Idan Rachiel

Thread: Idan Rachiel

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  1. yodelinged said:

    Default Idan Rachiel

    If someone can please translate one of the most moving and saddest songs I have ever heard?

    I would like to subtitle a video i have based on this song.

    If you could kindly provide the translation the following format, i would be immensely grateful! :

    מנסה בדרך אחרת
    Menasa bederech acheret
    Trying in a different way
    לקבל את מה שאתה
    Lekabel et ma she'ata
    To accept what you are
    ומה שהפכנו להיות
    Vema shehafachnu lihyot
    And what we've come to be

    Have a beautiful and kind night and thanks immensily in advance...

    - Yodelinged

    P.S. I will repost the final subtitled video on this thread
  2. 1inamillion1 said:


    I'm sorry but this was a bit too hard for me...I don't think you should use my translation because there are a lot of mistakes...this is just to give you an idea of what the song is about
    Hopefully Rose or one of the other experts can fix up my work!
    Sorry once again...sometimes it's just too hard for me to translate between two languages! :-(

    כי בלילות שנתך נודדת
    Because at night your sleep wanders
    וכל חלום הוא למורא
    And every dream is for terror
    תטי אז את אוזנך לשקט
    Divert, then, your ear to the silence
    כל חסד רחמים
    All kindness and mercy
    עוד יעלה, הנה הוא בא
    It will still rise, here it comes

    כי בשבילו נפשך נשמרת
    Because for him, your spirit is guarded
    הרי קרבה היא השעה
    Indeed the hour is close
    עד ששדוד בזרועותייך
    Until robbed in your arms
    ייפול בסוף הדרך
    It will fall at the end of the journey
    כשישובו לגבולם
    When they return to their borders

    רק מנעי קולך מבכי
    Only preventing your voice from crying
    ועינייך מדמעה
    And your eyes from tears
    כי השער ייפתח לו
    Because the gate will open for him
    ויבוא בו בסערה
    And will come to him in a storm
    כשישובו לגבולם
    When they return to their borders

    עד אל נחלי המים
    Until the streams of water
    דרך שארית כוחך
    The remaining journey of your power
    אם ישיבנו אז נשובה
    If they return to us, then we'll return it? ( =s =s =s )
    מנעי קולך מבכי
    Preventing your voice from crying
    יש תקווה לאחריתך
    There's hope for your end

    רק מנעי קולך...
    Only preventing your voice...
  3. yodelinged said:


    1inaMillion, thanks so much for helping me out with all the translation work...

    Dont fret about it , bro

    I really am grateful for all the GREAT translations you've given me !

    Kudos to you and have a great week ahead of you
