Nizar Qabbani poems

Thread: Nizar Qabbani poems

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  1. yellow hat said:

    Smile Nizar Qabbani poems


    I´m trying to find the translation in English for this two poems of Nizar Qabbani.

    عدي على أصابع اليدين ، ما يأتي
    فأولا : حبيبتي أنتي
    وثانيا : حبيبتي أنتي
    وثالثا : حبيبتي أنتي
    ورابعا وخامسا وسادسا وسباعا
    وثامنا وتاسعا وعاشرا . . حبيبتي أنتي

    لأن كلام القواميس مات
    لأن كلام المكاتيب مات
    لأن كلام الروايات مات
    أريد اكتشاف طريقة عشق
    أحبك فيها .. بلا كلمات

    Where could I find them?

    Thank you so much!
  2. Gole Yas said:


    hehe, you can find them right here sweetz, we are all here to help each other out, but there are a lot of poems with the same parts you posted, can you define exactly which ones please, like the titles of the poems maybe ? or a link or something, and ill be glad to help =D
  3. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    عدي على أصابع اليدين ، ما يأتي
    Count on the fingers of the hand and see what comes

    فأولا : حبيبتي أنتي
    First, my darling is you

    وثانيا : حبيبتي أنتي
    Second, my darling is you

    وثالثا : حبيبتي أنتي
    Third, my darling is you

    ورابعا وخامسا وسادسا وسباعا
    And fourth, and fifth, and sixth, and seventh

    وثامنا وتاسعا وعاشرا . . حبيبتي أنتي
    And eighth, and ninth, and tenth.. my darling are you

    لأن كلام القواميس مات
    Because the words in the dictionary have died

    لأن كلام المكاتيب مات
    Because the words in the books have died

    لأن كلام الروايات مات
    Because the words of the novels have died

    أريد اكتشاف طريقة عشق
    I want to find a way of passion

    أحبك فيها .. بلا كلمات
    To love you in... without words
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  4. Gole Yas said:


    aha, those are just parts of full poems, i thought yellow hat wanted the whole thing, but, ok =D
  5. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    Perhaps he or she still does I don't know I just did what I saw
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥