bol je samo jedan dio
    This pain is just a part
    Od ludila u kojemu sam bio
    From the madness I've been into
    Kad sam te
    When I

    Uvrijedio sam djevojčicu u tebi
    I offended the girl in you
    Uvrijedio sam dječaka u sebi
    I offended the boy in me
    Uvrijedio sam nas
    I offended us

    And the other part.. German I guess....I can't translate...
    ...το κορίτσι της ντίσκο...
  3. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    ne mici usnama
    don't move your lips
    jer ovo nije ni vrijeme ni mjesto za to
    cause this is not the time nor place for that
    nesto je u nama
    something is in us
    do pola sveto, a od pola prokleto
    half holy,half damned

    nije sreca para puna vreca
    bag full of money isn't the happiness
    to znaju oni sto je imaju
    the ones that have it know it
    nema puta od tijela do tijela
    there's no road from body to body
    duse jedna drugoj putuju
    souls are traveling one to another

    godinama varala si me
    you cheated me for years
    znam kad i s skim i kako vatreno
    I know when ad with whom and how passionately
    pogledaj me zadnji put
    look at me for the last time
    bar to nek bude fer, nek' bude iskreno
    at least let that be fair,let it be honest

    cuda ne postoje
    miracles don't exist
    svaki nas korak je put koji moramo prec'
    our every step is the path we have to pass
    bit ce bolje za oboje
    it will be better for both
    ako presutimo ono sto htijeli smo rec'
    if we keep in silence what we wanted to say

    zivi zivot izmedju dva straha
    live the life between two fears
    bez ijednog trena predaha
    without a moment to catch breath
    i sluti kakav ce to biti muk
    and think what silence will it be
    kad dodirne te glas koji nema zvuk
    when the voice that has no sound touches you

    godinama varala si me
    you cheated me for years
    znam kad i s skim i kako vatreno
    I know when ad with whom and how passionately
    pogledaj me zadnji put
    look at me for the last time
    bar to nek bude fer, nek' bude iskreno
    at least let that be fair,let it be honest

    And I'll finish the last one this evening or someone will do it....
    ...το κορίτσι της ντίσκο...
  4. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    Attempt to translate the German part of that song…

    Manchmal träume ich, es könnt
    Sometimes I dream, it could
    So was geben
    Result that way
    Ohne Angst und ohne Schmerz
    Without fear and without pain
    Einfach nur leben
    Simply just living
    Doch der Frieden, den du suchst
    But the peace, which you are in search of
    Liegt in weiter Ferne
    Lies in further ‘places’ (perhaps..?)
    Und der Kummer reicht von hier
    And the concern/pain reaches from here
    Bis an die Sterne
    Till the stars

    Dieses Lied ist nur ein kleiner Teil
    This song is just a little part
    Ein Teil von meiner Seele, die nicht heilt
    A part from my soul which won’t heal
    Wo bist du
    Where are you
  5. sechkow said:


    thank you very much ^^

    a friend give me originall cd of dino merlin but i couldnt understand what they mean... its cooler now. thanks again
    Wer freut sich nicht über die Einladung zu einer Hochzeit? Die weite Reise, durch die Karpaten nach Transsilvanien, führt jedoch auf ein geheimnisvolles Schloß.
  6. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Oh,no problem!Anytime!Glad I helped!And,sorry,I didn't have time to do the last one.

    ja potpuno trijezan umirem
    I'm dying completely sober

    sta sve o tebi sirota moja nisu pricali
    what they didn't talk about you,my poor,
    to vise ne bi ni pas s maslom mog'o pojesti
    that the dog couldn't even eat with fat
    bilesi da si nakon svega
    they talked that after everything
    u nase snove dovela njega
    you brought him into our dreams
    bilesi da ti se bas dopada nacin na koji propadam
    they talked that you like just the way I go down

    sta sve o tebi sirota moja i sad govore
    what do they talk about you even now,my poor,
    to vise nije ni stvar jala ni ljubomore
    that's not the question of anger nor jealousy anymore
    to je nesto vise od toga
    it's something more than that
    nekome lijek a nekom droga
    for someone a cure and for someone drugs
    ja znam, ima tu malo istine a malo sudbine
    I know there's a little bit of truth and a little bit of destiny there

    a ne misli da pijem
    and don't think that I drink
    ja to ne smijem
    I'm not allowed to
    ja potpuno trijezan umirem
    I'm dying completely sober
    ...το κορίτσι της ντίσκο...
  7. chenevie said:


    Dino Merlin - Subota

    Sutra je subota
    nekom sasvim obican dan
    neko ce na vrelo bosne
    a neko ce pospremati stan

    Sutra je subota
    kazu bice oblacno
    sutra ces tiho znam
    reci da, konacno

    Budi bolja prema njemu
    u kuhinji, u postelji
    bas u svemu

    Za mene ne pitaj
    o meni ne pricaj
    nikom, pa ni njemu

    Sutra je subota
    obuci onu prekrasnu bijelu
    svi ce sem mene
    biti u crnom, svecanom odijelu

    Ne placi, o ne placi
    nisi ti ni za sto kriva
    takav je zivot tvoj
    nikad go, vazda stativa

    Ljubav je dar
    ljubav je zar
    ljubav je pozar
  8. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default Dino Merlin - Subota


    Tomorrow is Saturday
    to some people just an ordinary day
    some will go to Bosna's spring
    and some will clean their flats

    Tomorrow is Saturday
    it will be cloudy they say
    tomorrow you will quietly, I know,
    finally say I do

    Be better with him
    in kitchen, in bed
    just in everything

    Don't ask about me
    don't talk about me
    to anyone, not even to him

    Tomorrow is Saturday
    wear the gorgeous white one
    everyone except me will
    be wearing black, party clothes

    Don't cry, oh don't cry
    none of it is your fault
    that's what your life is like
    never a goal, always goal-bar

    Love is a gift
    Love is passion
    Love is fire
  9. MissEuropa88's Avatar

    MissEuropa88 said:


    Could you please translate this song for me!? Thanks! :]

    Dino Merlin- Da te nije Alija

    tamo gdje je sunce, tamo gdje su zvijezde
    tamo gdje je nebo bez oblaka
    gdje se ciste duse gnijezde
    gdje se oci odmicu od mraka

    na tu stranu ja okrecem glavu
    u te dvore glas sve zove
    sklapam oci, pruzam ruke
    pustim snove da zaplove
    sklapam oci, pruzam ruke
    pustim snove da zaplove

    ne bi sjala ovako jako
    ova moja lijepa avlija
    ja bi svjetlo zvao mrakom
    da te nije alija

    slutio sam rijeci, slutio sam pjesme
    mislio sam grijeh je, da se ne smije
    mislio sam nema ko da slusa
    ima kako nema, slusa moja dusa
    mislio sam nema ko da slusa
    ima kako nema, cuje moja dusa

    ne bi sjala ovako jako
    ova moja lijepa avlija
    ja bi svjetlo zvao mrakom
    da te nije alija
  10. linda's Avatar

    linda said:

    Default Dino Merlin - Kad Sve Ovo Bude Juce

    hello everybody!!
    can somebody please transelate a song from dino merlin for me?

    Dino Merlin - Kad Sve Ovo Bude Juce

    Dan bez svijetla, zora bez pijetla
    noc bez zvijezda, ptica bez gnijezda
    nit' se neba plave nit' mirisu trave
    sta to tamo rade nase lude glave

    Sve sto zelim reci da
    kucnuo je posljednji cas 2x

    Viza, kriza, duldung ofental
    Berlin, Bec, malme vupertal
    gore, dolje, svuda pusto polje
    da li smo zasluzili da nam bude bolje

    Sve sto zelim reci
    da kucnuo je posljednji cas
    ne bude li Bosne
    tada nece biti ni nas

    Mi smo samo krvava mrlja
    na bijelosvjetskom TV-ekranu
    oni koji treba u tisini da nestanu
    sta njima znace nasi zivoti
    sto to oni znaju o ljepoti
    nek zauvijek u blatu lazi ostanu

    Jednom kad sve ovo bude juce
    kad zora svane, a svanuce
    nemoj da ti bol grudi steze
    sto nisi bio tu kad je bilo najteze

    Daj mi dan u kom si sretan
    daj mi samo mrvu toplog ljeta
    daj mi snove koji
    nocna mora ne postanu
    budi ruka koja Bosnu brani
    budi ruka koja Bosnu hrani
    da vec sutra nasi snovi java postanu

    Dan bez svijetla, zora bez pijetla
    noc bez zvijezda, ptica bez gnijezda
    nit' se neba plave nit' mirisu trave
    sta to tamo rade nase lude glave

    Sve sto zelim reci
    da kucnuo je posljednji cas
    ne bude li Bosne
    tada nece biti ni nas 2x

    Jednom kad sve ovo bude juce
    stavit ces na krilo unuce
    kad bosanske zime zasnijeze
    reci, ja sam bio tu
    kad je bilo najteze
    ja sam bio s Bosnom
    kad je bilo najteze

    Sve sto zelim reci
    da kucnuo je posljednji cas
    ne bude li Bosne
    tada nece biti ni nas 4x

    hvala puno
  11. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    Dino Merlin - Kad Sve Ovo Bude Juce - When all of this will be yesterday

    Dan bez svijetla, zora bez pijetla
    A day without light, a morning without a rooster
    noc bez zvijezda, ptica bez gnijezda
    A night without a star, a bird without a nest
    nit' se neba plave nit' mirisu trave
    The skies aren't coloured blue neither do the grasses smell
    sta to tamo rade nase lude glave
    what are our insane minds/heads doing there

    Sve sto zelim reci da kucnuo je posljednji cas
    Everything which I've wanted to say is that the last hour has struck

    Viza, kriza, duldung ofental
    Visum, crisis, ...
    Berlin, Bec, malme vupertal
    Berlin, Vienna, ...
    gore, dolje, svuda pusto polje
    up there, down here, everywhere empty fields
    da li smo zasluzili da nam bude bolje
    have we earned that things will be better for us

    Sve sto zelim reci da kucnuo je posljednji cas
    Everything which I've wanted to say is that the last hour has struck
    ne bude li Bosne
    If there won't be Bosnia
    tada nece biti ni nas
    Than there wouldn't be us

    Mi smo samo krvava mrlja
    We are nothing but a bloody spot
    na bijelosvjetskom TV-ekranu
    on the TV-screen
    oni koji treba u tisini da nestanu
    Those who'd need to dissapear in silence
    sta njima znace nasi zivoti
    what do our lives mean to them
    sto to oni znaju o ljepoti
    What do they know about beauty
    nek zauvijek u blatu lazi ostanu
    let the lies forever remain in the mud

    Jednom kad sve ovo bude juce
    Once when all of this will be yesterday
    kad zora svane, a svanuce
    when dawn will break and it surely will
    nemoj da ti bol grudi steze
    don't let the pain your chest
    sto nisi bio tu kad je bilo najteze
    why weren't you there when it was most needed

    Daj mi dan u kom si sretan
    Give me a day in which you're happy
    daj mi samo mrvu toplog ljeta
    Give me just a crumble of the warm summer
    daj mi snove koji nocna mora ne postanu
    Give me dreams which don't turn into nightmares
    budi ruka koja Bosnu brani
    be the hand that defends Bosnia
    budi ruka koja Bosnu hrani
    be the hand that feeds Bosnia
    da vec sutra nasi snovi java postanu
    so that tomorrow our dreams already can become reality

    Jednom kad sve ovo bude juce
    Once when all of this will be yesterday
    stavit ces na krilo unuce
    you'll take your grandchild into your lap
    kad bosanske zime zasnijeze
    when the Bosnian winters ...
    reci, ja sam bio tu
    say, I was there
    kad je bilo najteze
    during the most difficult period
    ja sam bio s Bosnom
    I was with Bosnia
    kad je bilo najteze
    during the most difficult period

    This was translated very fast so I know there are still some mistakes and some words I didn't understand immediatly, so I'll need to search the meaning. At least I can already give you some sort of idea what the song is about..
    I'll correct later when I have all the info :P .
  12. lejla's Avatar

    lejla said:

    Default I need help

    who can translate this for me I really wanna know what this lyrics mean:

    Dabogda (duet Hari Mata Hari)
    Dabogda kceri da dragi Allah jednom da
    da do tebe dodjem dunjaluka prodjem

    Idu dani su siroka si tu
    a i noci jos duze
    sve k'o dlan o dlan
    pa se upitam kako ljudi izdrze

    Lijevo desno, desno lijevo
    malo mi Sarajevo

    Dabogda kceri da dragi Allah srecu da
    al' su blizu vrata taksirata

    Kuca tika tak hladna kao pak
    prekljinica srca moga
    sta mi vrijedi sad rubin i smaragd
    sta mi vrijedi prolazna ljepota

    Lijevo desno, desno lijevo
    tijesno mi Sarajevo

    Dabogda kceri da dragi Allah dzenet da
    al' malo je vruce oko ove kuce

    Kakav sam ja grijesnik ucim grijeha rijecnik
    svakim bi se haramima druzio
    Boze daj mu mir svoje milosti
    a ne onakav kakav sam zasluzio

    Lijevo desno, desno lijevo
    ubit ce nas Sarajevo
    ljubav je ubica moj...
  13. lejla's Avatar

    lejla said:

    Default who can translate this for me

    Da Je Tuga Snijeg

    Ja ne znam gdje si ti
    ja ne znam s kime si ti
    u ovoj noci kad se sve
    dijeli napola osim bola

    Ja ne znam gdje si ti
    i nikad necu saznati
    da l' si nasla skloniste
    kucicu i dvoriste zivota svoga

    Eh, da je tuga snijeg
    da se do jutra otopi
    mogao bih i ja konacno
    kad oci zatvorim da se ne umorim

    Eh da je tuga brijeg
    pa da je vjetar ogoli
    ja ne bih mogao ni tad
    ko sto ne mogu ni sad da te prebolim

    Daljine nisu to
    sto se mom srcu cinilo
    kad je hudo mislilo
    da je sasvim dovoljno da ti cuje glas

    Daljine nisu to
    sto se za dusu primilo
    pusta su to polja nade
    i barikade izmedju nas

    hvala puno
    ljubav je ubica moj...
  14. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    wow what a combination! Dino/Hari but.. I am not surprised nobody translated this.. It is hard!

    God Help That

    My daughter, God help that dear Allah once allows
    that I come to you across the world

    Long days are passing, you wast are here (???)
    and nights are even longer
    everything like when you clap your hands
    so I wonder how people can take it

    Left, right, right left
    I miss Sarajevo a bit

    My daughter, God help that dear Allah gives happiness
    but the door of misfortune is close

    Ticking tick tack, cold like (pak???)
    beggar of my heart
    what are ruby and emerald now worth to me
    what's in passing beauty for me

    Left, right, right left
    Sarajevo is too tight for me

    God help daughter that dear Allah gives heaven
    but it's a bit hot around this house

    What kind of a sinner am I, learning sins' dictionary
    I'd mingle with all sins
    God give him peace of your mercy
    and not the kind that I deserved

    Left, right, right left
    Sarajevo will kill us
  15. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    jos jedna od koje se najezim!

    If Sorrow Was Snow

    I don't know where you are
    I don't know who you're with
    in this night when everything is
    split in half but pain

    I don't know where you are
    and I will never find out
    whether you've found shelter
    a house and a yard of your life

    Eh, if sorrow was snow
    so that it would melt by morning
    I could also finally
    not get tired when I close my eyes

    Eh if sorrow was hill
    so that wind could make it bare
    even then I couldn't
    like I can't now, get over you

    Distances are not that
    what my heart was imagining
    when it was silly enough to think
    that it was enough just to hear your voice

    Distances are not that
    what got stuck to my soul
    desolate are the fields of hope
    and the barricades between us
  16. lejla's Avatar

    lejla said:

    Default ...

    thank you Spring so much
    you made my day again!
    hvala puno!
    all the best
    ljubav je ubica moj...
  17. Aish's Avatar

    Aish said:


    @lejla - I dont know where did you find those lyrics but some parts are not correct

    @Spring - Pak is that little metal thing, with it you play hockey on ice

    Dabogda - Dino Merlin i Hari

    Dabogda kceri da
    dragi Allah jednom da
    da tobe dodje
    dunjaluk kad prodje

    Idu dani svud
    širok gaze drum
    a i noći još brže
    sve k'o dlan o dlan
    pa se upitam
    kako noge izdrže

    Lijevo - desno, desno - lijevo
    malo mi Sarajevo

    Dabogda kćeri da
    dragi Allah sreću da
    al' su blizu vrata taksirata

    Kuca tika tak
    hladna kao pak
    vekerica srca moga
    šta mi vrijedi sad
    rubin i smaragd
    šta mi vrijedi prolazna ljepota

    Lijevo - desno, desno - lijevo
    tijesno mi Sarajevo

    Dabogda kćeri da
    dragi Allah dženet da
    al' malo je vruće
    oko ove kuće

    Kakav sam ja griješnik
    kući drijema viječnik/ učim grijeha rječnik ? not sure
    s kakvim bi se haramima družio
    Bože daj mu mir
    svoje milosti
    ne onako kako sam zaslužio

    Lijevo - desno, desno - lijevo
    ubiće nas Sarajevo
    Last edited by Aish; 06-09-2008 at 02:27 PM.
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  18. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    oh God! It's not like these lyrics would be any easier to translate but some things really killed me! like Idu dani su siroka si tu

    but I think it's not da tobe dodje
    At least I hope because .. what is tobe?! lol

    Can you imagine how long it took me to figure out what prekljinica means? LOL
    And also I think it's just Dabogda kceri (without da in between)

    lejla, it's always my pleasure! Even when it's difficult! I learn something new every day
  19. Aish's Avatar

    Aish said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Spring View Post
    oh God! It's not like these lyrics would be any easier to translate but some things really killed me! like Idu dani su siroka si tu

    but I think it's not da tobe dodje
    At least I hope because .. what is tobe?! lol

    Can you imagine how long it took me to figure out what prekljinica means? LOL
    And also I think it's just Dabogda kceri (without da in between)
    Yea, when I red the lyrics I thought, it cant be so silly! So I decided to listen the song. Prekljinica
    I found on youtube, someone said da tobe dodje - da dodje pameti
    Yes, i edited those "Dabogda kceri" part, you were right.
    And does he say učim grijeha rječnik ?
    Anyway, I've started to like this song, listened it 15 times in roll to catch the lyrics
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  20. lejla's Avatar

    lejla said:

    Default ?

    so now what s the right translation of the song?

    ljubav je ubica moj...