greek song translation needed

Thread: greek song translation needed

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  1. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:

    Cool greek song translation needed

    "Aspra Karavia" composed by Iannis Spanos:

    I have the greek words, but need a translation in english.
    I do read greek , but understand too little of it.

    Aspra karavia ta onira mas
    gia kapio podino gialo
    aspra karavia ta onira mas

    tha kovun dromo ki ena dromo
    muristiko ki efodiasto
    tha kovun dromo ki ena dromo.......


    efgaristo poli!

    Sorry, don't have a greek keyboard.
  2. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:

    Cool song translation needed

    This is a song I'd like to sing, but a translation into english would help to learn it easier.

    The name of the song is IDANIKOS KI ANAXIOS ERASTIS by Nikos Kabbadia

    I have the song on a record of Iannii Spanos, vinylrecord(!), my passion and the records' name is

    Can anyone help?
  3. catherini's Avatar

    catherini said:


    Aspra Karavia - translation taken from

    White boats will be our dreams
    sailing towards a rosy shore
    white boats will be our dreams
    They'll cut a route and a pathway
    a fragrant and sweet scented route
    they'll cut a route and a pathway

    And high above illuminating us
    will be the moon the pale moon
    and high above illuminating us
    And they'll be sailing, oh our joy
    directly towards the rosy shore
    white boats will be our dreams.
  4. catherini's Avatar

    catherini said:


    Lyrics and translation also taken from


    θα μείνω πάντα ιδανικός κι ανάξιος εραστής
    των μακρυσμένων ταξιδιών και των γαλάζιων πόντων,
    και θα πεθάνω μια βραδιά σαν όλες τις βραδιές,
    χωρίς να σχίσω τη θολή γραμμή των οριζόντων.

    Για το Μαδράς τη Σιγκαπούρ τ' Αλγέρι και το Σφαξ
    θ' αναχωρούν σαν πάντοτε περήφανα τα πλοία,
    κι εγώ σκυφτός σ' ένα γραφείο με χάρτες ναυτικούς,
    θα κάνω αθροίσεις σε χοντρά λογιστικά βιβλία.

    Θα πάψω πια για μακρινά ταξίδια να μιλώ,
    οι φίλοι θα νομίζουνε πως τα 'χω πια ξεχάσει,
    κι η μάνα μου χαρούμενη θα λέει σ' όποιον ρωτά:
    "Ήταν μια λόξα νεανική, μα τώρα έχει περάσει"

    Μα ο εαυτός μου μια βραδιά εμπρός μου θα υψωθεί
    και λόγο ως ένας δικαστής στυγνός θα μου ζητήσει,
    κι αυτό το ανάξιο χέρι μου που τρέμει θα οπλιστεί,
    θα σημαδέψει κι άφοβα το φταίχτη θα χτυπήσει.

    Κι εγώ που τόσο επόθησα μια μέρα να ταφώ
    σε κάποια θάλασσα βαθειά στις μακρινές Ινδίες,
    θα 'χω ένα θάνατο κοινό και θλιβερό πολύ
    και μια κηδεία σαν των πολλών ανθρώπων τις κηδείες

    Ideal and worthless lover

    I will stay always an ideal and worthless lover
    of distant travels and blue seas,
    and I will die one night as all the other nights,
    without threading the misty line of the horizons.

    For Madras, Singapore, Algeria and Sfax,
    will deport as always the proud ships,
    and I, bent over a desk with nautical maps,
    I will add up sums in thick accounting books.

    I will stop talking about far travels,
    my friends will think that I have finally forgotten them,
    and my mother, happy, will tell to anyone who asks,
    "It was a youthful craziness, but now it has passed".

    But one night my self in front of me will rise,
    And like a ferocious judge will ask me to apologize,
    and this worthless hand of mine that shakes, will get armed,
    it will take aim and fearless will hit the culprit.

    And I, that so much desired to be buried one day,
    in a deep sea of the farfetched Indies,
    I will have a common and very sad death,
    and a funeral like the funerals of many people.
  5. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:

    Talking Iassou Catherini

    Efgaristo as you are so fast! I love these songs and heard them on Euboia, where I was singing for a while.
    If I have more questions, I'll certainly send them!

    Kali nixtas sas!
  6. catherini's Avatar

    catherini said:


    You are welcome Amaryn