Qusai - The job

Thread: Qusai - The job

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  1. arab93's Avatar

    arab93 said:

    Smile Qusai - The job

    can someone plz get the lyrics in both arabic and english but with english letters plzz shokrann
  2. Gole Yas said:


    The Job
    سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    Salam alaikom warahmat allah wabarakatih/// Greetings
    Better pay attention
    rakiz// focus
    … I’m about to mention
    Some few things … Don’t get offended
    It’s the truth … Sounds so splendid
    Wake up everyday in the morning
    دور على الرزق يا مؤمن
    dawer ala alrizq ya mu2men// look for livelihood oh faithful one
    We all need a J.O.B
    So we can live in this world you see
    But nowadays, it’s harder than ever
    Whether if you’re smart, clever
    Dumb, stupid, or intelligent
    It’s all so irrelevant
    It’s about who you know

    المصلحة, المعرفة, الواسطة
    elmaslaha, elma'arefa, elwasita// interests.. who you know.. intermediaries
    عندي شهادة … أنساها
    indi shehada, ensaha// “I have a degree” .. “forget it”
    عندك خبرة ؟ أتمناها
    indak khebra? atmanaha// “do you have work experience” .. “I wish”
    It’s not right … But that’s how it is
    So go ahead … Start your own biz
    Don’t depend on anyone else
    Cuz they will rob you … So as your health
    أنا عارف … معليش
    ana aref, maaleish// I know.. its ok
    كلنا نبغى لقمة العيش
    kulna nibgha lu2mt eish// we all want something to eat
    Sometimes the system ain’t fair
    بس لسه … بلدي فيها خير
    bas lisa, baladi feeha khair// but still, my country has good in it
    كانت الدنيا عفيفه والناس قلوبها أليفة
    kanat eldunya afefa wilnas globha aleefa// the world was a pure place, and the hearts of the people were tamed
    لوتبغى لقمه شريفه قوم دور على وظيفه
    lu tibgha lgma shareefa gom dawir ala wdheefa// if you want an honest living, get up and look for a job
    دورلك على وظيفه دورلك على وظيفه
    dawirlak ala wadheefa, dawirlak ala wadheefa// look for a job, look for a job
    كانت الدنيا خفيفه و الناس قلوبها نظيفه
    kana eldunya khafefa wilnas globha nadheefa// the world was light on the heart, and the hearts of the people were clean
    صحيح القعده ظريفه بس برضو لازم وطيفه
    saheeh elga'ada dhareefa, bas bardhu lazim wadheefa// its true that the staying at home felt nice, but still a job is needed
    دورلك على وظيفه دورلك على وظيفه
    dawirlak ala wadheefa, dawirlak ala wadheefa// look for a job, look for a job
    حاير وعقالي مايل طاير في الزحمه طاير
    hayer o ugali mayel, tayer, min elzahma tayer// I'm confused, and my Ugal (what guys put on their heads, the black or red 8etra, and the black thing over it like a crown the ugal) is leaning, flying, in the crowd its flying
    عندي انترفيو موعد لا ينسوه
    indi interview, maw'ed layensoh// I have an interview, let them not forget the appointment
    فهموني علموني يا ترى حيوظفوني
    fahimoni alimoni ya tara haywadhafoni// make me understand, teach me, they might employ me
    عاطل يقولو عليا باطل ولا حسو بيا
    atil ygolo alaya, batil wala haso biya// they call me unemployed, with no job, and they never felt for me
    كل يوم رايح جاي لا قهوة ولا شاي
    kil youm rayeh jan la gahwa wala shay// everyday I go and come, they offer no coffee nor tea
    هجولوني بهدلوني في الظهر ميرحموني
    hajiloni bahdiloni fil dhahar mayirhamoni// they stressed me out and tired me, they have no mercy
    كانت الدنيا عفيفه والناس قلوبها أليفة
    kanat eldunya afefa wilnas globha aleefa// the world was a pure place, and the hearts of the people were tamed
    لوتبغى لقمه شريفه قوم دور على وظيفه
    lu tibgha lgma shareefa gom dawir ala wdheefa// if you want an honest living, get up and look for a job
    دورلك على وظيفه دورلك على وظيفه
    dawirlak ala wadheefa, dawirlak ala wadheefa// look for a job, look for a job
    كانت الدنيا خفيفه و الناس قلوبها نظيفه
    kana eldunya khafefa wilnas globha nadheefa// the world was light on the heart, and the hearts of the people were clean
    صحيح القعده ظريفه بس برضو لازم وطيفه
    saheeh elga'ada dhareefa, bas bardhu lazim wadheefa// its true that the staying at home felt nice, but still a job is needed
    دورلك على وظيفه دورلك على وظيفه
    dawirlak ala wadheefa, dawirlak ala wadheefa// look for a job, look for a job
    اه من اللي بيصير فينا
    ah min eli biseer feena// oh woe on what is happening to us
    رايحين لغيرنا و سايبينا
    rayheen lghairna o saybeena// they go for others and leave us
    احنا اولى منهم
    ehna awla minhum// while we should come first not them
    دورلك على وظيفه دورلك على وظيفه
    dawirlak ala wadheefa, dawirlak ala wadheefa// look for a job, look for a job
    اه من اللي بيصير فينا
    ah min eli biseer feena// oh woe on what is happening to us
    رايحين لغيرنا و سايبينا
    rayheen lghairna o saybeena// they go for others and leave us
    احنا اولى منهم
    ehna awla minhum// while we should come first not them
    بس مانستغنا عنهم
    bas manistaghna anhum// but we don’t dispense of them
    يا ناس كفايا خلاص
    ya nas kfaya khalas// oh people, enough already
    الفاس وقع فالـ..
    elfas wiga3 fil..// the axe has fallen on the..
    *its an expression saying “elfas w83 fil ras” meaning the axe fell upon the head and cut it off .. meaning whats done is done”

    أسمحلي, ماهو وقت الأكل
    esmahli, maho wakt el akil// excuse, this is not the time to eat
    حضر أوراقك وأتكل
    hadher awragak witikil// get your papers ready and go ahead
    لازم يكون عندك كل شي
    lazim ykon indak kil shay// you have to have everything
    ولايقولوا إنت فين جي؟
    wala ygolo ent fein jay// so they cant tell you “where do you think your going”
    لاتقعد تقول ما فيه
    la tg2ud tgol ma fiya// don’t sit and say I cant
    خلي عندك مسؤلية
    khali indak mas2oleya// carry on some responsibility
    العيب للأسف مو منك
    elaib lil2asaf mu minak// unfortunately, the fault is not yours
    من ناس قدي وفي سنك
    min nas gadi o fi sinak// its from people from my age and yours
    At the interview they’re asking me
    What can you provide for the company?
    Man … They don’t know what they’re talking about
    I can even tell them I’m from the south
    لو ما تعرف أحد أرجع البيت
    Lu mat’eraf had erja’a elbait// if you don’t know anyone go home
    بس لاتندم وتقول ياريت
    Bas latindam witgol ya rait// but don’t regret it and later on say “if only”
    بدري … لاتستسلم
    Badri, latistaslim// its too early, don’t give up
    أسعى يا ليل وقدم
    Is’a ya lail o gadim// carry on and move forward
    ياكبار إحنا معاكم
    Ya kbar ehna ma’a3kum// oh big shots we are with you
    بس تعبنا جري وراكم
    Bas ta’ibna gari warakum// but we have gotten tired of running behind you
    أدوا الواحد حقه
    Ido elwahed 7ago// give each one what he deserves
    وأدولوا هو في وقته
    Widolo ho fi wakto// and be on time
    وأهتموا بأولاد البلد
    Wihtamo bawlad elbalad// and take care of the children of the country
    لاتسيبوهم كده فلت
    Latsibohum kida falt// don’t leave them on the loose like this
    حأقلك أخرة الفيلم
    7agilik akhrat elfilm// ill tell you the end of the movie
    إن سلاحك العلم
    Ena slahak el ilm// knowledge is your weapon
    سافرلاخلوني شويا قادر افيد البقيه
    Safer, la khaloni shwaya, gader afed elbagiya// “travel”.. “no leave me for a while, I can be of some help for the rest”
    عندي شهاده وقدرة استشارة وخبرة
    Indi shehada o gdra, istishara o khebra// I have a degree, an ability, references, and experience
    وظفوني شغلوني من راتب لاتحرموني
    Wadhefoni shagheloni min ratib la tehremoni// employ me, give me work, don’t retain me of an income
    دوراتك دوراتي نفسيه خبراتك خبره حياتيه
    Dawratak? Dawrati nafsiya! Khibratak? Khibrati hayatiya!// “your courses?”, “psychological courses!!”.. “your experiences?”, “life experiences!”
    معشم نفسي من امس و المكتب ورى الشمس
    Mu’ashim nafsi min ams, wilmaktab wara elsham// I have given myself hope since yesterday, while the office is behind the sun
    غيروني انقلوني بس هنا لاتسيبوني
    Ghayeroni ingiloni bas hina latsiboni// change my position, transfer me, but don’t leave me here

    يالله يا سيدي
    Allah ya sidi// Oh sir
    خذلك لك كذا واحد فيتامين واو حلو
    Khith lak kitha wahed vitamin waw hilo// get yourself one nice vitamin “W”
    *W is for was6a.. meaning for you to know a big shot who would help you get a job

    معاه صورتين شمسية
    Ma’ah sortain shamsiya// take two pictures with him
    وامسك فدربه وان شاء الله تتوظف
    Wimsik fdarbah o enshala titwadhaf// and stay on his path, and you’ll be hired
    ما ينفع الا كذا اصلا
    Ma yinfa’a ela kitha aslan// nothing is of use other than this
    اه طيب
    Ah tayeb// oh well
    الواسطة تقتل الكفائة يا جماعة
    El wasta tagtil elkafa2a ya jma’aa// oh people, the Was6a kills the sense of efficiency
    والبطالة بداية الضياع
    Wilbatala bidayat eldhaya’a// and unemployment is the beginning of being lost
    والشغل ماهو عيب
    Wilsheghel maho aib// work is not a taboo
    والله يوفق الجميع
    W Allah ywafig eljamee’a// and may God help everyone
    Salam// goodbye
    Last edited by Gole Yas; 04-17-2011 at 02:51 PM.
  3. arab93's Avatar

    arab93 said:


    enti to7fah shokran ktrrrr ktrr
  4. Gole Yas said:


    your very welcome sweetz
  5. bugmenot2 said:


    WOOOOW... You gave it even with the translations... Thanks a lot... U r awesomeee...