Croatian to english: Hladno Pivo - Frizerska Pjesma

Thread: Croatian to english: Hladno Pivo - Frizerska Pjesma

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  1. MarkoV said:

    Default Croatian to english: Hladno Pivo - Frizerska Pjesma

    Hladno Pivo
    Frizerska pjesma

    Mozda nisam u pravu
    ali mislim da znam
    sto si obrijao glavu
    i sto si nadrkan
    sto si obukao
    spitku, cizme, tregere
    sad vodis svetu bitku
    mlateci pedere

    A da si imao ljubav
    kao sigurnu luku
    ne bi sada na pozdrav
    dizao ruku

    Ref. 2x
    Bio bi mamin inzinjer
    ili cak odvjetnik
    im'o bi posla tvoj frizer
    a ti oblacio se sik
  2. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Hairdressers' Song

    Maybe I'm wrong
    but I think I know
    why you've shaved your head
    and why you're pis*ed off
    why you're wearing
    spitku??? boots, tregere (???)
    now you're fighting a holy battle
    beating up fagots

    But if you had love
    like a safe harbor
    you wouldn't now when someone greets you
    raise your hand against them

    You'd be mummy's engineer
    or even a lawyer
    your hairdresser would be busy
    and you'd dress chic
  3. MarkoV said:



    btw is it about nazi skinheads??
  4. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Well I'd say yes it sounds like it but I've never heard it so I gotta say - it looks like it.
    And sorry but I had no idea what is spitka and couldn't remember how to translate"tregeri"
    I guess the word for "tregeri" is braces...
    And spitka is sort of "flight jacket" (click)