Spanish slang clarifications

Thread: Spanish slang clarifications

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  1. dmoney101 said:


    what word is x used in place of in writing? i've seen it all the time, but i'm not sure what it is. i thought it could be for "es" but idk
  2. arux's Avatar

    arux said:


    Quote Originally Posted by xFRiKiiTONAx View Post
    tengo un pregunto.
    im cuban and russian so i dont speak spanish really gud
    Sata means slutty.
  3. arux's Avatar

    arux said:


    Quote Originally Posted by dmoney101 View Post
    what word is x used in place of in writing? i've seen it all the time, but i'm not sure what it is. i thought it could be for "es" but idk
    I have seen it used in place of "por" because the x is like a multiplication sign which is called "por" in Spanish. It might be used in place of other things for different reasons of course. Do you have a sentence as an example?
  4. dmoney101 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by arux View Post
    I have seen it used in place of "por" because the x is like a multiplication sign which is called "por" in Spanish. It might be used in place of other things for different reasons of course. Do you have a sentence as an example?
    oh, that makes sense. i've never done math in spanish before lol
    i can't think of a sentence, but i just thought of it because i saw a song called Solo X Mi Rap which makes sense now. thanks guey
  5. dmoney101 said:


    i found a list of common reggaeton slang. it's in spanish, but you can probably figure it out with a dictionary

    A Fuego, A Fueguillo: Algo "cool".
    · Acapella: Cantar sin música ,Cantar sin beats (líricas solas).
    · Acicalao o filoteao: Con el pelo recién cortado, y bien vestido. Bien puesto.
    · Aka: nombre de una pistola en ingles (ie. AK 47)
    · Al Callao: Se dice esto para que el publico se agite y haga ruido
    · Al Garete: A lo loco, sin control. (Daddy Yankie - Al Garete)
    · Alicate: Alguien que es utilizado (Don Omar - Intocable)
    · Anormales: Los bravos. Se suelen llamar así cuando se juntan: Don Omar, Daddy Yankie, entre otros.
    · Arrebatao: En la cima por efecto de drogas. (OG Black & Master Joe - Bien Arrebao)
    · Babilla: Coraje, valor, cojones.
    · Backeo: Respaldo (back up). Cuando tienes colegas, que te respaldan.
    · Bananas: no la fruta, sino algo bien chévere.
    · Bellaco/a: Persona que desea tener sexo.
    · Bicho: Parte sexual del hombre.
    · Blin Blin: Joyas, lujos, cadenas, pulseras, sortijas, brillantes.
    · Blinblineo: Prendas costosas, lujos. Guille (de Guillarse).
    · Buduska: chica gorda.
    · Bugarron: el macho en una pareja de homosexuales masculinos.
    · Burlish: Quedar burlado.
    · Buster ('Bostel'): De Boss-Ter. Jefe de un punto de venta de drogas o el backeo (respaldo de alguien). Alguien a quien le pagas para que mate.
    · Cabezear: el acto de sexo oral ("give head").
    · Camón: persona que de tantas relaciones sexuales esta vira.
    · Cangri: Se dice de persona que esta bien rankiao, que es jefe, que es mafia. Persona atractiva o estar bien vestido ("te ves cangri")
    · Charro: Ridículo.
    · Choca: pensar mucho en algo.
    · Chocha – Órgano sexual femenino.
    · Cicario O Gatillero: Asesino a sueldo, killer , hit man.
    · Clavar O Puyar: acción de tener sexo.
    · Cocolo: negro afroamericano. (Vico C feat. Tego Calderon.
    · Cónsul: Es el mejor amigo.
    · Corbeja: Puta, Parga, Ingra, Geisha.
    · Corillo: grupo de amigos que siempre andan juntos.
    · Cuero: puta.
    · Dembow: Éste tipo de música (reggaeton) El Ritmo. (Lorna - Papi Chulo "suavemente you con el dembow...").
    · El Perro: el SIDA, AIDS.
    · ¡Eso, perra!: ¡Eso, mami!
    · Feca: Mentira.
    · Flow: Estilo. Corriente, electricidad en el cuerpo al bailar (Lorna - Papi Chulo "suavemente you con el dembow, al son del flow").
    · Frontear: Caminar como si tu mandaras (Joel & Fortuna - Fronteame "sueltate mami, ven y perréame... fronteameeee")
    · Fuetazo: Golpe, relacionado con el instrumento del jinete para azotar al caballo.
    · Gangster ('Gangtel'): Mafioso (Don Omar - Amor De Colegio).
    · Gato(a): Muchacho(a).
    · Girlas ('Guirlas'): Chicas.
    · Guasa: Mentira o falsedad. Que habla mucho y luego no hace nada. (Tego Calderon - Guasa Guasa "...Tu eres guasa guasa...")
    · Guayando: Bailar bien pegado, rozando. (Daddy Yankie feat. Nicky Jam - Guayando "guayando, sudando, perreando, bellaqueando...")
    · Guillaera: Actitud. Con autoestima alta.
    · Guillao: Creerse que es algo que no es, creerse que es mucho.
    · Inyectando: Diciendo cosas para provocar a otra persona, lo mismo que tirarse.
    · Ir a to'a: tirarse hasta las ultimas consecuencias.
    · Janguear: "Hanging out" en ingles, salir, pasear con el corillo.
    · Jibaro: campesino, alguien del campo que no esta al tanto de la moda (charro).
    · Liga(no dan liga): no dar competensia.
    · Mai: Mamita, Madre, amiga, etc.
    · Masacote: Pene grande.
    · Medio Posillo: cuando se tira lírica a medias (que solo es un pedazo o muestra).
    · Melones / limones: senos grandes / senos chiquitos.
    · Nebula o nebuloso: algo extraño, que no esta claro, no aparentar de confianza; (chica nebulosa), shady, que se trae algo entre manos.
    · Pasto: Marihuana.
    · Patrulleo: Velar, observar, montado en un coche con los cristales tintados (Don Omar - Dale Don Dale "diles que yo ando con mi gato en el patrulleo")
    · Pegado: ser famoso en el genero.
    · Perrear: Bailar reggaeton.
    · Perreo: Baile muy sensual, bien bellaco, normalmente el chico detrás de la chica, y ésta rozándole con su trasero sensualmente.
    · Pichaera: Cuando tratas de hablar con alguien y la otra persona te ignora, ni siquiera te presta atención.
    · Pichear pa' loco: Hacerse el loco, desentenderse.
    · Plasta: un cantante que no sirve.
    · Popos: policias que le hacen la vida imposible a uno.
    · Rankea'o(a): ser persona de gran respeto en el genero.
    · Rasta: en la calle - ser bien reggae.
    · Rebuleo: Pelea o discusión.
    · Relajando: Jodiendo, Vasilando, tripeando.
    · Sandungueo: Ritmo con dembow.
    · Sandunguero: Persona que baila reggaeton.
    · Sata: Prostituta (Bori - Gata Sata "gata sata tu eres la que me provoca...").
    · Sin Cojones Me Tiene: No me interesa, me importa muy poco. (Don Omar - Dale Don Mas Duro).
    · Socio: Oponente, enemigo, pero también se traduce como mejor amigo o compañero, que bregan al palo (que se tratan bien).
    · Sopla pote es el dueño del masacote: lame penes (Tego Calderon - Guasa Guasa "sopla pote es el dueño del masacote").
    · Sopla pote: Sopla pollas, tonto, mamón (pinga en Puerto Rico) (Tego Calderon - Guasa Guasa "sopla pote es el dueño del masacote").
    · Suelto(a) como gabete: Estar dispuesto a todo, que pueden tener sexo fácil con él/ella (Don Omar - Dale Don Dale "dale papi que estoy suelta como gabete")
    · Tiraera: Guerra lirica (ataque verbal musical). (Vico C - Mi Forma De Tiraera "mi forma de tiraera, chequea, que me los gano a mi manera")
    · Tirarse: Lanzarse, enamorarse. O de hombre a hombre tirarse es hablarse como si estuvieran peleando.
    · Trambo: (trambuqueo) un truco, trampa o pescao, engaño.
    · Trilli: algo fácil, coger algún caso sin miedo de que algo malo pase.
    · Tripear: "tripping" en ingles, relajando, etc.
    · Va Sin Jockey: Va sin novio, está soltera.
    · Yales: Mujeres (Don Omar - Dale Don Dale "pa' que se muevan las yales").
    Last edited by dmoney101; 06-04-2008 at 03:52 PM.
  6. xFRiKiiTONAx said:


    Quote Originally Posted by arux View Post
    Sata means slutty.
  7. dmoney101 said:


    can you tell me what guayeteo means? the only time i've ever seen it used was in the Jowell y Randy song. also, what is to me lo voy a fumar? my friend said it means your about to whoop all their asses, but i just wanna confirm if he's right or not
  8. said:

    Default Dale

    Quote Originally Posted by Bambambonita View Post
    So you never answered, what EXACTLY can dale mean to a Puerto Rican?? I've heard it used in many different ways, to mean many different things. Im still confused, but you can normally catch on with the sentence.

    1. dale 233 up, 45 down

    Means "go ahead" in spanish, mostly Cuban slang, used alot in Miami. Used as a goodbye or a slang call.
    Alright man, I'll talk to you later, DALE!
    do your thing stay up bet that up bueno toma
    by Yamian Oct 1, 2005 email it 0 comments
    2. Dalé 18 up, 1 down

    *Dalé : adverb : pronounced Dah-leh
    Usually replaces the words "Ok", "later", "good bye", and "alright" most frequently used by Cubans and or Miami residents.

    I think it may be a shorten version of undale
  9. dmoney101 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    1. dale 233 up, 45 down

    Means "go ahead" in spanish, mostly Cuban slang, used alot in Miami. Used as a goodbye or a slang call.
    Alright man, I'll talk to you later, DALE!
    do your thing stay up bet that up bueno toma
    by Yamian Oct 1, 2005 email it 0 comments
    2. Dalé 18 up, 1 down

    *Dalé : adverb : pronounced Dah-leh
    Usually replaces the words "Ok", "later", "good bye", and "alright" most frequently used by Cubans and or Miami residents.

    I think it may be a shorten version of undale
    you mean andale?
    i've seen it used as "vente/ven" a lot
  10. rydizzle's Avatar

    rydizzle said:


    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    1. dale 233 up, 45 down

    Means "go ahead" in spanish, mostly Cuban slang, used alot in Miami. Used as a goodbye or a slang call.
    Alright man, I'll talk to you later, DALE!
    do your thing stay up bet that up bueno toma
    by Yamian Oct 1, 2005 email it 0 comments
    2. Dalé 18 up, 1 down

    *Dalé : adverb : pronounced Dah-leh
    Usually replaces the words "Ok", "later", "good bye", and "alright" most frequently used by Cubans and or Miami residents.

    I think it may be a shorten version of undale
    it can also mean "do it"
    "la gata sin motiva baila reggaeton pa'l piso"
  11. hannahkail said:


    I've been reading this thread for a long time, and you guys are amazing! Now finally I'm going to break down and ask a few questions of my own.

    In the song "Yo quiero hacerte el amor" by Wisin y Yandel, they say "En el cuarto, yakiando" what does "yakiando" mean? I think it's PR slang for "talking" but I'm not really sure.

    What does "ya" literally mean? I understand it when people say "Ya te dije" - "I already told you" and I understand the phrases "Ya me voy" and "Ya no quiero", but I don't understand what difference the word "ya" makes, why not just say "No quiero"? I know that usually it means "already" but sometimes it gets confusing when I try to literally translate it.

    And finally, "pues". My mexican friends say "orale pues" Kind of like "All right then" but my boyfriend (who is from El Salvador) will call and it goes like this

    Him: "Que haces?"
    Me: "Nada, estoy en mi casa"
    Him: "Pues que?"

    That's where he loses me lol. Thank you guys so much in advance!
  12. xiurell's Avatar

    xiurell said:


    if you try to translate ya as 'in this moment' you could understant all its meannings

    ex. ya no quiero as 'now I dont want'
    ex. ya te dije as 'now, I told you'
    ex. ya me voy as 'now , I'm leaving'
    ex. ya no quiero as 'now, I dont want'

    as you see is just a word used to emphasize or stress that the accion became aware in this moment,

    I can't explain it in others words
  13. dmoney101 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by xiurell View Post
    if you try to translate ya as 'in this moment' you could understant all its meannings

    ex. ya no quiero as 'now I dont want'
    ex. ya te dije as 'now, I told you'
    ex. ya me voy as 'now , I'm leaving'
    ex. ya no quiero as 'now, I dont want'

    as you see is just a word used to emphasize or stress that the accion became aware in this moment,

    I can't explain it in others words

    i thought ya meant something already happened, like "ya tenemo to'" we already have everything. that's how all the dictionaries list it. it can be used both was. in the case with ya quiando (no idea what that word is), your usage would be right, but it's good to know all the ways a word can be used
  14. hannahkail said:


    Quote Originally Posted by xiurell View Post
    if you try to translate ya as 'in this moment' you could understant all its meannings

    ex. ya no quiero as 'now I dont want'
    ex. ya te dije as 'now, I told you'
    ex. ya me voy as 'now , I'm leaving'
    ex. ya no quiero as 'now, I dont want'

    as you see is just a word used to emphasize or stress that the accion became aware in this moment,

    I can't explain it in others words
    Thank you so much! I generally understand what people are trying to say, I just couldn't find an english word/phrase equivalent to it. You're my new hero!
  15. thevossinator said:


    ok my spanish isn't bad but how is "chiquilla" used en chiquilla by kumbia all starz? y tambien "tus papas solo se quejan"....papas???? how is it used?? thx
  16. xiurell's Avatar

    xiurell said:


    Quote Originally Posted by thevossinator View Post
    ok my spanish isn't bad but how is "chiquilla" used en chiquilla by kumbia all starz? y tambien "tus papas solo se quejan"....papas???? how is it used?? thx
    chiquilla (diminutive for chica) = girl, baby
    tus papás = parents (we use the masculine plural for refering to both, father and mother)

  17. dmoney101 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by xiurell View Post
    chiquilla (diminutive for chica) = girl, baby
    tus papás = parents (we use the masculine plural for refering to both, father and mother)

    is chiquilla similar to chiquita in meaning? i've never heard that one before
  18. xiurell's Avatar

    xiurell said:


    Quote Originally Posted by dmoney101 View Post
    is chiquilla similar to chiquita in meaning? i've never heard that one before

    Yes, both are diminutive from chica, -ina, -ita are sufixes (in femenine) the masculine would be -ino, -ito.
    Though chiquita has a meaning of litle one, small one too, and make it more diminutive saying chiquitita as in the ABBA song

  19. dmoney101 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by xiurell View Post
    Yes, both are diminutive from chica, -ina, -ita are sufixes (in femenine) the masculine would be -ino, -ito.
    Though chiquita has a meaning of litle one, small one too, and make it more diminutive saying chiquitita as in the ABBA song

    oh, that's my first time hearing of the ino/a suffix. thanks again
  20. Moon-baby's Avatar

    Moon-baby said:


    Hola a todos,

    Una pregunta por palabra "gilipoyas" es taboo? yo se que es insulta...pero es taboo como"a**hole" en ingles por ejemplo?
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