Carlos Vives - Carito

Thread: Carlos Vives - Carito

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  1. Cantante said:

    Default Carlos Vives - Carito

    This is my first song translation. I'm 17, and I'm in spanish 2 in high school so correct me if I'm wrong about any of this. I love this guy's music.

    Carito - Carlos Vives

    Primer verso First verse

    Pensaba en estos tiempos - I was thinking of those times
    de incomprensiones y desencantos - of incomprehensions and disillusionments
    y en tantas buenas razones - and of so many good reasons
    para soñar sin desfallecer. - to dream without fainting

    Y pensaba con nostalgia - And I was thinking with nostalgia
    de la inocencia de aquellos años; - of the innocence of those years;
    de esos primeros amores - of those first loves
    que al recordar vuelven a nacer. - that when remembered, are born again.

    Y recorro en mi memoria - And I remember in my memory
    aquellos tiempos de Carito. - those times of Carito
    Ella era una miss de Boston - she was a "miss" from Boston
    que daba clase en la escuela. - that gave class at the school

    Le gustaba el español - She liked Spanish
    y aunque hablaba poquito - and although she speaked little
    tenía esos ojos bonitos - she had those pretty eyes
    que hablaban muy bien por ella. - that talked very well for her

    Coro Chorus

    Carito me habla en inglés. - Carito talks to me in English
    Que bonito se le ve - How pretty it looks on her
    Carito me habla en inglés - Carito talks to me in English
    Que me dice, yo no sé - What she says to me, I don't know

    Segundo verso Second verse

    Carlitos don't be like that -
    Now listen to me -
    You will pay attention -
    I need you to write in English -
    muy perfecto paragraph - very perfect (sp) paragraph (eng)
    and tell me where did you learn -
    donde tu aprender - where did you learn
    to be tan coqueto - to be (eng) so flirty (sp)
    remember, nada de fútbol - remember, (eng) no soccer (sp)
    until you finish that work you have -

    Y me daba una sonrisa - and she would give me a smile
    y yo me quedaba loquito - and i would remain crazy
    y después en el examen - and afterwards, on the exam
    lo ponía todo al revés - I put everything backwards

    Carito se fue del valle - Carito left the valley
    Yo la recuerdo cantando - I remember her singing
    Porque me dejo muy triste - Because she left me very sad
    Para su tierra se fue - She left for her land

    Coro Chorus

    Tercero verso Third verse

    Carito dime que si - Carito, tell me why
    Que no me quiero morir - because I don't want to die
    Carito don't tell me no -
    Que me muero por tu amor - Because I die for your love

    Que importa la raza - What importance is race
    ampoco idioma - or language?
    si al fin lo que cuenta - if at the end, what counts
    es lo bueno persona - is the good of the person.
    si es del altiplano - if they're from a high plateau
    o de tierra caliente - or from hot land (literal translation)
    si al fin lo que vale - if at the end what matters
    es que sea buena gente - is that they are a good person

    Que importa su credo - What importance is their belief?
    si es hombre influyente - or if they're an influent man
    si al fin lo que cuenta - if at the end what counts
    es la gente decente - is the decency of the person?
    No importa si es blanco - It's not important if they're white
    si es pobre y famoso - or if they're poor and famous
    si al fin lo que vale - if at the end what matters
    es que cante sabroso - is that they sing with taste.

  2. jamsession said:


    And if you don't mind a curious opinion, from someone that plays it by ear...

    de incomprensiones y desencantos - of incomprehensions and disillusionments
    (I would use disapointments instead of disillusionments)

    y yo me quedaba loquito - and i would remain crazy
    (quedar -> here more like become, quedarse is tricky, see Alejandro Sanz... hehe)

    Que importa la raza - What importance is race
    (more like it doesn't matter the race)

    es que cante sabroso - is that they sing with taste.
    (more like his singing is delightful to you, not that he has taste)
  3. Cantante said:

    Default Thanks!

    thanks for helping me out with some of the rough patches i couldn't figure out on my own (with just a dictionary & verb book) keep the comments coming!