Ayam El Loulou - Elie Chwairi

Thread: Ayam El Loulou - Elie Chwairi

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  1. Keefek said:

    Default Ayam El Loulou - Elie Chwairi

    I absolutely love this song, Elie sings it, but I can't find it. I heard the song through this video and I love it, if someone could translate it into arabic-english aka latin letters for me, that would be awesome. Thank you so much.

  2. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    lyrics from me

    ayam elloulou shou halleloulou
    shou rashou mlabbas ya eini shou zayyanou lou
    baram edoulab we ghab
    reje3 we wa2af 3albab
    da2da2 ya rabbi shou da2da2 ma fata7oolou

    wein elli kanou 7abayeb zaman
    sa2al 3layhon ahl we jiran
    2aloulou tarkou dawali
    we sakanou be 2sour we 3alali
    wellayl btoulou yendah ya loulou
    yendah ya rabbi shou byendah ma fata7oulou

    men youm fra2ak ya waldi bayen hawahon
    we 3al ward wel yasamin nesyou yalli bakkahon
    ro7 fi sabilak ya waladi wer7am zamanak
    la henne dawak fel hawa we la ente dawahon

    mahma yloumouni ellaymin
    3an 7obou we ahlou la7lof yamin
    sadda2na we 2elna 7abbouna
    youm elli rja3na ba3ouna
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  3. Keefek said:


    Thank you very much, I very much appreciate it....
  4. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me