sinan sakic Umrecu s osmehom

Thread: sinan sakic Umrecu s osmehom

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  1. dimitrisdany said:

    Question sinan sakic Umrecu s osmehom

    translate please this song. thank you
  2. TheSerbianhoney's Avatar

    TheSerbianhoney said:


    Jos se nisam skrasio / I still haven't settled down
    jos po svetu lutam sam / I'm still wandering around the world all by myself
    u svakoj sam tebe trazio / I looked for you in every girl
    ali ti si jedna, znam / But you're the only one, I know

    Jos se nisam resio / I still haven't decided
    gde i s kim da stvorim dom / Where and with whom to make a home
    i jos placam sto sam gresio / And I'm still paying for my mistakes
    pa nisam u srcu tvom / Because of them I'm not in your heart

    Ljubavi, da ti se izvinem ne umem / My love, I don't know how to apologize to you
    jos jedna zelja osta mi / I have only one wish left
    da te vidim pa da umrem / To see you, and then to die

    Ref. 2x
    Umrecu s osmehom na tvojim rukama / I'll die with a smile while I'm in your arms
    umrecu s osmehom necu u suzama / I'll die with a smile, not in tears
    ne zalim zivot svoj sta cu na svetu tom / I'm not longing to live, why to stay in this world
    kad nisam sa tobom, nek me nema / When I'm not with you, I should be gone

    Jos se nisam skrasio / I still haven't settled down
    nigde trag ne ostavljam / I leave my marks nowhere
    gde samog sam sebe kaznio / How could I punish myself like this
    da bez tebe starim sam / And now I'm growing old without you, alone

    I jos nisam nestao / And I still haven't disappeared
    jos u oku cuvam sjaj / I still keep a glitter in my eye
    da te volim nisam prestao / I haven't stopped loving you
    zivim za tvoj zagrljaj / I'm living to hold you

    Ljubavi, da ti se izvinem ne umem / My love, I don't know how to apologize to you
    jos jedna zelja osta mi / I have only one wish left
    da te vidim pa da umrem / To see you, and then to die