Друга ріка - Три хвилини help pls))

Thread: Друга ріка - Три хвилини help pls))

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  1. i'm little one's Avatar

    i'm little one said:

    Default Друга ріка - Три хвилини help pls))

    i need a little help with translation cause i cant understand one word or not only one))
    anyway pls anybody check it

    за три хвилини загубився і влюбився та пропав
    for three minutes i lost,i fell in love and vanished
    за три хвилини закохався і набрався твоїх чар
    for three minutes i fell in love and had a drink from ur sorcery
    о скільки тепла в твоїх очах а віє холод він не дах *
    oh,how much warmth in ur eyes but cold is blowin and its not a roof**
    cкільки скажи я маю о скільки скажи тримаю я
    how much i have tell me,oh how much i hold tell me

    це все що маю я
    its all that i have
    це все що маю я
    its all that i have
    це все що маю я
    its all that i have
    тебе тримаю маю я
    i hold u,i have u
    тебе тримаю маю я
    i hold u,i have u

    приходиш сядеш і мовчиш мене заводиш та біжиш
    u come,sit and keep silence,u turn me on and run away
    приносиш сльози сир і яд мені це треба
    u bring tears,cheese and poison,i need it
    о cкільки тепла в твоїх руках а віє холод він не дах
    oh,how much warmth in ur hands but cold is blowin and its not a roof**
    скільки скажи я маю о скільки скажи тримаю я
    how much i have tell me,oh how much i hold tell me

    я не хотів просто не встиг
    i didnt want i just wasnt in time
    я не хотів просто не зміг
    i didnt want i just coulnt
    тепер це все що маю я все що маю я
    now its everything that i have,everything that i have
    це все що маю я це все що маю я
    its everything that i have,everything that i have
    тебе тримаю маю я
    i hold u,i have u
    тебе тримаю маю я
    i hold u,i have u
    тебе тримаю
    i hold u

    word with * i cant understand did i understood it well or no?
  2. fer123 said:


    I may be wrong. But it's how i uderstand this metaphor. Дах (roof) is a top of building. "а віє холод він не дах" - so cold isn't top of all that he feels. It's something that higher than cold and it is love.

    P.S. Even those who knows ukrainian don't understand the meaning of this metaphor. This song's full of them. It is very hard to explain it and much more harder translate to another language.
  3. i'm little one's Avatar

    i'm little one said:


    Quote Originally Posted by fer123 View Post
    I may be wrong. But it's how i uderstand this metaphor. Дах (roof) is a top of building. "а віє холод він не дах" - so cold isn't top of all that he feels. It's something that higher than cold and it is love.

    P.S. Even those who knows ukrainian don't understand the meaning of this metaphor. This song's full of them. It is very hard to explain it and much more harder translate to another language.
    Thanks a lot))u know when i translate it in Russian this word means"roof" so i got confussed
    even that i know Russian it didnt help medamn)
  4. Sonata Arctica said:


    Yes, your translation is correct.
    "а віє холод він не дах" means "and cold is blowing, but it (cold) isn't a roof". That means that cold can't warm.