copilu de aur - doare ce rau doare

Thread: copilu de aur - doare ce rau doare

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  1. moldoveanu's Avatar

    moldoveanu said:

    Talking copilu de aur - doare ce rau doare

    can someone translate into english please ?
  2. baby_girl_'s Avatar

    baby_girl_ said:


    Doare, ce rau doare / It hurts so bad

    De cand ne-am despartit nu stiu / Ever since we broke up
    Om daca am sa mai fiu / I don't know if I'll ever be human again
    Goala imi este viata / My life is so empty
    Nu mai simt prezenta ta / I no longer feel your presence

    Cu ochii inchisi imi amintesc / I close my eyes and I remember
    Tot ce a fost eu iar traiesc / I live again what we had
    In toate clipele cu tine / All the moments that I spent with you
    Te-am invatat numai de bine / I taught you only the best

    Doare, ce rau doare / It hurts, it hurts so bad
    Amintirile ma dor si simt ca mor / All the memories are so painful and I feel like dying
    Ma seaca, of la inima m-ai secat / They dried me out, oh you've dried my heart
    Ai luat ceva din mine cand ai plecat X2 / When you went away, you took something from me

    As da timpul inapoi / I would turn back time
    Sa fim din nou amandoi / just to be together again
    Ne-ntelegeam foarte bine / We were getting along so well
    Dar tu ai profitat de mine / but you took advantage of me

    Am renuntat, am renuntat / I've given up, I've given up
    Chiar si de mine am uitat / I've even forgotten about me
    Anii ce noi i-am petrecut / The years that we've spent
    Multi ani din viata i-am pierdut / I've lost so many years of my life

    Doare, ce rau doare / It hurts, it hurts so bad
    Amintirile ma dor si simt ca mor / All the memories are so painful and I feel like dying
    Ma seaca, of la inima m-ai secat / They dried me out, oh you've dried my heart
    Ai luat ceva din mine cand ai plecat X2 / When you went away, you took something from me