Masooud Saeedi - Ama Rafti To

Thread: Masooud Saeedi - Ama Rafti To

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  1. afg1992 said:

    Default Masooud Saeedi - Ama Rafti To

    heyyy can someone get the lyrics for masooud saeedi ama rafti to its a cool song
    Last edited by afsaneh; 09-08-2012 at 10:33 AM. Reason: Thread titles should contain song and artist name.
  2. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:

    Default But you went away!

    چرا رفتی تو ، چرا رفتی تو
    Why did you go? why did you go?

    چرا رفتی تو بستی تو چشماتو قلبم می گیره
    Why did you go?why did you close your eyes?my hear is so upset

    یه روز بی تو و عشقت گوشة سینه می میره
    It will die one day in the corner of the chest without you and your love

    دیگه بسه خستم بگیر دستامو
    That's enough! I'm tired...hold my hands

    یه روز می رسه
    یه روز می رسه دستامون دستای عشقو می گیره
    یه روز می رسه قلبامون واسة همدیگه می میره
    One day will come and our hands will hold the hands of love
    One day will come and our hearts will die for each other

    نذار بسته شه دفتر عشق من با تو
    هنوزم اون چشای تو ، اون چشای تو
    اون نگاه تو مونده یادم
    Don't let the notebook of our love get closed
    I still remember your eyes , your eyes , your look in my mind

    چرا رفتی آخرش جز تو دل به کی دادم
    Why did you go then?Who did i give my heart to but you?

    نگفتی میری یه روز
    گفتی دوسم داری هنوز
    You didn't say that you were gonna leave someday
    You said you still loved me

    منم داشتم گفتی منو می خوای فقط
    گفتی با من می مونی
    اما رفتی تو ، اما رفتی
    I loved you, said that you just wanted me
    You said you would stay with me
    But you went away...but you went away

    اما رفتی تو بستی تو چشماتو قلبم می گیره
    But you went closed your eyes and my heart feels so sad

    یه روز بی تو و عشقت گوشة سینه می میره
    It will die one day in the corner of the chest without you and your love

    نذار بسته شه دفتر عشق من با تو
    Don't let the notebook of our love get closed
    یه روز می رسه
    یه روز می رسه دستامون دستای عشقو می گیره
    یه روز می رسه قلبامون واسة همدیگه می میره
    One day will come
    One day will come and our hands will hold the hands of love
    One day will come and our hearts will die for each other

    حالا بی تو خستم بگیر دستامو
    Now i'm tired without you..take my hands

    تو منو غرق بوسه کن
    Drown me with kisses

    از چشام بخون دوست دارم
    Read in my eyes that i love you

    می خوام باورت بشه
    I want you to believe it

    تنها تو رو دارم
    I just have you(u are my only one)

    بگو با منی هنوز
    Tell me you are still with me

    نگو از عشقم بسوز
    Don't say:burn in my love

    غصه دارم
    I'm sorrowful
    می دونم میای یه روز
    I know that you will come one day

    عشق موندگارم
    My eternity love