Hadise - Aşk Kaç Beden Giyer? 2011 albym lyrics + translations

Thread: Hadise - Aşk Kaç Beden Giyer? 2011 albym lyrics + translations

Tags: hadise 2011
  1. Robster1983's Avatar

    Robster1983 said:

    Default Hadise - Aşk Kaç Beden Giyer? 2011 albym lyrics + translations

    Merhaba everyone,

    I just discovered that Belgian-Turkish singer Hadise has released a new (completely Turkish) album, and truth be told: I JUST <3 IT!!!

    There is one downside, however: my Turkish is almost non-existing, so I would love to have the translations of the songs of this brill album. I've found some translations on the www already, which can be found in thís post. The translations that I love to have can be found below this post (in seperate posts, to keep it somewhat orderly). I hope someone is up for the challenge?

    Çok teşekkürler in advance!!!

    Already found translations:


    Sıkılınca, bunalınca, karışınca, yalnız kalınca
    When you'll get sick and tired, messed-up, alone
    Beni hatırla
    Remember me
    Üşüyünce, acıkınca, kendine sıcak bi kucak bakınca
    When you'll freeze, get hungry, look for a warm embrace
    Beni hatırla
    Remember me
    Mutluluk benim yanımda
    Happiness is beside me
    Bu meleği bırak, o cadıyı ara tek tuşla
    Leave this angel alone, look for a ghost with a single click
    Adam mısın süslü burjuva?
    Are you a man, dressed-up bourgeois?
    Patlar o pasta bebek suratında
    This cake is smashing against your face
    Kıvır durma tatminsiz diva
    Come on, sway, unsatisfied diva
    Yolu kapatma
    Don't block the road
    Hadi bye bye
    So, bye bye
    Yenilince kovulunca, elinde kalanı ucuza satınca
    When you'll lose, be exiled, sell for cheap everything that was left
    Beni hatırla
    Remember me
    Kaybedince kaybolunca, sarılıp yılana dibe vurunca
    When you'll lose and get lost, embrace a snake and hit the bottom
    Beni hatırla
    Remember me

    ---Mesajımı Almıştır O/It seems that he got my message---

    Ya nazara geliyo, ya mezara gidiyo
    It either becomes a jinx or goes to the grave
    Gerçek şu ki; aşkın ömrü var
    The truth is that love has a lifetime
    Savaşmazsak eğer
    If we won't fight
    Çabamı göremiyo, hazıra konuyo
    He doesn't see my efforts, takes everything for granted
    Kıpırdamıyo kalbimi kırıyor ve
    Won't make any move, breaks my heart and
    Büyüsü bozuluyor
    Its spell is breaking
    Ne desem olmuyo olmuyo
    Whatever I say - it doesn't work
    Sabrımı artık zorluyo
    He tries my patience already
    Aşkından bıktım kalemi kırdım
    I'm sick of his love, I broke my pen
    Mecburen söyle birkaç cümle
    Obligingly say a few sentences
    Yaydan çıkan ok geri dönemez
    Arrow shot from a bow can't come back
    Kimse kararımı değiştiremez
    Nothing can change my decision
    Ben daha başka ne söyleyeyim?
    What else can I say?
    Mesajımı almıştır o
    It seems that he got my message

    ---Aşk Kaç Beden Giyer?/What Size Does Love Wear?---

    Seversen yanılmadan, korkmadan korunmadan
    If you'll love without being mistaken, scared, self-protective
    Döktüğün o yaşsa da ah mah olmaz
    And this tear you'll shed won't be out of regret
    Gerçeğiyse duygunun aldanışlara kanmaz
    Whereas its truth isn't fooled by feelings' trickery
    Aşk demek emek demek, vah vah olmaz
    Love means work, you can't regret
    Ten taşırsa hisleri, yaşarsa sisleri, kalp burda der mi?
    If body wears feelings, if its mists live, does heart say there?
    O, yabancı sözlere, yalancı gözlere, güm güm eder mi?
    Does it beat for strangers' words, for lying eyes?
    Bir kalp kaç defa sever
    How many times does heart love
    Orda bana da var mı yer?
    Is there a place for me?
    Söylesene sevgilim
    Come on, tell me, my love
    Aşk kaç beden giyer?
    Which size does love wear?
    Her bedeni aşk sanan
    The one who thinks each body is love
    Kaç tene o can değer
    How many bodies does this soul worth
    Aldatansa sevgilim
    My love, if the one who cheats
    Bu oyunu kaybeder
    Loses this game
    Söyle hadi durma aşk kaç beden giyer?
    Come on, tell me, which size does love wear?


    Kay biraz ileri, konumuz yasak ihlali
    Slide a bit forward, our topic is what's forbidden
    Çok saftım değil mi ben de, olanları yuttum yani
    I was very naive, wasn't I, I mean, I've swallowed whatever happened
    Sen sustukça ben haberlerini kuşlardan aldım
    As you were silent, I got the news from the birds
    İnsan böyle işte, bozuldum gel gör şaşırmadım
    Human is like this, I got angry, but not surprised
    Kim bilir zehirli dudağında
    Who knows, in your poisonous lips
    Kaç gecenin kaç güneşin tadı
    Taste of how many nights and days there is
    Bende hiç hasar yok aslında
    Basically, there's no damage to me
    Çocukken oynardım ben bunları
    I was playing those when I were a kid
    Denenmişi denemek yok, hiç olmadı kitabımda, olduramazsın
    There's no testing for the one who has already failed the test, it has never happened, and you won't make it happen
    Nasıl bir düşmek bu böyle gözden, Superman olsan toplayamazsın
    How could you fall into such a disgrace, even if you were Superman you couldn't put it back together
    Denenmişi denemek yok, hiç olmadı kitabımda, olduramazsın
    There's no testing for the one who has already failed the test, it has never happened, and you won't make it happen
    Senin kırık sandığın bu kalbi çoktan uçurdum, durduramazsın
    That heart that you thought you broke, I've made it fly, you can't stop it
    Hiç zahmet edip de düşünme o ihtimali
    Don't give yourself a trouble, don't think about this possibility
    Hiçbir söz değiştiremez kararımı, fikrim baki
    No words can change my decision, it's final
    To Páthos Eínai Aformí
  2. Robster1983's Avatar

    Robster1983 said:


    And now the lyrics of the songs of which I haven't found a translation yet (again, çok teşekkürler in advance for translating!!!):

    ---Kalbine Yalan Bulma---

    Sevmiyordun yoktan mı oldun
    Bir cevap ver o zaman
    Böyle mesafe çaren olduysa
    Canın sağ olsun aşkım

    Yine de çok istersen
    Geriye döndüm dersen
    Elimi tut ve konuşma

    Yalnız korkarsa
    Bensiz ağlarsa
    Kalbine nolur kızma
    Arada özlerse
    Görmek isterse
    Kalbine yalan bulma

    Sevmiyordun yoktan mı oldun
    Bir cevap ver o zaman
    Böyle mesafe çaren olduysa
    Canın sağ olsun aşkım

    Yine de çok istersen
    Geriye döndüm dersen
    Elimi tut ve konuşma

    Yalnız korkarsa
    Bensiz ağlarsa
    Kalbine nolur kızma
    Arada özlerse
    Görmek isterse
    Kalbine yalan bulma


    Artık bakma yüzüme
    Konuşma bitti
    Ve sözün yok

    Aşksa gitti bak işte
    Yalanlara kurban
    Ve özrün yok

    Sana yetse
    Kalbim mutluluk olurdu
    Aşkın sonundaki varışın

    Yarı yolda
    Döndün ihanetinle
    Onunlaymış senin yarışın

    Bendeki sana yabancı bir yürek
    Kanadımı kırdın
    Uçmuyor artık
    Aşkınla o Melek

    Uçmaz artık o
    Ne yapsan da
    Yüzüme bakma
    Bir yabancıyım tanımazsın

    Eşyaların ne yapar sen gittiğinde
    Bana her şeyi baştan yaşatmaktan başka
    Sen neredesin şimdi
    Ben kime aidim
    Artık sevgilin değilsem
    Söyle ben kimim

    Eve dönmeyeceksen
    Neden taşınmadım hala
    Kimi özlüyorum hala
    Her nefes alışımda

    Keşke ben de senin kadar yetenekli olsaydım
    Terk etmek konusunda
    Keşke ben de senin kadar yetenekli olsaydım
    Terk etmek konusunda

    Zaman geçti gitti seni seyrederken
    Senin için bir anlamı yoksa da şimdi
    Hayaller değişti
    Niyetin kötü değildi
    Ben anlıyorum seni
    Sen de anlasana beni

    Eve dönmeyeceksen
    Neden taşınmadım hala
    Kimi özlüyorum hala
    Her nefes alışımda

    Keşke ben de senin kadar yetenekli olsaydım
    Terk etmek konusunda
    Keşke ben de senin kadar yetenekli olsaydım
    Terk etmek konusunda


    Bekliyorum boş odamda
    Gözlerimi kapattım
    Bir macera sığmaz bir güne
    Yem olmaz aşk bir tek geceye

    Bir günlük biri değilsin
    Hatırla öyle demiştin
    Çevirirsen numaramı
    Ya benimsin ya benimsin

    Ara beni yazıyor işte numara
    Tut aklında yapma artık makara
    Bende dert yok ki her gün macera
    Uyursak uyanırsın farkıma galiba

    Bir dövmeci buldum
    Açtım göğsümü hemen
    Niye çekineyim ki YO!

    Yapsın bir kalp isminden
    Aşkım sanki silecek miyim YO!

    Ara beni yazıyor işte numara
    Tut aklında yapma artık makara
    Ben de dert yok ki her gün macera
    Uyursak uyanırsın farkıma galiba


    Aşk için vazgeçmeli gururundan kendinden
    Sen köleysen kibrine... Azad ol efendinden

    Çaktırmadan hayatının
    Değiştirirler lugatını
    Hislerinin terhisinde
    Çalarlar aşk sanatını

    Aşk için vazgeçmeli gururundan kendinden
    Sen köleysen kibrine... Azad ol efendinden

    Yaşamak değil seninki
    Düpedüz Ha Harakiri
    Örnek aldıkların var ya
    Korku zengini... Duygu fakiri

    Ha ha ha ha harakiri

    Kara kalem çalışırlar
    Duygularının üstüne
    Sırra kadem basar asarlar
    Yalnızlığın büstüne

    Yaşamak değil seninki
    Düpedüz Ha Harakiri
    Örnek aldıkların var ya
    Korku zengini... Duygu fakiri

    Ha ha ha ha harakiri
    To Páthos Eínai Aformí
  3. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:



    Melek is here: http://lyricstranslate.com/en/melek-angel.html-0

    If you understand German, these ones are ready for you too:
    Yetenek- http://lyricstranslate.com/en/yetenek-talent.html
    Macera- http://lyricstranslate.com/en/macera-abenteuer.html

    And I like that she has a song called "Harakiri"

    Good luck with the rest!
  4. Robster1983's Avatar

    Robster1983 said:


    Thank you so much, partizanka! The English-language translation of «Melek» is brill! However, I do speak/understand some German, but it's so little, that it shouldn't even be named. :P So if there is someone who is willing/able to translate «Kalbine Yalma Bulma», «Yetenek», «Macera», and «Harakiri» into English, then I would be very thankful!

    PS «Harakiri» indeed is brill!!! It's also one of my faves on her latest album (together with «Burjuva», «Aşk Kaç Beden Giyer» and «Süperman»).
    To Páthos Eínai Aformí
  5. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Robster1983 View Post
    Thank you so much, partizanka! The English-language translation of «Melek» is brill! However, I do speak/understand some German, but it's so little, that it shouldn't even be named. :P So if there is someone who is willing/able to translate «Kalbine Yalma Bulma», «Yetenek», «Macera», and «Harakiri» into English, then I would be very thankful!

    PS «Harakiri» indeed is brill!!! It's also one of my faves on her latest album (together with «Burjuva», «Aşk Kaç Beden Giyer» and «Süperman»).
    My pleasure!
    maybe you could try to learn German really quickly?
    If Silver Moon ever gets back here, maybe he can do more for you. I think he likes Hadise too.
  6. Robster1983's Avatar

    Robster1983 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by partizanka View Post
    My pleasure!
    maybe you could try to learn German really quickly?
    If Silver Moon ever gets back here, maybe he can do more for you. I think he likes Hadise too.
    Hahaha, well, I've learned German ever since a child, but in the Netherlands most focus goes to English and languages like German and French are just biting the dust. If I really try to, I cán understand German, but I've found myself in situations that I was speaking Dutch, German and English all at once too many times, so I decided that English would be my main second language and the main language I wanted t be more than good in, besides Dutch, and German got abandoned. :|

    And speak of it: yeah, what ever happened to SiLvEr_MooN??? I sort of miss him. He was the #1 guy to ask for ány Turkish translation. Hope he's doing alright. :| (if you happen to read this, SiLvEr_MooN: come back, please, you are missed so much!!!)
    To Páthos Eínai Aformí
  7. Robster1983's Avatar

    Robster1983 said:


    I don't know if, and when SiLvEr_MooN is coming back, but is there any chance that someone else might take on the challenge of translating the abovementioned Turkish songs?? :s Çok çok çok teşekkürler in advance!!!!
    To Páthos Eínai Aformí
  8. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Robster1983 View Post
    I don't know if, and when SiLvEr_MooN is coming back, but is there any chance that someone else might take on the challenge of translating the abovementioned Turkish songs?? :s Çok çok çok teşekkürler in advance!!!!
    Hey Robster, I'm not sure if this will help but I noticed sometimes translators don't check threads that have replies already. So you might get answered faster if you open new threads with each individual song? I promise I won't reply to them.
  9. Robster1983's Avatar

    Robster1983 said:


    Αχ my dear partizanka; if you are willing and/or able to translate some songs, then why not reply? Anyhow, thanks so much for your useful message! I was thinking almost the same, that is: I thought that if I would keep this thread alive via posting a new message, maybe someone would've noticed it. But when you said that it might be more useful to post each song at a time, I immediately thought: Yes, that's it! If there was someone asking me for English translations of some gazillion Dutch songs all at once, I would be out of my mind also. Where would I even start? So keeping things small might be the key. I dunno where you're hailing from, but just imagine me saying thank you véry much in yóur language, aight!
    To Páthos Eínai Aformí
  10. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Hey Robster...I don't know if you saw this already but I just found Yetenek translated to English!
  11. Robster1983's Avatar

    Robster1983 said:


    Thnx so much partizanka!! Slowly but steady all of them songs will be translated, I just know it! Thnx a million!!!!!!! _O_
    To Páthos Eínai Aformí
  12. Robster1983's Avatar

    Robster1983 said:


    (thnx to Milena!!!)

    Aşk için vazgeçmeli gururundan kendinden // Must give up on your pride, yourself for love
    Sen köleysen kibrine... Azad ol efendinden // If you're slave of your arrogance, set free from your master

    Çaktırmadan hayatının // They secretly change
    Değiştirirler lugatını // the dictionary of your life
    Hislerinin terhisinde // On discharge of your feelings
    Çalarlar aşk sanatını // They steal art of love

    Aşk için vazgeçmeli gururundan kendinden // Must give up on your pride, yourself for love
    Sen köleysen kibrine... Azad ol efendinden // If you're slave of your arrogance, set free from your master

    Yaşamak değil seninki // Yours is not living
    Düpedüz Ha Harakiri // It's utterly harakiri
    Örnek aldıkların var ya // The ones you take as an example
    Korku zengini... Duygu fakiri // Are fear-rich, feeling poor

    Ha ha ha ha harakiri

    Kara kalem çalışırlar // They draw pencil (charcoal)
    Duygularının üstüne // on top of your feelings
    Sırra kadem basar asarlar // They vanish without a trace, they hang
    Yalnızlığın büstüne // on bust of loneliness

    Yaşamak değil seninki // Yours is not living
    Düpedüz Ha Harakiri // It's utterly harakiri
    Örnek aldıkların var ya // The ones you take as an example
    Korku zengini... Duygu fakiri // Are fear -rich, feeling poor

    Ha ha ha ha harakiri
    To Páthos Eínai Aformí
  13. Robster1983's Avatar

    Robster1983 said:


    (thnx to partizanka!!!)


    Do not look at my face anymore
    Do not speak; it's over
    And you have no words to say

    See,love has already gone
    It's spent for lies
    And you have no right to apologise

    If you'd got enough
    My heart would have been full of happiness
    And you would have got love in the end

    But in the halfway
    You turned back with your betrayal
    Your race was with him/her

    You can't find it
    You can't touch it
    This is a heart which is strange for you
    I was your angel
    You've broken my wing
    So that angel's not flying with your love anymore

    And she won't
    Whatever you do
    You can't be with me
    Don't look at me face
    I'm a stranger,you don't recognise me
    To Páthos Eínai Aformí
  14. Robster1983's Avatar

    Robster1983 said:


    Alright, there's 6 out of 9 songs translated of Hadise's new album. Three more to go! I'd like this page to be the prime spot to add them, and for others to find them. Wouldn't it be great, all the translations of the same album on the same page? Anyhow, I hope there are people out there to help me (and others, no doubt!) out!!

    Anyhow: many thanks to Milena and partizanka, they really helped in translating it all! And also many thanks to Sade, who is on the Turkish translations like a cat in the night! Yu three rule!!! High praise to ya'll!! _o_
    To Páthos Eínai Aformí
  15. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    I made an attempt at Macera but I am sure there are mistakes...but maybe someone will be so freaked out by my translation that they will fix all the mistakes soon!

    Macera // Adventure

    Bekliyorum boş odamda // I'm waiting in my empty room
    Gözlerimi kapattım // I've closed my eyes
    Bir macera sığmaz bir güne // An adventure isn't contained/doesn't last in just one day (?)
    Yem olmaz aşk bir tek geceye // Love is not food for just one night (?)

    Bir günlük biri değilsin // You are not one (of those people) for just one day (i.e. You're not a fling ?)
    Hatırla öyle demiştin // You said remember it like this
    Çevirirsen numaramı // If you dial my number
    Ya benimsin ya benimsin // You're mine (ya's meaning always escapes me. )

    Ara beni yazıyor işte numara // Look for me, look, my number's written
    Tut aklında yapma artık makara // Hold (it/me) in your mind, don't mess around anymore
    Bende dert yok ki her gün macera // It's not a problem for me that every day is an adventure
    Uyursak uyanırsın farkıma galiba // If we sleep, (if?) you wake up, _____ (something about seeming different?)

    Bir dövmeci buldum // I found a tattooist
    Açtım göğsümü hemen // (does she say "gozumu" here?...if so then "I opened my eyes right away"...otherwise it means "I opened my heart/chest (to him) right away")
    Niye çekineyim ki YO! // Why should I be shy/reluctant: NO!

    Yapsın bir kalp isminden // I'll have him make a heart from your name
    Aşkım sanki silecek miyim YO! // As if I could erase my love: NO!

    Someone fix please?
    Last edited by partizanka; 06-08-2011 at 02:56 PM.
  16. Sade said:


    Bir macera sığmaz bir güne // An adventure won't fit into one day
    Yem olmaz aşk bir tek geceye // Love won't be wasted to just one night

    Bir günlük biri değilsin // You are not one (of those people) for just one day (i.e. You're not a fling ?) <<< Yes
    Hatırla öyle demiştin // You said remember it like this <<< or it could be "remember, that's what you said"

    Ya benimsin ya benimsin // You're either mine or mine. (I don't know if you can say it like this in English, but she's basically saying that he is her's no matter what)

    Ara beni yazıyor işte numara // Call me, look, my number's written
    Bende dert yok ki her gün macera // I don't have problems, every day is an adventure
    Uyursak uyanırsın farkıma galiba // If we sleep, you'll wake up to my difference (as in "you'll see my difference when we sleep together" )

    Açtım göğsümü hemen // (does she say "gozumu" here?...if so then "I opened my eyes right away"...otherwise it means "I opened my heart/chest (to him) right away") <<< I think you're sweet for thinking that it could be "gözümü", but sadly it's correct, she's saying "gögsümü". So it'd be "I opened my chest right away"

    I'm impressed by your translation partizanka. This was more than just an "attempt", well done.
  17. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Thank you; you are an amazing cat in the night and you're too kind. (Rob, I quite like this nickname for Sade!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Sade View Post
    Yem olmaz aşk bir tek geceye // Love won't be wasted to just one night
    Damn, I was soooo close with this line. =D

    Quote Originally Posted by Kedi
    Hatırla öyle demiştin // You said remember it like this <<< or it could be "remember, that's what you said"
    I don't know if "it could be" is exactly accurate. Yours makes sense, mine really didn't. I didn't even think to group the words together that way.

    Uyursak uyanırsın farkıma galiba // If we sleep, you'll wake up to my difference (as in "you'll see my difference when we sleep together" )

    Açtım göğsümü hemen // (does she say "gozumu" here?...if so then "I opened my eyes right away"...otherwise it means "I opened my heart/chest (to him) right away") <<< I think you're sweet for thinking that it could be "gözümü", but sadly it's correct, she's saying "gögsümü". So it'd be "I opened my chest right away"
    Well, yes, I am very sweet but it's actually just that I never heard this song and I looked at another page's lyrics for it and it said "gözümü". =o But you're very sweet for saying it. Am I very sweet for saying you're very sweet? Rob, do you think that's sweet of us? I'll stop.

    Thank you for your corrections and for being so kind about them, Miss Sade.

    So here it is, all together, so the thread will be easier:

    Macera // Adventure

    Bekliyorum boş odamda // I'm waiting in my empty room
    Gözlerimi kapattım // I've closed my eyes
    Bir macera sığmaz bir güne // An adventure won't fit into one day
    Yem olmaz aşk bir tek geceye // Love won't be wasted to just one night

    Bir günlük biri değilsin // You are not one (of those people) for just one day (i.e. You're not a fling)
    Hatırla öyle demiştin // Remember, that's what you said
    Çevirirsen numaramı // If you dial my number
    Ya benimsin ya benimsin // You're either mine or you're mine (either way, you're mine)

    Ara beni yazıyor işte numara // Call me, look, my number's written
    Tut aklında yapma artık makara // Hold (it/me) in your mind, don't mess around anymore
    Bende dert yok ki her gün macera // I don't have a problem, every day is an adventure
    Uyursak uyanırsın farkıma galiba // If we sleep, you'll wake up to my difference (as in "you'll see my difference when we sleep together" )

    Bir dövmeci buldum // I found a tattooist
    Açtım göğsümü hemen // I opened my heart/chest (to him) right away
    Niye çekineyim ki YO! // Why should I be shy/reluctant: NO!

    Yapsın bir kalp isminden // I'll have him make a heart from your name
    Aşkım sanki silecek miyim YO! // As if I could erase my love: NO!

    Rob, I think now you only need Kalbine Yalan Bulma, no?
  18. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Robster, here's a link to the last one...Enjoy. http://lyricstranslate.com/en/kalbin...our-heart.html
  19. Robster1983's Avatar

    Robster1983 said:


    OMG, you all rule!! I ticked almost every 'thanks' button on this page, yet stíll I reckon it not enough! Not only did you translate, you also searched the internet with me, and put all the translations of all of Hadise's latest album in one place! Thank you guys all so much!!!! Big bow for each and everyone of you: _O_
    I really hope, and think, that other people on the internet will find this of use also!

    To Páthos Eínai Aformí