early to mid 50's

Thread: early to mid 50's

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  1. dan's Avatar

    dan said:

    Default early to mid 50's

    I have heard this track in lots of places over the years, on tv sound tracks and adverts etc just can't figure out what it is. It was probably popular in 50's/60's. Its a kind of swingy song but not!?! Usual 'chuck berry' style bass. Male vocals, trebley kind of voice. The only lyrics I know are 'workin in a gold mine' but i'm not sure if they are the lyrics!!! If this song sounds farmilliar to anyone, please help!!!!

  2. SMazac128 said:


    Possibly "WORKING IN A COAL MINE" by: Lee Dorsey?
  3. dan's Avatar

    dan said:


    Yes it is! Thank you, you answered my question to the drum n bass track didn't you? Great musical knowledge! Thanks