Hebrew Song about Brazil

Thread: Hebrew Song about Brazil

Tags: brazil, hebrew, rio de janeiro, samba, song
  1. shira-1000 said:

    Default Hebrew Song about Brazil

    I just heard a Hebrew song on Radio Kol Halev which had the words "Rio de Janeiro", "Samba" and various other familiar words which, of course, mean it's about Brazil! I could not catch the title, or the artist, but it was a man singing it (I think!!).

    If anyone could help me locate the title/artist, I'll see if it's been translated here. If not, I'll be back once I have a title/lyrics!

    PS-I know there are other songs about Brazil, and I'd welcome any titles. There is one by Gali Atari called "Rio de Janeiro" which is not the one I am looking for.
  2. mrunderhill said:

    Default Maybe Bo Lerio?

    It's the second half of this:
