balasevic mrtvi

Thread: balasevic mrtvi

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  1. Melli25 said:

    Default balasevic mrtvi

    Od loših vesti i reklama prognan
    Utekoh na treći program
    Gde je, nekim čudom, tekla poznata burleska
    Svi oni gegovi i lica ista
    Slikovnica što se lista
    Setno, k'o na dnu škrinje nađena sveska
    Osmeh se zaledi na čas
    Gde su sad' Laurel i Hardi
    I ovaj ljuti zrika, i njegov beli psić
    O, svi su mrtvi, odnešeni
    Bršljan je davno prekrio stih
    Od zla i briga su rešeni
    Al' divna ludost, k'o oreol, još rominja oko njih
    Bila je berba, osta' fotka od nje
    Leto neznano gospodnje
    No, uglavnom, ta su burad otkad popijena
    Ćale s' kačketom, čuvenim, od tvida
    Putunju sa leđa skida
    Deda pred vranca spušta otkose sena
    U smeđoj senci bresaka
    Samo po bluzi poznam majku
    I k'o da čujem mobu i kikote niz drum
    Al' svi su mrtvi i blaženi
    Bršljan je davno prekrio stih
    Od zlih vremena su spašeni
    A trag poštenja i dobrote
    K'o oreol još rominja oko njih
    U godišnjaku škole
    Važna lica šmekera i bubalica
    Ali samo jedan moto: Drži se, Planeto
    Sanjari, genijalci, šampioni
    Žrtvovani k'o pioni
    Pale su zastave u četrdes' petoj
    Kadgod ih sretnem, žale se
    Šapuću k'o zaverenici
    Al' pijan dah je vetar što zmaja ne diže
    Ma, već su mrtvi, a hodaju
    Ja nisam rođen da čekam smak, ne
    Moj život nije na prodaju
    A kada pleteš svoj oreol
  2. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    The Dead

    Chased away by bad news and advertisements
    I escaped to channel three
    where, surprisingly, a famous burlesque was on
    all the same jokes and faces
    a listable picture-book
    Wistfully, like a notebook found on the bottom of a chest
    smile gets frozen for a second
    Where are Laurel and Hardy now
    and this angry squint, and his white dog
    Oh, they are all dead, taken away
    Ivy has long ago covered the verse
    they are free from evil and worries
    But a wonderful silly thing, like an aureole, still drizzles around them
    It was harvest time, her picture remained
    in the unknown year of the Lord
    Well, anyways, the wine barrels have been emptied long ago
    Daddy with a cap, the famous one, made of tweed
    takes off his travel coat *
    Grandpa puts hay swaths in front of :???: horse
    in the brown shadow of peaches
    only by blouse I recognize my mother
    and as if I hear a pleading and giggles down the road
    But they are all dead and blissful
    Ivy has long ago covered the verse
    they are free from evil and worries
    and a trace of honesty and goodness still drizzles around them
    In school yearbook
    important faces of charmers and geeks
    But only one motto: Hold on, Planet
    dreamers, geniuses, champions
    Sacrificed like pawns
    Flags have dropped in forty fifth
    Whenever I meet them, they complain
    they whisper like plotters
    But a drunk breath is a wind that doesn't make kite fly
    Ah well, they're already dead, but walking
    I wasn't born to wait for the doom, no
    My life is not for sale
    And when you knit your aureole

    What can I say? --- >>