English translation....."Parlami".....Laura pausini

Thread: English translation....."Parlami".....Laura pausini

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  1. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:

    Default English translation....."Parlami".....Laura pausini

    Parlami, io ti prego non respingermi....................................... .....talk to me , i beg u don't reject me
    Dimmi se, se ti ho perso oppure no.............................................tel l me if , if i lost u or not
    Ho creduto a lui alle labbra sue.. un errore da pagare...................i've believed in him at his lips, a fault to pay
    Ho creduto che non fossi............................................. ...............i've believed that u were not

    Nelle mani, nella mia testa, nei miei muscoli................................in my hands , in my head, in my muscles
    L´emozione per me pių intensa č qui.. con te..............................the feelings for me are more intense and here, with u

    Parlami, per favore non escludermi come io ho fatto con te..........talk to me , please , don't exclude me like i did with you
    oh, no, no.. e dimmi se, se č finita oppure c´č, oppure c´č.........oh no no and tell me if, if it has ended or it exists,or it exists
    Nel tuo dolore un raggio di sole, che non scalda ma non muore....in ur pain a ray of the sun, that doesn't warm but doesn't die
    Ho bisogno di sentirti qui............................................... ............i need to feel u here

    Nelle mani, nella mia testa, nei miei muscoli...............................in my hands, in my head, in my muscles
    L´emozione per me pių intensa č cosi.......................................the emotions for me are more intense and so:

    io spero che anche tu, che un giorno anche tu la ritroverai..........i wish that even u, one day even u will find it

    mi troverai, in noi .................................................. ................fine me , in us

    č cosi, l´emozione per me pių immensa č qui.......................and so , emotions for me are greater and here

    Parlami, č finita oppure no .................................................t alk to me, it's finished or not ?
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Just one thing:
    "L´emozione per me pių intensa č qui.. con te" ---> the strongest/most intense emotion, for me, is right here...with you

    "L´emozione per me pių intensa č cosi"---> thus is, for me, the strongest emotion

    "č cosi, l´emozione per me pių immensa č qui"---> so it is, for me, the greatest/most immense emotion is right here
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  3. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:


    Grazie ligeia , sei davvero una grande insegnanta, e amica
  4. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Non c'č di che! Mi fa piacere esserti d'aiuto!
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"