Majid Al Mohandes - Omy Heya El Watan / ماجد المهندس - أمي هي الوطن

Thread: Majid Al Mohandes - Omy Heya El Watan / ماجد المهندس - أمي هي الوطن

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  1. aengli said:

    Default Majid Al Mohandes - Omy Heya El Watan / ماجد المهندس - أمي هي الوطن

    Could anybody please do a translation for this song in english.
  2. Gole Yas said:


    أمي هي الوطن
    My mother is the homeland

    وإنتا يا وطني أمي
    And you - my homeland - are my mother

    أبقول لك لبيه
    I will tell you “your wish is my command:

    وأقول يا يمه سمي
    And say “oh mother, command me”

    وطني يا أمي حبك بدمي
    Oh mother my homeland (referring to his mom), your love is in my blood

    يا نبض القلب ويا حضن الأمان
    Oh you the heart beat, and the embrace of safety

    يا مهبط رأسي
    Oh my motherland

    وانتي فوق راسي
    While your over my head (meaning watching over me)

    لو أبعد عنك بأقصى البلدان
    If I go far from your I’d search the countries

    لاتباهى فيك
    I’d brag about you

    لاجاء طاريك
    When you are mentioned

    لأطلق لشعوري كل العنان
    I’d put my all in showing my feelings

    قالوا صحارى إنتي الحضارة
    They said deserts, you are the civilization

    يكفيك بعيني كل الجنان
    Its enough that in my eyes, you define all the gardens of Eden

    أمي هي الوطن
    My mother is the homeland

    وإنتا يا وطني أمي
    And you - my homeland - are my mother

    أبقول لك لبيه
    I will tell you “your wish is my command:

    وأقول يا يمه سمي
    And say “oh mother, command me”

    عشنا في ظلك شلون ما نبرك
    We lived in your shadow, how can we not honor/take care of you

    ناتي لك نحبي وبكل امتنان
    We come to you crawling with all gratitude

    حنا خدامك / دايم قدامك
    We are your servants, always in front of you

    وبكل وقت وبأي مكان
    At every time, and in every place

    ياطيبك جارة صرتي المنارة
    Oh what a kind neighbor you are, you became like a lighthouse

    من بغى عزك ملفى وعنوان
    To who wanted your glory, a safe house, or an address

    وجهي لبيته ربي رجيته
    With my face towards his house, I ask God

    ترعاها في حبك يارحمن
    To take care of her in your love Oh Merciful

    لاتباهى فيك
    I’d brag about you

    لاجاء طاريك
    When you are mentioned

    لأطلق لشعوري كل العنان
    I’d put my all in showing my feelings

    يا مهبط رأسي
    Oh my motherland

    وانتي فوق راسي
    While your over my head (meaning watching over me)

    لو أبعد عنك بأقصى البلدان
    If I go far from your I’d search the countries

    وطني يا أمي حبك بدمي
    Oh mother my homeland (referring to his mom), your love is in my blood

    يا نبض القلب ويا حضن الأمان
    Oh you the heart beat, and the embrace of safety

    وجهي لبيته ربي رجيته
    With my face towards his house, I ask God

    ترعاها في حبك يارحمن
    To take care of her in your love Oh Merciful
  3. aengli said:


  4. Gole Yas said:


    your very welcome