Need Help Finding This Techno/House Song

Thread: Need Help Finding This Techno/House Song

Tags: bongos, house, techno
  1. robertgallo said:

    Exclamation Need Help Finding This Techno/House Song

    It starts off with bongos and a synth that copies it. Kind of like this:
    (bongo hits 3 times) then synth goes 'dun dun dun'
    then bongos hit 5 times and synth goes 'dun dun dun dun dun'
    then it all pauses...
    and repeats a few times.

    Extra info:

    Jimmy Joslin played this while opening for Tiesto at the UCF Arena (2010 tour-Nov. 19)

    Thanks for any help.
  2. Th3Diplomat said:
  3. robertgallo said:


    Naw that's not it. The song I'm looking for was played by Jimmy Joslin before the show went on. This particular song came on around 9:00... Thanks for trying to help.