Ils Disent - Soprano

Thread: Ils Disent - Soprano

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  1. Ali La Pointe's Avatar

    Ali La Pointe said:

    Default Ils Disent - Soprano

    Can someone translate this to English, thanks. I understand the overall message of the song, and most of the lyrics, just some of the references are lost to me.


    Ils disent que c'est la faute de nos parents qu'en bas ça vent du shi*
    Qu'on s'est coupé les ailes scolaires pour que le vice soit notre parachute
    Qu'on dit je t'aime aux flics de manière obscène
    Qu'on rentre à la Mosquée comme on rentre dans une caserne
    Ils disent que le rap incite les jeunes à vouloir baiser Marianne, à mélanger au tabac un peu de fusée Ariane
    Ils disent que les arabes ont inventé le vol en France et que c'est à cause des noirs qu'il pue autant en France
    Ils disent que c'est Mahomet qui nous dit de martyriser les femmes et de mettre des métros en flamme
    Ils disent qu'on est antisémites et que nos allocs sont la cause de leur crise économique
    Ils disent que si l'Afrique est endettée c'est du à sa mendicité et à son manque de civilité
    Ils disent qu'on est métisse quand il s'agit de football mais des macaques quand il s'agit de flash ball
    Ils disent qu'on est terroriste dès qu'on se venge, qu'on a de la chance de faire la manche en France
    Ils disent tellement de conneries que je me dis qu'ils ont greffé un oeil l de verre à Sarkozy.

    [Refrain de Médine]
    Ils disent black blanc beur mais qu'avec des brassards
    Ils disent qu'on enseigne la haine à nos enfants dans les madrassa
    Ils disent vouloir crucifier les basanés
    Ils disent que la merde provient de la Méditerranée
    Je dis que leur jugement ressemble à celui de Burgaud
    Je dis qu'ils nous incriminent à tort derrière leur bureau
    Je dis plus de Banania ni de beurre de Ben et Louis
    Je dis brise la glace comme Soraya Bonali.

    Je dis que si le taff de femme de ménage nous rendaient riches y'aurait beaucoup moins de vendeurs de shi*
    Je dis que si l'école m'avait laissé faire mon bac de chimie y'aurait plus d'air dans mon parachute
    Je dis que si les flics arrêtaient de me fouiller pour trouver du **** je croirais peut-être en la justice
    Je dis que si W enterrait sa soif de pétrole y'aurait peut-être beaucoup moins de terroristes
    Je dis que si Marianne acceptait un peu que je sois son fils mes raps seraient beaucoup moins anarchiques
    Je dis que si Marianne n'avait pas la maladie d'Alzheimer j'aurais connu la joie de nos pères tirailleurs
    Je dis que l'Islam m'a appris à aimer ma soeur ma femme et ma mère qu'elles aient le voile ou pas
    Je dis que l'Islam m'a appris à aimer mon prochain mais chez moi Ben Laden on ne l'aime pas
    Je dis qu'ici l'expression n'est pas une liberté quand je pense à tous les procés que collectionne le rap français
    Ils disent beaucoup de conneries et après ils s'étonnent que des voitures brûlent la nuit

    Posons les armes
    Vivons en paix dans un monde metisse, voilà le message
    Soprano sur block life chez Marseille!!!
  2. Faayzaah' said:


    I wanted to add the "references" already, then I thought I'd let you tell me which ones you don't understand first...

    Soprano ft. Médine - They Say

    They say it's our parents' fault if they sell hash down the blocks
    If we've cut our academic wings and vice is our parachute
    If we say 'I love you' to the cops in a nasty way
    If we enter mosques like we'd enter barracks
    They say rap encourages the youth to fu*k Marianne, to mix tobacco and a little bit of Ariane rocket
    They say Arabs have created thievery in France and that it's the Blacks' fault if it stinks so much in France
    They say it's Mohammad who tells us to torment women and to set fire to subway trains
    They say we're anti-Semitic and that our family allowance is the cause of their economic crisis
    They say Africa is in debts because of its begging and its lack of politeness
    They say we're multiracial when it comes to soccer, but we're monkeys when it comes to Flash-Ball guns
    They say we're terrorists as soon as we get our revenge, that we're lucky they let us beg in France
    They say so much bullsh*t I think Sarkozy's had a glass eye transplant

    Chorus (Médine):
    They say Black, White, Arab but only when wearing armbands
    They say we teach hate to our children in the Koranic schools
    They say they want to crucify the dark-skinned
    They say bullsh*t comes from the Mediterranean
    I say their judgment looks like Burgaud's
    I say they accuse us wrongly behind their desks
    I say no more Banania, no more sand n*ggers and Ben and Louis
    I break the ice like Soraya Bonali

    I say that if cleaning work could make us rich there'd be way less hash sellers
    I say that if school had let me take my Chemistry A-levels there'd be more air in my parachute
    I say that if the cops stopped searching me to find hash I'd believe in the legal system
    I say that if George W. Bush buried his thirst for oil there'd maybe be way less terrorists
    I say that if Marianne accepted me as her son, my rap verses would be way less anarchical
    I say that if Marianne didn't suffer from Alzheimer's disease I'd have seen the joy of our fathers, the skirmishers
    I say that Islam taught me to love my sister, wife and mother whether they wear a headscarf or not
    I say that Islam taught me to love my neighbor but we don't love Ben Laden around there
    I say that here, speech isn't freedom when I think of all the trials that French rap collects
    They say alot of bullsh*t and then they're surprised when cars burn in the night

    Let's put down the weapons
    Let's live in peace in a multiracial world, this is the message
    Soprano on Block Life, in Marseille
    Last edited by Faayzaah'; 11-16-2010 at 06:04 PM.
  3. Ali La Pointe's Avatar

    Ali La Pointe said:


    You're right, I should have been more clear. But I also wanted you to translate the whole thing just to see if I was right in what I thought it meant.

    If we've cut our academic wings and vice is our parachute
    I say that if school had let me take my Chemistry A-levels there'd be more air in my parachute

    First I don't understand what is meant by the first line, what is he trying to say with vice is our parachute. And second, he makes the analogy with the parachute a second time, what does the parachute represent exactly?

    They say rap encourages the youth to fu*k Marianne
    I say that if Marianne accepted me as her son,...
    I say that if Marianne didn't suffer from Alzheimer's disease...

    I don't know who or what Marianne is supposed to be. In the last two lines it looks like Marianne is maybe France, but then I don't see how that works in the first one. Maybe you can explain what that means?

    [B]I say their judgment looks like Burgaud's
    I say no more Banania, no more sand n*ggers and Ben and Louis

    Yeah a quick google search didn't help me to find what these were.

    I say that here, speech isn't freedom when I think of all the trials that French rap collects

    Finally, what trials is French rap collecting?

    Thank you
  4. Faayzaah' said:


    "We've cut our academic wings" means they gave up school, and "vice is our parachute" means that vice (drugs, thievery) are what they use to sort out in this "free-fall".
    The parachute represents the thing you use to get by in life, and in the second line he says that school didn't let him take Chemistry A-levels (because there's a hard selection for that), and the parachute would have been more efficient if they had let him take an enhancive speciality.

    Marianne is one of the symbols of the French Republic, it's a woman who represents revolution. You can see her on Eugène Delacroix's famous painting (and on Coldplay's Viva la Vida sleeve ). "They say rap encourages the youth to fu*k" Marianne", means some people think that rap stirs up to the hate of France.

    Finally, French rap collects trials because French rappers keep on being taken to court for the outspoken comments they make about kind of everything.

    Phew! Hope you understand!
    Last edited by Faayzaah'; 11-12-2010 at 08:43 AM.
  5. Ali La Pointe's Avatar

    Ali La Pointe said:


    Perfect thank you!