Need more help with the lyrics!
We are blues-rock band from Russia, South Ural - Western Siberia, and we have some problems with our lyrics. In spite of the fact, that we are Russian group all our lyrics are written in English. We do that because it makes our music better. So, it means that the songs in English bring groove to us and more rock’n’roll charm to people. That is the main reason why we are looking for no-commercial songwriters or volunteers who can help us to write songs in English. We have some friends from Portugal, USA, but we still looking for more people, who can bring us more opinions and help with the achievement of results.

This creative friend can be blues, psychedelic or classic rock fan (preferable not very young ). It’s cool if you like any rock music from early 60’s-70. It's not necessary to be a professional songwriter/lyricist. If you have more interest in destiny of this project you can become the main editor of our lyrics or the first songwriter in the group. In a nutshell, we need the native English speaker and music-lover. Via internet together we can make collective mind of the music creation process.

About cooperation. We’ll make the music recording (if it's possible) and after that we’ll send to you the parts of music: riffs, main theme, bridge, chorus and etc. by email, or by Skype. Then we’ll do editing of our written lyrics. Themes of lyrics are different. A song can be about love, peace, existence, freedom, blues feelings and everything that would be interesting for a people.

And what’s about a group?..
Now our blues-rock band doesn’t have a name. A band is playing in «power-trio» formation and our music style is very close to classic rock. I suppose, it may sound like vintage groups with old sound: Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, SRV, also old blues, funk, soul, blacksploitation music and etc. We have a nice experience of making classic instrumental rock covers, but now we are interesting in playing our own music with vocal. Today we perform in local concerts and jamming in a pubs, bars and small halls.

After hard work with the songs and pronunciation in particular we are going to promote and develop our group through making facebook, myspace or youtube pages. There we gonna place the information and final results about our group.

For more information about connecting to our musical project you can write on my e-mail:, ICQ 154243678, or find me on my page on a

P.S: I did close previous thread "Need more help with the lyrics"