
Thread: Karaçali

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  1. douglasfelis said:

    Default Karaçali

    HI! Someone have the lirycs of Karaçali, the folk song, not the Gencabay's song
    ! in turkish and in ingles...thank you very much!!!!!
  2. Zizoulaki said:


    Here are the lyrics that I found. I hope they are the ones you need.
    I have translated them , but I am not Turkish so they may need corrections.

    Karaçalı gibi girdin aramıza / Like a thorny bush you got into us
    Karaçalı gibi girdin aramıza / Like a thorny bush you got into us
    Al kızını koy çuvala / Take your daughter/girl, put her in a bag
    Al kızını koy çuvala / Take your daughter/girl, put her in a bag
    Salla Salla vur duvara / Shake it, shake it, hit it on the wall
    karabiber gibi girdin aramıza / Like black pepper you got into us
    karabiber gibi girdin aramıza / Like black pepper you got into us
    Al kızını koy çuvala / Take your daughter/girl, put her in a bag
    Salla Salla vur duvara / Shake it, shake it, hit it on the wall
    Al kızını koy çuvala / Take your daughter/girl, put her in a bag
    Salla Salla vur duvara / Shake it, shake it, hit it on the wall
    Salla Salla vur duvara / Shake it, shake it, hit it on the wall