Nicoleta guta - doar langa tine

Thread: Nicoleta guta - doar langa tine

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  1. moldoveanu's Avatar

    moldoveanu said:

    Red face Nicoleta guta - doar langa tine

    can someone translate into english please ?
  2. Lady_A said:


    Doar langa tine - Only by your side

    Tu ii oferi in orice zi
    Everyday you give to my heart
    Dragoste si fericire inimii
    Love and happiness
    La fel si eu o sa fac mereu
    I will always do the same
    Jur ca ma simt cel mai bine cand esti tu in jurul meu
    I swear I feel best when you're around me

    Un minut, o ora, sau o zi
    A minute, a hour, or a day
    Fara tine tare greu mi-ar fi
    Would be very hard without you

    Doar langa tine doar eu simt viata si dulceata, ce mi le oferi
    Only by your side I feel the life and the sweetness you give me
    Doar fercire si iubire la fel ca si ieri
    Only happiness and love just like yesterday

    Zi de zi cu tine voi fi
    I will be with you every single day
    Toata viata langa tine as trai
    I would live my whole life by your side
    La nici un pas nu am sa te las
    I will be there every step of the way
    La cat te iubesc pe tine moare lumea de necaz
    People envy the great love I have for you

    Un minut, o ora, sau o zi
    A minute, a hour, or a day
    Fara tine tare greu mi-ar fi
    Would be very hard without you

    Doar langa tine doar eu simt viata si dulceata, ce mi le oferi
    Only by your side I feel the life and the sweetness you give me
    Doar fercire si iubire la fel ca si ieri
    Only happiness and love just like yesterday

    Tu ii oferi in orice zi
    Everyday you give to my heart
    Dragoste si fericire inimii
    Love and happiness
    La fel si eu o sa fac mereu
    I will always do the same
    Jur ca ma simt cel mai bine cand esti tu in jurul meu
    I swear I feel best when you're around me

    Zi de zi cu tine voi fi
    I will be with you every single day
    Toata viata langa tine as trai
    I would live my whole life by your side
    La nici un pas nu am sa te las
    I will be there every step of the way
    La cat te iubesc pe tine moare lumea de necaz
    People envy the great love I have for you

    Chorus x 2