Horal by Leon Gieco short one trans to enlgish pls

Thread: Horal by Leon Gieco short one trans to enlgish pls

Tags: spanish to english
  1. lakerats said:

    Default Horal by Leon Gieco short one trans to enlgish pls

    El mar se mide por olas
    el cielo por alas
    nosotros por lágrimas
    El aire descansa en las hojas
    el agua en los ojos
    nosotros en nada
    Parece que sales y soles
    nosotros y nada
    El mar se mide por olas
    el cielo por alas
    nosotros por lágrimas
    El aire descansa en las hojas
    el agua en los ojos
    nosotros en nada
    Parece que sales y soles
    nosotros y nada.
    Lance of Rockn' R River Rentals
  2. Billy Spleen said:



    El mar se mide por las olas
    sea is measured for waves
    el cielo por alas
    heaven for wings
    nosotros por lágrimas
    we for tears
    El aire descansa en las hojas
    The air resting on leaves
    el agua en los ojos
    water on eyes
    nosotros en nada
    we in nothing.
    Parece que sales y soles (esto no se entiende muy bien xD)
    It seems like you go out and suns
    Nosotros y nada
    we and nothing.

    x2 (The same again
  3. lakerats said:


    what the hell does that mean lol.... thanks for translation
    Lance of Rockn' R River Rentals
  4. Erito said:


    for me it seems like poetry

    you don't see this everyday on a song well I did a little research about him and it seems all of their songs are like that
  5. bedroomeyes's Avatar

    bedroomeyes said:


    Some of it doesn't make sense in English because the Spanish omits words. For example, at the beginning it says: The sea is measured by waves, the heavens [are measured] by wings and so forth.
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