Kazzem El Sahir - Ghalia

Thread: Kazzem El Sahir - Ghalia

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  1. hos02 said:

    Smile Kazzem El Sahir - Ghalia

    Hello, could someone please help me translate Kazzem's song "Ghalia" into english. If somone could help me, it would be much appreciated. Thank you

    Here is a youtube link of the song with arabic lyrics:
  2. Gole Yas said:


    غالية غالية
    Precious, precious
    زعلان مني اراضيه
    If she’s upset from me, I’d make it up to her
    زعلان مني اراضيه
    If she’s upset from me, I’d make it up to her
    مالامست بايدك شعرى
    You didn’t touch my hair with your hands
    ولااخترت ثيابي ولاعطري
    Neither did you chose my clothes or perfume
    ولاقلت احبك ياعمري
    And you didn’t say I love you my love
    غالية غالية
    Precious, precious
    اجمل مابالكون عيني انا وهالمجنون
    The most beautiful thing in this world oh my eyes, is me and this crazy person
    دادا انا وهالمجنون اجمل مابالكون
    Me and this crazy person, are the most beautiful thing in this world
    من نظرة العيون عيني من نظرة
    From one look from the eye, just one look
    دادا اتفاهم وياه من نظرة العيون
    I am in understanding with him, from one look from the eyes
    يزعل مني ويبعد عني وبعد شوية تشوفه بحضني
    He becomes displeased of me and goes away from me, and in a little while you see him in my embrace
    يبوس راسي وايدي وخدي يصالحني ويطلب ودي
    He kisses my head and hand and cheek, makes it up to me and asks for my gratification
    الله كم طيب وحنون
    Oh God, how she’s kind and tenderhearted
    شوف الشمس تريد تنام
    Look the sun wants to sleep
    تعالي اسمعك احلى كلام
    Come ill make you hear the most beautiful words
    لاحلى حبيبة واحلى غرام
    For the most beautiful lover and most beautiful love
    مثل رموش العين
    Like the eye lashes
    نتحاضن كل لحظتين
    Me embrace every moment
    يحمينا الله قولوا آمين
    May God protect us, say Amen
    متراضين ومتصابرين
    In consent and patience
  3. hos02 said:

