croatian song

Thread: croatian song

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  1. niveau6 said:

    Default croatian song

    Hi everybody

    Last summer i've been on holiday to croatia with some friends.
    We stayed on a in Sv. Filipi i Jakov. Near our campingplace was a club called La Habana Bar (I guess). Everytime we were there, a croation song was played and everybody sang along. I have searched the song on the internet, but that's difficult, because I don't speak the language. We have filmed it though with a mobile phone. Maybe one of you knows the name of the artist or the title of the song. Here is the link:

    I hope so. Thanks already
  2. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile ET - Prazan stan ~ Empty apartment

    ET - Prazan stan ~ Empty apartment

    Duge noge, kratka suknja
    Long legs, short skirt
    Sve bas stvoreno za grijeh
    Just everything is made for sin
    mozda nije, mozda je
    Maybe it isn't, maybe it is
    al' muskarca ni za lijek
    But a man not even for a remedy
    i to me brine
    And that worries me
    jer tko ce zvijezde da mi skine
    Because who will take down the stars for me

    A ja bi da me neko nocas ljubi vatreno
    But I want someone to kiss me passionatly tonight
    dok mi prica da mi laze "ti si moje jedino"
    While he's talking to me to lie "you're my one and only"
    da me dira usnama, pada mi na koljena
    To touch me with his lips, to fall on his knees for me
    bude moj
    To be mine

    Ref. 2x
    Prazan mi stan, a nas je dvoje
    My apartment is empty and there are two of us
    tijelo tvoje, moje
    Your body, my body
    mozda bismo mogli mi
    Maybe we could
    slusat stare one pjesme
    Listen to those old songs
    radit sto se nesmije
    Do what we shouldn't
    cekat zoru ljubavi
    Wait for the dawn, my love

    Kud god krenem ista lica
    Where ever I go are the same faces
    iste fore, it's OK
    The same tricks, it's OK
    zgodni decki vise-manje
    Attractive guys more or less
    svi od reda sad su gay
    Everybody's gay now
    i to me brine
    And that worries me
    jer tko ce zvijezde da mi skine
    Because who will take down the stars for me

    I pobjegla bih nocas negdje, s nekim daleko
    I want to run away somewhere tonight, with someone far away
    da mi laze, da mi kaze "lane moje maleno"
    So he can lie to me, so he can say "my little dear (lit. deer)"
    da sam mu u mislima, dok se igra prstima
    That I'm on his mind, while (we're) playing with (our) fingers
    da je moj
    That he's mine

    Ref. 2x

    Ref. 2x
    Last edited by MayGoLoco; 11-04-2008 at 02:43 PM. Reason: Added translation :)
  3. niveau6 said:


    thx mate
    that is the song
  4. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    You're welcome If you want the translation too just ask!
  5. niveau6 said:


    Yeah, i'm curious about it, cause i've no idea what it is about.
  6. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    There you go! I gave it an edit.
  7. niveau6 said:


    thanks again
  8. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    You're welcome!
  9. bloo70 said:

    Default What's that please!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by MayGoLoco View Post
    You're welcome!
    We've been in Croatia this holiday on a Murter island and listened a very beautiful song. I don't know the language but the text of the refrain started "ako te i kopita" or a kote i kopita" or sth like that . I've been looking for this song for many many days and nothing, It's not " ako te ko pita" of Vinco Coce. Please help me!!!