As nobody translated that wonderful ballade, I decided to do it.

Trayana - Sviknala sum

1.Tolkova lyubovi prezhivyah,
i vinagi savzemah se sled tyah,
no tova s teb raznishti me!
Tolkova ranyavana ne byah,
no tolkova absurdno tvoya byah,
che bez teb ne znaya na kade!

Sviknala sam ulichnitsa da me narichash,
sviknala sam parvo udryash posle obichash,
sviknala sam drugite si da ne otrichash,
luda li sam, luda li sam!
Sviknala sam s taya moya bolka golyama
i dnes me boli ot tova che ya nyama,
nyama te i kak da disham, nyamam predstava,
luda li sam, luda li sam!

2.Tolkova vazmozhnosti ubih
ima s koy, no s nikoy drug ne bih,
a vseki drug e po-dobar ot teb!
Tolkova ranyavana ne byah,
a da me ranyavash iskam pak,
moeto ne znam lyubov li e!

Trayana - I've used to

1.So many lovers I went through
and I was always recovering after them
but the one with you finished me off
I've never been so wounded
But I was so crazy being yours
And now without you I don't know where to go

I've used you to call me a tramp
I've used to - first you hit, then you love
I've used you not to deny your another women
Am I crazy, am I crazy
I've used to with that large pain
And today it hurts me, because it's (the pain) gone
You're gone and I don't know how to breath
Am I crazy, am I crazy

2.I killed so many posibilities
There is who to be with, but I wouldn't
although any other guy is better than you
I've never been so wounded
but I want you to wound me again
I don't know if I could call that love