Asmaa Lmanawer - Rouh [album] 2010

Thread: Asmaa Lmanawer - Rouh [album] 2010

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  1. ellyali said:


    Quote Originally Posted by VivaPalestina View Post
    ghali wil 6alab ir5ees ya3tiki alf 3afye ya amar, kit kats jay 3al tari2
    What it means?
    I was going to my mind own business till I saw the word Kit Kat
  2. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Lol sweets no worries, I said:

    Quote Originally Posted by VivaPalestina View Post
    ghali wil 6alab ir5ees ya3tiki alf 3afye ya amar, kit kats jay 3al tari2
    Precious and your request is cheap God bless you (for the translations) ya gorgeous, kit kats coming right up
  3. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    احتويني//contain me

    احتويني//contain me (something like tace good care fo me)
    حس فيني//feel me
    واغضب احتاجب غضب//and get angry,i need with anger
    ومرة بضحك وعتب//and once with a laughter and reproach
    احتويني بالصدق//to contain me truthfully
    مادري الصراحة//i don't know frankly
    ياخي حتى بالكذب//even with a lie
    احتويني//contain me
    حسس الناس انك اجمل//make me feel like you're the most beautiful of all
    واني الحب العذب//and i love the torment
    وشبتخسر//and what would you lose
    لو تحس ولو احس//if i felt and you felt
    انك بدايات المحبة//you're the start of love
    وابتسامات الونس//and the smiles of amiability
    وفي غيابك//and in your absence
    او غيابي//or mine
    خل هالعالم تشوف//let this world see
    ان دايم مع بعضنا//that we're always together
    حتى في اوقات الغياب//even in torment times
    في تفاصيلي حبيبي//in my details Oh darling
    خلك الحاضر//be the present one
    وقلي الفين مرة//and tell me two thousand times
    هذا لاء//this is "no"
    وبس مرة//and only one
    قلي حاضر//tell me "ok"
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  4. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    ما يحتاج//it doesn't need

    ما يحتاج ذا كله//it doesn't need all that
    خل العند ذا خله//let the stubbornness be with it
    هذا قد عبر حله//..................................................
    واللي راح ماهو جاي//and what goes doesn't come back
    ما يحتاج نتباعد//it doesn't need that we get away from each other
    نحنا من وطن واحد//we're from one country
    ما فيك انت شي زايد//you have nothing more
    ما شي فوق راسك تاج//there is no crown on your head
    ما يحتاج تجرحنا//it doesn't need that you hurth us
    كلمة جبر تفرحنا//a word can satisfiy us
    وان زليت سامحنا//and if we were mistaken the forgive us
    شوف بعض القلوب زجاج//see,some hearts are made of glass
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  5. 1inamillion1 said:


    Thanks for all the translations!
    If anyone could possibly translate "Wail" I would be very grateful...
    I absolutely suck at Khaliji :-(
  6. aria22 said:

    Smile hey!!

    i am new here....i totaly love arabic music,can someone tranlate Najwa Karam Khelis El-Sahar song for me?? is very important for me to know the lyrics...thanks!!!
  7. 1inamillion1 said:


    Sorry to bug...but can anyone please translate Wael? :-)
  8. jnvlv247's Avatar

    jnvlv247 said:


    Yeah we still need

    Al Shibak
    Al 3afoo
    Al Kelma Al Helwa
    Sho Sawee
    Kel Ma Lama7tak
  9. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    shway shway 3a larosa guys she has exams
  10. 1inamillion1 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by VivaPalestina View Post
    shway shway 3a larosa guys she has exams
    oh haha ok sorry!
  11. jnvlv247's Avatar

    jnvlv247 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by jnvlv247 View Post
    Yeah we still need

    Al Shibak
    Al 3afoo
    Al Kelma Al Helwa
    Sho Sawee
    Kel Ma Lama7tak
    Waiting patiently
  12. jnvlv247's Avatar

    jnvlv247 said:


    Ahlan :d
  13. jnvlv247's Avatar

    jnvlv247 said:


  14. Gole Yas said:


    Larosa Goodluck.. well, everyone goodluck with exams..
    on the other hand i have nothing to do so here goes.........

    روح وفارقني يا عمي ماجاني منك الا همي
    rou7ou fargeny ya 3amy majany menak ila hamy
    Go and seperate yourself from me oh uncle, i got nothing from you except for worries
    *uncle referring to her loved one*

    وجع راس ومشاكل وفالمحبة ما انت يمي
    w ja3 rasou machakel w felma7abta nta yamey
    headaches, and problems, and in love you are not beside me

    تعبت أوضحلك شعوري وفحياتك وشهو دوري
    ta3ebta wad7alek ch3ourey w fa7yatek w chour doury
    i got tired from trying to explain my feelings to you, and what my role is in your life

    حتى في لحظة حضوري كل همك حرق دمي
    7atta fe la7zat 7adary kel hamek 7argedamy
    even in the moent of my presence, all you care about is making me mad

    وهذا حالك ما تغير دوم في وضعي مقصر
    w hada 7alek matghayer doum fe wad3ey magaseer
    and this is how you are, you didnt change, always having some shortcomings

    من عرفتك وانت تآمر وبس علي أنا أسمي
    men 3raftek wenta tamer w bass 3laya na esmee
    from the moment i knew you you always command me, and all i do is oblige

    أنا وانته حاله صعبه تختلف فينا المحبه
    ana wenta 7ala sa3ba t5telef fena elma7ba
    You and i are a difficult situation, love is different in the both of us

    وأدري قلبي هذا ذنبه فاختياره كان معمي
    w adrey galbey hada danba fe5htayara ken m3amey
    and i know this was my hearts fault because his choice was blinded

    ولا تزودها بملامك ويعلى صوتك بكلامك
    wala tzawedha bmalamak wy3al soutak bkelmek
    dont increase it with your blame and your loud voice

    أنا ماهمي خصامك مهما في شخصي تذمي
    ana mahamey 5hasamek mahma fe sha5hse tedmy
    i dont care about fighting with you no matter how much you judge me

    تعب قلبي ومل صبري ومعك ضاع العمر بدري
    te3b galby w mal sabre w ma3ak da3 el3oumar bdary
    my heart has tired, and i have no patience left, and with you i lost my life so early

    لا اضايق بعد صدري أنا والله نفذ حلمي
    la adeyg ba3d sadrey ana wallah nefad 7elmy

    قلبي بنيه حبك ما يبيك وعاف قربك
    galby benya 7abek mayabek w 3af garbek
    My heart honestly loves you, now it doesnt want you, its doesnt care about your presence

    بالسلامة هذا دربك لا تجي الحين ليي
    beslama hada darbek latiji el7en ley
    be safe, this is your path, dont come back to me
  15. Gole Yas said:


    ويل اللي عشق له شمس وينه عنها وهي وين
    Woe on he who fel in love with the sun, where is the sun and where is he
    شعاع يوصل لقلبي ومدري كيف ارقى لك
    Rays reach my heart and i dont know how to reach you
    ومالي غير ادفى بك ونورك كل صبح يبين
    And i have nothing other than to get warm by you, with your light shining every morning
    امانة لا نويت غروب ابفتح صدري منزالك
    Promise me, if ou wish to set, ill open my chest for you to set in it
    اشوفك مقدر احكي لك لكن في سواد العين
    I see you but cant talk to you, but in the Blackness of the eye..
    نور يضوي بحبك وعاشق يطلب وصالك
    Is a light bright with your love, and in it is a lover wishing for your reunion
    وصبري صبري من يرجيه عسى هذا الزمان يعين
    And my patience, who asks for my patience, maybe time might be a bit easier on him
    خايف لو حكى يندم ولو يسكت غدى هالك
    He fears if he speaks he’ll regret it (if patience speaks out), and if he stays quiet nothing wil ever happen
    ابد لا ما حسبت العمر كثر اللي مضى بسنين
    No, i never counted life by the going years
    حسبته بضحكتك, حكيّك, وحلم بلحظة قبالك
    I counted it with your laughs, your talk, and the dream of meeting you for one moment
    صحيت ونامت أحلام المسا وشفت الحقيقة زين
    I woke up and my dreams went to bed, and i saw the truth
    عرفت انك هنا لحالك تعيش في قلبي لحالك
    I found out that you are here alone, living in my heart alone
  16. Gole Yas said:


    كل ما لمحتك
    Every time i see you
    انا كل ما لمحتك قلت يا ربي عساني ما اختلف ويبان في عيني
    Every time i see you i say Oh God, i wish to never change and that it shows in my eyes
    تجيني بكل برود الكون وتسلم, يصافحك الحكي كله بيديني
    You come to me with all the patience and you greet me, my words appear in the shake of the hand
    احبك, اعشقك لو كانت تكفي غيري في الغلا, لا ما تكفيني
    I love you, i adore you, if in love its enough for someone, its not enough for me
    انا لو ما كتبتك فوق في شموسي والبسك النجوم اللي تضويني
    If i hadn’t written you above in my suns and i let you wear the stars that brighten my night
    انا لو ما عطيتك عمري لك كله وسكنت في كل لحظة حب في سنيني
    If i hadn’t given you my whole life, and made you live in every moment of love in my life
    اكون مقصر في حقي قبل حقك يا ليتك مثل ما اعطيك تعطيني
    i wouldnt have given myself enough nor you enough, i wish you give me like i give you
  17. Gole Yas said:


    الكلمة الحلوة
    The sweet word
    الكلمة الحلوة قلناها
    We said the sweet word
    وبقلب صافي جيناها
    And we came at it with a pure heart
    وصدت عنا وقالت
    She repelled and said
    وشتبي فينا؟
    What do you want from us?
    ما بقى شي ما سويته
    There nothing i didnt do
    هو الغلطان وراضيته
    He makes mistakes and i go to please him/to make it better
    فوق هذا كله يتغلى
    And on top of all this he acts like a snob
    ما يحس فينا؟
    He doesnt feel for us
    انا كل شي ما همني
    I care for nothing
    هذا وانت ظالمني
    While your the one who was unjust to me
    باجيك انا واسامح
    Ill come and forgive
    بانسى اللي سويته
    Ill forget what you did
    وين الكلمة اللي ترضيهم؟
    Where is the word that pleases them?
    وتفرحني لما اجيهم؟
    That makes me happy when i come to them?
    وتخلي ايديني بايديهم
    That keeps my hands in theirs?
    ما يتركوني؟
    And they dont leave me?
    ارضيهم دايم واتعنى
    I always please them and suffer
    ودي وياهم اتهنى
    I wish i’d be happy with them
    تعبت انا احلم واتمنى
    I got tired of dreaming and wishing
    لو يسعدوني
    If only they’d make me happy
    وانت يا عمري وينك
    And where are you my love
    محتاج اشوف عينك
    I need to see your eyes
    يالله عطني ايدينك
    Come on give me your hands
    الشوق لك خبيته
    I hid the love for you
  18. Gole Yas said:


    The window
    أشوفك والندى دمع يبلل وجنة الشباك
    I see you, and the dew is like tears making the window wet
    تشاور لي تعال ادفى بحضني عن براد الشوق
    You point out telling me to come to you to get warm from the coldness of the yearning
    ولا مني مسحت دموع شباكي وعجزت القاك
    And when i swept away the tears of my window i couldnt find you
    احس من البراد ان الجزاز بعبرته مخنوق
    From the coldness i feel that the glass is suffocating
    واحس اني مع نفسي ونفسي تحسني وياك
    And i feel that i am with my self, and my self feels that im with you
    وادور عني وعنك ولا القانا واناظر فوق
    And i look for myself and you, and i dont find us, and i look above
    غدين القاك والقاني ورا نجم بعيد هناك
    Then i see you and i, behind the stars far away
    وادنق والسما غير الكواكب ما بدا مخلوق
    I look closely, and in the sky there is nothing other than the planets
    وحشني وجهك اللي في صورك اشوفه بلياك
    I miss your face that i see in your picture, but i dont see you in real
    تعبت اقرا تعابير عجزت اسمع لها منطوق
    I got tired of reading expressions, tired of listening to what they have to say
    عطشتك وانت قدامي ولكن ما قدرت ارواك
    I got thirsty for you while your infront of me, but i couldnt have a drink from you
    شربتك حلم من ياسي عشان اروي جفاف عروق
    I drank you as a dream of my desperation, so i can feed my dry veins
    مع انك رحت ولا يمكن ترد, تصدق استناك؟
    Though you went and would never come back, do you believe that im wiating?
    واحس بنفسي لوصلك وهو ماهو بصاير توق
    And i feel myself reaching you, and its nothing but yearning
    ولا شفت الندى دمع يبلل وجنة الشباك
    And if i see the dew like tears making the window wet
    تخيلتك وراه وحاجبك عني ظما بشوق
    I imagined you behind it, and you feel thirsty for love
  19. Gole Yas said:


    العفو دام العفو للمقتدر
    Forgive me, for, forgiveness is for the competent
    قدرك ربي على قلب يبيك
    God willed you for a heart that wants you
    اما يذبحني جميلك وتغفر
    Either your good doings kill me, and you forgive me
    ولا انا ذابحني ذنبي قبل اجيك
    Or my guilt kills me on my way to you
    انت ياللي اوسع الدنيا صدر
    You who has an open heart
    احلى من الاحباب لا جيت ارتجيك
    Better than the loved ones if i come begging you
    ما عرفتك لين فقدانك قهر
    I didnt know you up until losing you made me angry
    لين صارت كل اسألتي عليك
    And all my questions revolved around you
    العناد اللي ملكني والكبر
    The stubbornness and pride that took over me
    كذبتيني عنك وقلبي مشتهيك
    They made me disbelieve you, while my heart wanted you
    جيتك آسف كلي يمك منكسر
    I came to you, sorry, broken beside you
    لمني بحضنك وقل لي ما عليك
    Hold me in your embrace and tell me “dont worry about it”
    صاحبي ما عن دروبي لك مفر
    My friend, you have no escape from my path
    سبت لك عمري وتركته في يديك
    I left you my heart, keeping it within your hands
    قلبي مل من الجفا وجيت اعتذر
    My heart got bored from the coldness, and i came to apologize
    لا تعاتب من فقدك وحس فيك
    Dont blame me upon your loss
  20. Gole Yas said:


    Means something like “I inform you” .. like, “For your info... this n this happened”
    ابشرك قلبي صحى من آخر جروحك وفاق
    For your info, my heart woke up from your last wounds, its awaken
    ابشرك عمري بدا ما عاد يعنيني الفراق
    For your info, my life started, separation doesnt matter to me anymore
    تبي تروح الله يسهل لك دروبك روح عني
    You want to leave? May God make your journey easy, go away from me
    انا بديت اشعر بنفسي وصار قلبي جزء مني
    I started to feel for myself, and my heart became a part of me
    وين ذاك اللي تعرفه وكان عندك
    Where is he who you once knew? Who was with you?
    يعني تحسب عمري كله ضاع بعدك
    You think that my whole life is lost after you!
    ابشرك قلبي نصفني وصار ضدك
    For your info, my heart became just and is opposing you
    ايه اخيراً صرت احس بطعم هالدنيا بلاك
    Yes, finally i started to feel the taste of this life without you
    حيل فارق عمري في قربك وعمري مو معاك
    (the taste of life) detached itself from my life when i was with you, and now my life is not with you anymore
    اشكر جروحك تعلمت الكثير
    I thank your wounds; i learned a lot
    تدري ان الجرح ما يعرف كبير
    You know that the wound doesnt know the big from the small
    هذا انا وياك والجرح الاخير
    Now this is you and i, with the last wound