Artist: Kayah
Song: "Mądrala Mont Rala" / "Smart-alecky Smart-as.s"*
Music: Kayah
Lyrics: Kayah
Album: "Stereo typ" / "Stereo Type" (2003)

I'd like to dedicate this translation to:

Harir - don't you ever lose the faith, Sister!
Veryclever1980 - keep being the smart-alecky smart-as.s we love, bro!

Z każdej chwili twojego życia
uczyń skarb
Make a treasure out of each moment of your life

Już nie powtórzy się nigdy chwila
taka jak ta
A moment like this one will never repeat itself again

Lepszego czasu
nie ma na
twe szczęście
jak teraz
There's no better time for your happiness than right now

Nie myśl co już straciłeś lub stracisz
Don't think about the things you've lost or will lose

Radość znajdź w małych rzeczach
Find joy in little things

I kochaj z całego serca
And love with all your heart

i kochaj jakbyś nie zaznał krzywd
And love as if you were never hurt

i żyj jakbyś się nie bał
And live as if you were not afraid

i tańcz jakby nie patrzył nikt
And dance as if nobody was watching

Podróżuj przez swoje życie
Travel through your life

Pamiętaj, że
(But) remember that

właśnie ta podróż jest twoim szczęściem,
It's this very voyage that is your happiness

a nie jej cel
And not its destination

I kochaj z całego serca
And love with all your heart

i kochaj jakbyś nie zaznał krzywd
And love as if you were never hurt

i żyj jakbyś się nie bał
And live as if you were not afraid

i tańcz jakby nie patrzył nikt
And dance as if nobody was watching

* The title can be understood as the Artist's self-ironic comment to her own lyrics, which are very simple and street-wise. Still, they are ... wise!

"Mądrala Mont Rala" also reminds me of kids mocking each other when they quarrel; and "mont rala" is like writing "mądrala" with two ortographic mistakes