English translation..."Musica sara"...Laura pausini

Thread: English translation..."Musica sara"...Laura pausini

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  1. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:

    Default English translation..."Musica sara"...Laura pausini

    ciao a tutti , come state ?

    comincio subito perche ...i am in a hurry "sono in fretta ? "

    spero che essere in fretta non farmi sbagliare a tradurre


    da sempre la veritā sto cercando intensamente ..........................I alway search hard for the truth
    scoprendo la mia identitā dentro gli occhi della gente..................discovering my identitiy in the eyes of people
    e l´emozione nasce in silenzio .............................and emotions born in silence "is using nasce correct ? should be si nasce i think , or nasciuto "
    come la neve d´inverno .................................................. .............like the snow of winter

    un bacio interno .................................................. ........................an internal kiss
    mi sta planando .................................................. ........................is gliding
    sopra l´anima .................................................. ..........................on my soul

    musica sara´ .................................................. ...........................music will be
    la forza che hai dentro .................................................. .............the power u have inside
    che tutta l´energia libererā .................................................. .....that will release all the energy

    musica sara´ .................................................. ..............................music will be
    un sole che va .................................................. ..........................a sun that goes
    per chi .................................................. .......................................for who
    per chi
    non ha luce .................................................. ..............................doesn't have light
    da sempre io vivo qua senza aspettarmi niente ..........................i always live here without waiting anything
    ma credo nella volontā di chi fabbrica il presente ........................but i believe in the will of this who makes the present.
    e la passione sorprende il tempo ...............................................and the passion surprising time
    come una rosa d´inverno .................................................. ...........as a rose in the winter
    un sogno eterno .................................................. .......................an eternal dream
    mi sta cantando .................................................. ...........................that is singing
    dentro l´anima .................................................. ...........................inside my soul

    musica sara´ .................................................. .............................music will be
    l´amore che hai dentro che co n la sua follia ci salverā .......................the love you have inside, that with it's madness...will save us
    musica sara´ .................................................. ............................music will be
    la strada che va .................................................. .......................the road that goes
    per chi .................................................. ......................................for who
    per chi
    non ha pace .................................................. ............................doesn't have peace

    musica sara .................................................. ............................music will be
    un grido nel vento .................................................. ..................a shout in the wind
    la musica č un idea di libertā .................................................. ....music is an idea of liberity

    apre le sue immense ali e sveglia le cittā .........................open ur large wings and wake up the city
    spalancando la realtā .................................................. ............open wide the reality
    come l´alba il buio della notte ...........................................like the dawn does to the darkness of the night

    musica sara´ la forza che hai dentro che .............................music will be the power you have inside
    tutta l´energia libererā .................................................. ......that will release all the energy

    musica sara´............................................. ..........................music will be
    un fiume che va .................................................. ....a river that goes
    per chi .................................................. ..................for who

    musica sara´ .................................................. ........................music will be
    l´amore nel mondo che con la sua follia ci salverā .................................................t he love in the world that with it's madness will save us

    musica sara´ .................................................. .................................................m usic will be
    la vita che va .................................................. .................................................t he life that goes
    per chi .................................................. .................................................. ..........for who
    per chi
    non ha voce .................................................. .................................................. .....doesn't have sound

    da sempre .................................................. .................................................. ......always "does adding da changes the meaning ? "
    la veritā .................................................. .................................................. .........the truth
    sto cercando .................................................. .................................................. ...I am searching
    intensamente .................................................. .................................................. ..Intensely


    mi dispiace per il cattivo organizzazione del thread :$...

    ma per il mio buon fortuna era una canzona facile , e spero che non ho fatto molto errori

    grazie mille
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Da sempre la veritā sto cercando intensamente ...................I've always looked hard for the truth
    da sempre" means "since forever".

    e l´emozione nasce in silenzio ........and emotion is born in silence (you can also use "emotion rises/springs up in silence"). "Nasciuto" is wrong, the participle is always "nato".

    da sempre io vivo qua senza aspettarmi niente ...................i've always lived here without waiting anything
    ma credo nella volontā di chi fabbrica il presente ..................but i believe in the will of (those) who makes the present.

    apre le sue immense ali e sveglia le cittā ............... (music) opens its large wings and wakes up the cities

    non ha voce ................has no voice

    p.s. The correct phrase is "sono/vado di fretta".
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  3. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:


    grazie mille ligeia ...

    one more question as always

    e l´emozione nasce in silenzio ........and emotion is born in silence (you can also use "emotion rises/springs up in silence"). "Nasciuto" is wrong, the participle is always "nato".

    so she should say : e l'emozione nato in silenzio...right ? "emotion born"
    or emozione e nato "emotion is born"

    but emozione nasce gives the meaning of "emozione gives birth to something "

    right ?
  4. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    so she should say : e l'emozione nato in silenzio...right ? "emotion born"
    or emozione e nato "emotion is born"

    but emozione nasce gives the meaning of "emozione gives birth to something
    The verb "nascere" is "be born", as far as i know there is always the verb "to be"; "č nato" is "he was born".
    When used in figurative meaning you can use also "to arise, srping up, rise" and the meaning remains basically the same.

    "Oh God! Bills, bills, bills. One is born, one runs up bills, one dies!" is "bollette, bollette, bollette. Uno nasce, accumula bollette, e muore!"

    "I was born amidst the purple waterfalls..." is "sono nata/o (or "nacqui" but it sounds a bit old-fashion) tra le cascate purpuree..."

    "give birth" vuol dire "far nascere, partorire, dare la luce a", it needs an object.

    In your case if you say only "l'emozione nasce" it makes sense the same: "the emotion rises/is rising".
    If the phrase would have been "l'emozione fa nascere il silenzio" (emotion gives birth to silence) you couldn't omitt the object (silence) cause the phrase would not make any sense anymore: "emotion gives birth" (to...?)
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  5. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:


    i seee
    grazie grazie grazie
  6. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Non c'č di che! Mi fa piacere esserti d'aiuto, anche se a volte ho la sensazione che le mie spiegazioni siano un po' confuse!
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  7. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:


    non e confuse at all "lol how to say at all :P "

    i am writing and studying the old posts and notes , alittle bit slow coz am busy these days but really i get great benefit revising them

    ur explanation is great u should think about being a teacher
  8. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Thankee mate, you flatter me! (in italian"mi lusinghi")
    "At all" is "per niente".
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  9. safe1 said:


    Thank you both for this one.
    Consolidated corrections with the lyrics for easier reading...

    da sempre la veritā sto cercando intensamente / I've always looked hard for the truth
    scoprendo la mia identitā dentro gli occhi della gente / discovering my identitiy in the eyes of people
    e l´emozione nasce in silenzio / and emotion is born in silence
    come la neve d´inverno / like the snow of winter

    un bacio interno / an internal kiss
    mi sta planando / is gliding
    sopra l´anima / on my soul

    musica sara / music will be
    la forza che hai dentro / the power u have inside
    che tutta l´energia libererā / that will release all the energy

    musica sara / music will be
    un sole che va / a sun that goes
    per chi / for who
    per chi / for who
    non ha luce / doesn't have light

    da sempre io vivo qua senza aspettarmi niente / i've always lived here without waiting anything
    ma credo nella volontā di chi fabbrica il presente / but i believe in the will of (those) who makes the present.
    e la passione sorprende il tempo / and the passion surprising time
    come una rosa d´inverno / as a rose in the winter

    un sogno eterno / an eternal dream
    mi sta cantando / that is singing
    dentro l´anima / inside my soul

    musica sara / music will be
    l´amore che hai dentro che co n la sua follia ci salverā / the love you have inside, that with it's madness...will save us
    musica sara / music will be
    la strada che va / the road that goes
    per chi / for who
    per chi / for who
    non ha pace / doesn't have peace

    musica sara / music will be
    un grido nel vento / a shout in the wind
    la musica č un idea di libertā / music is an idea of liberity

    apre le sue immense ali e sveglia le cittā / (music) opens its large wings and wakes up the cities
    spalancando la realtā / open wide the reality
    come l´alba il buio della notte / like the dawn does to the darkness of the night

    musica sara la forza che hai dentro che / music will be the power you have inside
    tutta l´energia libererā / that will release all the energy

    musica sara / music will be
    un fiume che va / a river that goes
    per chi / for who

    musica sara / music will be
    l´amore nel mondo che con la sua follia ci salverā / the love in the world that with it's madness will save us

    musica sara / music will be
    la vita che va / the life that goes
    per chi / for who
    per chi / for who
    non ha voce / has no voice

    da sempre / since forever
    la veritā / the truth
    sto cercando / I am searching
    intensamente / Intensely
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