Starry starry night

Thread: Starry starry night

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  1. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:

    Default Starry starry night

    Could someone please translate to romanian with diacritics? thanks

    Starry, starry night
    Paint your palette blue and grey
    Look out on a summer’s day
    With eyes that know the darkness in my soul

    Shadows on the hills
    Sketch the trees and the daffodils
    Catch the breeze and the winter chills
    In colours on the snowy linen land

    Now I understand
    What you tried to say to me
    And how you suffered for your sanity
    And how you tried to set them free
    They would not listen, they did not know how
    Perhaps they’ll listen now

    Starry, starry night
    Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
    Swirling clouds in violet haze
    Reflect in Vincent’s eyes of china blue

    Colours changing hue
    Morning fields of amber grain
    Weathered faces lined in pain
    Are soothed beneath the artist’s loving hand

    Now I understand
    What you tried to say to me
    And how you suffered for your sanity
    And how you tried to set them free
    They would not listen, they did not know how
    Perhaps they’ll listen now

    For they could not love you
    But still, your love was true
    And when no hope was left inside
    On that starry, starry night
    You took your life, as lovers often do
    But I could have told you, Vincent
    This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you

    Starry, starry night
    Portraits hung in empty halls
    Frameless heads on nameless walls
    With eyes that watch the world and can’t forget
    Like the strangers that you’ve met
    The ragged men in ragged clothes
    The silver thorn, a bloody rose
    Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow

    Now I think I know
    What you tried to say to me
    And how you suffered for your sanity
    And how you tried to set them free
    They would not listen, they’re not listening still
    Perhaps they never will
  2. baby_girl_'s Avatar

    baby_girl_ said:


    Starry starry night / Noapte înstelată

    Starry, starry night / Noapte înstelată
    Paint your palette blue and grey / colorează-ţi paleta în albastru şi gri
    Look out on a summer’s day / Priveşte înspre o zi de vară
    With eyes that know the darkness in my soul / cu ochi ce cunosc întunericul din sufletul meu

    Shadows on the hills / Umbre pe dealuri
    Sketch the trees and the daffodils / conturează copacii şi narcisele
    Catch the breeze and the winter chills / Prind briza şi frisoanele iernii
    In colours on the snowy linen land / în culori, pe terenul acoperit de o lenjerie de zăpadă

    Now I understand / Acum înţeleg
    What you tried to say to me / tot ceea ce ai încercat să îmi spui
    And how you suffered for your sanity / Cât ai suferit pentru sănătatea ta
    And how you tried to set them free / şi cât ai încercat să le eliberezi
    They would not listen, they did not know how / N-au vrut să asculte, n-au ştiut cum
    Perhaps they’ll listen now / Poate o vor face acum

    Starry, starry night / Noapte înstelată
    Flaming flowers that brightly blaze / Flori în flăcări ce ard uşor
    Swirling clouds in violet haze / nori turbionari pictaţi într-o ceaţă violetă
    Reflect in Vincent’s eyes of china blue / se reflectă în ochii albaştrii ai lui Vincent

    Colours changing hue / Culorile îşi schimbă nuanţele
    Morning fields of amber grain / Câmpurile dimineţii pline de chihlimbar
    Weathered faces lined in pain / feţe erodate scăldate în durere
    Are soothed beneath the artist’s loving hand / se odihnesc sub mâna iubitoare a artistului

    Now I understand / Acum înteleg
    What you tried to say to me / tot ceea ce ai încercat sa îmi spui
    And how you suffered for your sanity / Cat ai suferit pentru sanatatea ta
    And how you tried to set them free / si cat ai încercat sa le eliberezi
    They would not listen, they did not know how / N-au vrut sa asculte, n-au stiut cum
    Perhaps they’ll listen now / Poate o vor face acum

    For they could not love you / N-au putut să te iubească
    But still, your love was true / Şi totuşi, dragostea ta a fost adevărată
    And when no hope was left inside / şi când şi ultimul strop de speranţă te-a părăsit
    On that starry, starry night / în acea noapte încărcată de stele
    You took your life, as lovers often do / ţi-ai luat viaţa, aşa cum o fac adesea iubiţii
    But I could have told you, Vincent / Dar puteam să-ţi spun, Vincent
    This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you / Lumea asta nu a fost menită nicodată pentru cineva atât de frumos ca tine

    Starry, starry night / Noapte înstelată
    Portraits hung in empty halls / Portrete atârnă în săli goale
    Frameless heads on nameless walls / capete fără rame pe pereţi fără nume
    With eyes that watch the world and can’t forget / cu ochi ce privesc lumea şi care nu pot uita
    Like the strangers that you’ve met / precum străinii pe care i-ai întâlnit
    The ragged men in ragged clothes / Precum acei bărbaţi zdrenţuiţi îmbrăcaţi în haine zdrenţuite
    The silver thorn, a bloody rose / Un spin de argint, un trandafir însângerat
    Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow / zac strivite şi rupte pe zăpada neatinsă

    Now I think I know / Acum cred că ştiu
    What you tried to say to me / ce ai încercat să-mi spui
    And how you suffered for your sanity / Şi cât ai suferit pentru sănătatea ta
    And how you tried to set them free / şi cum ai incercat să le eliberezi
    They would not listen, they’re not listening still / Ei nu vor asculta, tot nu ascultă
    Perhaps they never will / Şi poate că nu o vor face niciodată
  3. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:


    thanks babygirl! iti multumesc
  4. baby_girl_'s Avatar

    baby_girl_ said:


    Not at all
  5. Tahira's Avatar

    Tahira said:


    Love this song

    He sings about Vincent van Gogh