Majid AL Saed - Ah Men Sa7eb / اغنية آه من صاحب ماجد السعيد ' مدونة خج

Thread: Majid AL Saed - Ah Men Sa7eb / اغنية آه من صاحب ماجد السعيد ' مدونة خج

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  1. Malak7beebi's Avatar

    Malak7beebi said:

    Default Majid AL Saed - Ah Men Sa7eb / اغنية آه من صاحب ماجد السعيد ' مدونة خج

    If someone could please transliterate & translate this song into English / French I would appreciate it, thank you!
    Last edited by larosa; 06-19-2011 at 09:00 AM.
    لا مصيبة أعظم من الجهل
  2. Ulysses.Rap's Avatar

    Ulysses.Rap said:


    Can someone fix up my translation and do the transliteration? This song is hard to hear.

    بالحيل حبيتك أكثر من عيوني وقلبي الحنون
    When [?] I loved you more than my eyes and my longing heart

    بالحيل حبيتك وماجا على بالي حبيبي يخون
    When I loved you, it didn't occur to me that my beloved is betraying me

    رووووح يابقايا الجروح إنكشف غدرك والعشره تهون
    Go, you remnants of the wounds. Your betrayal was discovered and the companionship [?] is being trivialized

    عشقتك والعشق أدروبه عذاب
    I loved you (passionately) and the passion __________ torment

    عشقتك وماهقيت أعشق سراب
    I loved you and I didn't __________ I was loving a mirage

    رسمتك صورة في قلبي
    Your portrait is an image in my heart

    حسبت إن الهنا دربي
    I reckoned that ________ is a derby

    لقيت الهم في قلبي يسيل
    I found the sorrow in my heart flowing

    لا صبر ينفع ولا شكوى تفيد
    There is no patience that is useful and there is no complaint that is beneficial

    ياقسي حبك وحبك لي خيانه
    Your love is the most abusive and your love, for me, is a betrayal

    والغدر أصبح بقلبك لا مكانه
    The treachery caused there to be nothingness in your heart [?]

    أعطيتك نفسي وعيني ياسبايب كل جروحي
    I gave you my soul and my eye and __________ all my wounds

    واللي كان بيني وبينك
    and what was between me and you

    أنتهى بغدرك وراااااااح…
    I stopped betraying you and it left [?]

    Lyrics from
  3. Malak7beebi's Avatar

    Malak7beebi said:


    Thank you so much (:
    لا مصيبة أعظم من الجهل
  4. Gole Yas said:


    edited a few things..

    بالحيل حبيتك أكثر من عيوني وقلبي الحنون
    Bil 7ail 7abaitan akthar min 3yoni o galbi el7anon
    I loved you strongly, more than my eyes and my kind heart

    بالحيل حبيتك وماجا على بالي حبيبي يخون
    Bil 8ail 7abaitak o maja 3ala bali 7bibi y5on
    I loved you immensely, and it didn't occur to me that my beloved is betraying me

    رووووح يابقايا الجروح إنكشف غدرك والعشره تهون
    Roo7 ya begaya eljrou7 inkeshaf ‘3adrik wil3ishra tehoon
    Go, you remnants of the wounds, your betrayal was revealed, and the companionship can be easily forgotten

    عشقتك والعشق أدروبه عذاب
    3ishagtik wil 3ishig edrobah 3athab
    I loved you and the paths of passion are full of torment

    عشقتك وماهقيت أعشق سراب
    3eshagtik o mahagait a3sheg sarab
    I loved you and I didn't expect to love a mirage (meaning didn’t expect to love something that wasn’t really there)

    رسمتك صورة في قلبي
    Risamtik 9ora fi galbi
    Your portrait is an image in my heart

    حسبت إن الهنا دربي
    7isabt ina elhana darbi
    I reckoned that bliss is my path

    لقيت الهم في قلبي يسيل
    Legait elham fi galbi yiseel
    I found sorrow flowing in my heart

    لا صبر ينفع ولا شكوى تفيد
    La 9aber yinfa3 wala shakwa tifeed
    There is no patience that is useful and there is no complaint that is beneficial

    ياقسي حبك وحبك لي خيانه
    Ya gisi 7ubak o 7ubak li 5yana
    Your love is the most abusive and your love, for me, is a betrayal

    والغدر أصبح بقلبك لا مكانه
    Wil ‘3ader a9ba7 bgalbak la mkaneh
    The treachery has its own place in your heart

    أعطيتك نفسي وعيني ياسبايب كل جروحي
    A36aitek nafsi o 3aini ya sibayeb kil jrou7i
    I gave you my soul and my eye oh reason of all wounds (you)

    واللي كان بيني وبينك
    Wili kan baini o bainek
    and what was between me and you

    أنتهى بغدرك وراااااااح…
    Intaha b’3adrek o ra7
    has ended and is gone from your deception
    Last edited by Gole Yas; 06-14-2011 at 04:39 PM.
  5. Malak7beebi's Avatar

    Malak7beebi said:


    Thank you both so much (: ! Could anyone provide the transliteration?
    لا مصيبة أعظم من الجهل
  6. Gole Yas said:


    i edited my post above sweety