Majid Al-Muhandis - Mawal Wa6an

Thread: Majid Al-Muhandis - Mawal Wa6an

Tags: al-muhandis, majid, mawal, wa6an, watan
  1. jbutl16's Avatar

    jbutl16 said:

    Default Majid Al-Muhandis - Mawal Wa6an

    So apparently, I'm in a Majid Al-Muhandis mood this week. This particular song is pretty sad, but his pronunciation is sooo good! Anyways, I had a little bit of trouble with this one, still trying to figure out the Iraqi dialect, but I love it so far. I've translated "wa6an" as "home" since I thought it flowed better than "homeland". I couldn't figure out a few lines, and I'm sure that I misinterpreted a few, soo pleaseeeeeeee, correct whatever's wrong. I particularly had some troubles with the end.

    ماجد المهندس ‎- موال وطن

    والله لا ابني لك وطن
    I swear, I will build a home for you
    من عيوني من شجوني واجعل احساسي شجن
    From my eyes, from my sorrows. And I'll regard my feelings as anxiety.
    تركع الغربه وهم
    The exile kneels in illusion
    بعزم الله لا ابني لك وطن
    With the will of God, I will build a home for you
    من ضوء عيوني انور لك طريق
    From the light of my eyes, I'll illuminate the path for you.
    لا تخاف وانا بالغربه صديق
    Don't be afraid. For I'm a friend, in exile
    خلي راسك عالي وبعلو الغيوم
    Keep your head raised and in the heights of the clouds
    كون اقوى وارتفع فوق الهموم
    Be stronger, and rise above your worries

    كون صوت دجله والفرات
    Be the sound of the Tigris and the Euphrates
    كون معنى الحب في هذي الحياه
    Be the meaning of love in this life
    كون انت وبس انت
    Be you, and only you
    واترك الباقي عليا
    And leave the rest to me
    امسح دموعك بديا اذا عيونك دمعن
    I'll wipe your tears with my hands if your eyes are crying
    ادري ماكو بالدنيا عوض
    I know there's nothing in the world that could substitute
    عن وطن عايش بدمك ولا احن من صدر امك
    The home that is living in your blood, nor the loving chest of your mother
    شقد حضنت اطفال اختك
    How many times have you embraced your sister's children?
    شقد ضاقت بيك ولا رضيت
    How many times have you been depressed, but you were never satisfied
    شقد حزنت وما بكيت
    How many have mourned and not cried?
    تدري ليش ...ليـــــــــش
    You know why... Why
    لاني الك اكبر وطن
    Because I'm the greatest home for you
    Last edited by jbutl16; 02-13-2011 at 02:13 AM.
  2. rere99's Avatar

    rere99 said:


    wow great job!
    here is some simple corrections

    تركع الغربه وهم
    The expatriation kneels in illusion
    لا تخاف وانا بالغربه صديق
    Don't be afraid. For I'm in the expatriation a friend

    ادري ماكو بالدنيا عوض
    I know there's nothing in the world that could substitute
    عن وطن عايش بدمك ولا احن من صدر امك
    The home that is living in your blood, nor the loving chest of your mother
    شقد حضنت اطفال اختك
    How many times have you embraced your sister's children
    شقد ضاقت بيك ولا رضيت
    How many times has it became narrow on you (have you been depressed) but you never were satisfied

    This part it has a mistake in the Arabic lyrics I think that’s why you translated it this why

    لاني الك اكبر وطن
    Because I’m the greatest home for you.
  3. jbutl16's Avatar

    jbutl16 said:


    Ahhhhhh! Thanks so much for the corrections. I changed expatriation to exile since I think it sounds a little less political. And thanks again! It's people like you that help me improve my Arabic every day. ; )
  4. rere99's Avatar

    rere99 said:


    You are welcome
    Glad I was able to help!
  5. Keefek said:


    Can this be translate with the latin letters so that I can make sure I'm pronouncing the words right?

