My fav French rap song :)

Thread: My fav French rap song :)

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  1. NaOdd said:

    Lightbulb My fav French rap song :)

    Sexion d'assaut - Changement d'ambiance !
  2. k-maro said:


    i heard this song today
    very good song
  3. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    In this song remember that they play a lot with words, specially the numbers

    Maître Gims
    Échoué… le plan a échoué
    Failed ... the plan failed

    Sachez que l’ambiance peut changer, les coups s’échangent
    Know that the situation can change, kicks's exchange
    et tu passe du calme au danger
    and you go from calm to danger

    Maître Gims
    Échoué… le plan a échoué
    Failed ... the plan failed

    Tu peux passer du blanc au noir, du bien au mal
    You can change from white to black, good from bad

    Adams Diallo
    1 la soirée se passe ils jouent leur avenir à deux
    1 the evening is going well, they play their futur being two
    En 2 minutes, hop ca devient la guerre de troie
    Just in 2 minutes, hop its became troy's war (here, he plays with words : Troy=in french Troie= Three =trois)
    Ils étaient 4 ou 5 sous l’emprise du 666
    They were 4 or 5 under the force/catch of the 666
    D'la weed? Oui surtout dla 8-6!
    Some weed ? Yes, but above all 8-6 (He plays with words = 8-6 is beer)
    Cette fois ci stop ce jeune homme voulait du neuf
    This time this young man wanted something new (He plays with words = neuf means 9, it also means "new")
    S’marier avec sa meuf, bref avoir 10 enfants
    To marry his girlfriend, and having 10 children
    Il en a marre des coups, avec ses zinc’ c’est simple!
    He has enought with the kicks (fights) with his cousins (meaning "brothers" so his friends) that's simple !
    Mais une chose qui est sure, c’est pas passé 5 sur 5
    But one thing for sure, it wasn't be clear for them (the message wasn't clear for them/or it can mean they didn't accepted the new change)

    Un diner au chandelles et tout se passe à merveille
    A candlelit dinner and everything going well
    Il negocie la main dla fille en esperant que sa mere veuille
    He negociate the girl's hand wishing his/her mother accepts
    C’est la soirée de sa vie, depuis hier samir veille
    It the evening of his life, since the day before Samir is awake
    Il se dit qu’il veut de l’argent propre qu’il en a marre d’salir l’oseille
    He says to himself that he wants (from now) proper money he had enought (don't know if he says "earning money in a bad way" or smthg else)
    Il esquive meme son cousin qui lui demande de faire des coups
    He even avoid his cousin who asking him to "make affair with him" ("des coups" means bad/illegal things)
    Des groupes de mec le cherchent, ils voient sa tête ils le découpent
    Group of dudes are searching him, (if) they see his head they cut it off
    Du coup, samir s’est rangé, tout ca c’est sa petite amie
    So, Samir stopped acting like a fool ("s'est rangé " means now he have a clean life), all those this for his girlfriend
    Il passe une soirée parfaite en songeant à sa petite famille
    He spend a perfect evening thinking at his little family

    D’un coup des mecs à l’entrée rentrent, giflent le videur
    Suddenly dudes came in, slap the doorman
    Deboulent dans le resto à 5 avec samir dans l’viseur
    Enter in the restaurant they are 5 with Samir in their view (or searching directly for him)
    Courent vers lui à toute vitesse, coup d’bouteille au futur gendre
    Run quickly toward him, a bottle's blow (in the head) to the futur son-in-law
    Ils mettent des coups de pression aux gens, des coups de couteaux aux jambes
    They put pressure to people, knocks of knives in the legs
    Des couples couteux s’insultent, ya que le serveur qu’ca enchante
    Couples insulting, only the waiter is enchanted [by the situation](don't really get the meaning of this sentence)
    Ils mettent la go en sang, en plus elle est enceinte
    They let the girl with blood, beside this she is pregnant
    Ils bousillent les tables, les chaises et enchainent le vacarme
    They broke the tables, the chairs and make a lot of noise
    Ils débranchent les cables, vident les caisse et dépouillent le placard
    The unplug the cables, empty the cashdesks and skin the cupbord
    Ils profitent des femmes ,et leur fesses et traitent leur mecs de batards (sale batard va)
    They take avantage of the women, their boot and insult their boyfriends (saying they are) of bast**ds ( dirty bast**d )
    Eh mate les faire, toute la pièce est devenue un bazar
    Look at them (doing this), all the room became a bazar
    Changement d’ambiance que d’la peur
    Change of the situation, only fear
    Personne pour ldire au keufs
    Nobody to tell it to the cops
    Bellec! Ici en 10 minutes tu peux passer du rire aux pleurs
    Attention ! (arabic word, can mean other things) Here in 10 minutes you can pass from laughts to tears

    Maître Gims et Lefa
    Échoué (échoué, échoué, échoué..) le plan a échoué!´
    Failed (failed, failed, failed...) the plan failed !
    (échoué, échoué, échoué..)
    (failed, failed, failed...)

    Ok 5 renoi dans une caisse imatriculé 9-4
    Ok 5 blacks in a car immatriculated 9-4 (a department around Paris)
    Sur un fond sonore du prototype 3
    With a sound in the back [of the car, meaning "music in the car"](music ?) of prototype 3 (don't get it)
    Fonçaient vers la capitale quand l’un 2
    Running to the capital when one of them (he plays with words= l'un d'eux= "d'eux" of them (deux=two))
    Sortit l’flash de rhum pour se mettre bi-1
    Bring out a bottle of rhum to feel good (he plays with words =bien=good > bien sounds like "bi-un" so, un =one)
    Il est minuit 6 quand ca part en ,7-su
    It's midnight six (minutes) when it goes wild (he plays with words "7-su"= sucette= going wild/bad)
    La caisse fait des loopings ca devient le grand 8
    The car make loopings and became the "grand 8" (it's a big wheel in the attraction's parc, it means here that the car went hight and turned, like a "looping")
    Dire qu’ils s’étaient des diez, ptite veste en jean 9
    ??? (don't get it at all) little jacket in jean new ( "9" (neuf) means also "new")
    C’est l’histoire d’un cauchemard hiver 2010
    It's a nightmare's story, winter 2010

    Tuut tuut
    - Allo?
    -Allo ?
    - C’est un tel! Bien ou quoi mon gars sur? J’ai la caisse ce soir on sort!
    -It's "someone" (he said it on purpose "untel" =un(one)-tel =someone)! You're ok man ? I have the car, tonight he go out !
    - Si si bien vu t’assures!
    - Yeah, yeah good !
    - Préviens les autres on s’capte au café qui fait l’angle, ce soir on s’fait pas recal j’ai 4 tickets d’entrée
    -Warn/inform the guys, we see each others at the café, tonight we'll won't be rejected i have 4 entry tickets
    - Ok!
    -Ok !

    3h plus tard, tu connais les blacks
    3 h later, you know the blacks (people)
    Mais bon y a le plein pour fuir si un keuf reconnaît la plaque
    Well, we have enought fuel to run away if a cop reconizes the car (immatriculation's car)
    Du sexion a fond, direction la capitale
    Some "sexion" (the music group) very loud, direction the capital
    Ca va clasher du tiek’ son jusqu’à Pigalle
    Its gonna ??? until Pigalle (hot place in Paris)
    Flashe de rhum pour s’mettre en condition
    Some Rhum to be in good mood (or for "being in the ambiance" for what they gonna do)
    Mauvais idée, car maintenant Un tel conduit saoul
    Bad idea, cause now "someone" (he call it like that on purpose) is driving drunk
    (vas-y vas-y fais attention toi aussi! T’inquiète!)
    (Hey, watch out you ! Don't worry !)
    Il serre un peux trop prés le taxi d'vant
    He drives to close from the taxi just before (them)
    Un radar le taxe, il pile et c’est l’accident
    A radar ???, he ??? and it's the accident
    Le passager d’vant s’cogne contre le tableau d’bord!
    The passenger in the front of the car get bang (don't know how to translate)
    Sa boîte cranienne se fracture, un morceau d’cerveau sort
    His head breaks itslef, a piece of brain goes out
    La carosserie s’écrase comme une canette
    The "car" (it's not exactly the appropriate word but, well...)crashes as a can
    C’est maintenant qu’il pense a Dieu et il appelle à l'aide
    It's now that he think about God and he calling at help
    Mais c’est trop tard
    But it's too late
    Les vitres explosent, les bouts de verre s’enfoncent dans les corps
    Windows explode, glass ends sink into bodies
    La caisse part en tonneau et fonce dans l’décor
    The car turns in itself (don't know the proper word) ? (don't know how to translate "fonce dans le décors" but it means to go directly in what is before "an other car, a tree, wathever ... "le décors" here means what is in front of them)

    Untel sort, et voit les gens en an-s
    "Someone" goes out, and see people in blood (an-s = sang= blood)
    Voila c'qu’on apelle un changement d’ambiance
    Here it's what we call a change of situation

    Maître Gims et Lefa
    Échoué (échoué, échoué, échoué..) le plan a échoué!´
    Failed (failed, failed, failed ...) the plan failed !
    (échoué, échoué, échoué..)
    (failed, failed, failed ...)

    Vu l’ambiance, valait mieux décal’, wesh on était pas plus de 7
    Seeing the ambiance/situation, it was better to run away, yeah we wasn't more than 7
    Debout comme a l’armée a s’esquinter les vertèbres
    Standing up as in the army, knocking out our vertebras
    Faya sous col-a, mais s’coup ci c’était whisky
    Tired under alcohol, but this time it was whisky
    Sans cesse a débattre sur le dernier x6
    Always debatting about the last "x6" (don't get what is that)
    Ce soir c’était nuit blanche des clopes j’en avait plus que 5
    Tonight it was a no sleeping night (litt."white night"), cigarets i had (of it) more than 5
    4 euros d’nai-mo pour aller grailler s’mettre ien-b
    4 euros of money (left) for eating, be well (ien-b means "bien" and there is the number "1"(one=un in french) ien-b("yun" with the sound "un"+b)
    3 képis qui rodaient en kaftar en moins d’2
    3 cap's hat ("kepi" is a "normal" word, that how we really say for the cops' hat)
    Les mains contre le mur au bords des nerfs j’m’absti1
    Hands against the wall, not away from getting out of my nerves (not sure about the right translation) i stay calm

    Y avait d’la ze-ti du pilon, c’qu’il faut pour sm’ettre ien-b
    There was some ??? (i think it's alcohol because "ze-ti" means probably "tize" wich means alcohol but "pilon" idk), what it needs to be well
    La ptite équipe d’élite, 2-3 tite-pe qui s’trouvaient dans l’coin
    The little elite team, 2-3 young girls (i guess tite-pe = petites, so "girls") in the place
    Tout passait pour le mieux, mis a part un peu d’boucan
    Everything was going well, beside some noise
    Un contrôle inopiné c’est cqu’on apelle un changement d’ambiance
    A surprise id's control, that what we call a change of situation/ambiance
    A la base , ils étaient venus pour nous demander d’bouger
    They came at the begigning to ask us to go away
    Refus d’obtemperer, contrôle d’identité
    Refusal to obey, id control
    Comme d’habitude, faut toujours qu’y en ait un qui s’branle guy-jaques
    As always, It has to be one who ???? (don't get it at all)
    (oh faites pas les marioles la)
    (oh ! Don't act like idiots )
    Comme chez vous, faut toujours qu’y en ait un pour les ficha!
    Like for you (??? don't get what they means), it always need to be one to ("les ficher" maybe ? meaning taking their name etc)
    Ce soir la, y’avait l’poto qui dormait dans sa caisse (sortez du véhicule)
    This night, one of the dude was sleeping in the car (go out of the car)
    Réveille pour donner sa pièce, contrôle alco-test
    Wake-up to give his id (pièce =card), test of alcohol (control of alcohol)
    Il avait bu, il avait mal garé son 307
    He drank, his car (307 "Peugeot", is a french car) wasn't well parked
    Brutalise sous l’me-seu du capitaine et ses collègues
    Brutalised under the captain's anger (seu-me = seum= anger) and his collegues
    Manque de pot la mif est grande, y’avait 2 d’ses frelon
    No (lack of) luck (bad for them), the family (mif=mifa= famille=familly) is big, there were 2 "brothers"(?) of him
    Ca part en couilles de tous les te-Co, outrage et rebellion
    It's a big mess coming from everywhere (té-co = coté= side (from every sides, so from everywhere), Insult and rebellion
    Strangulations, balayettes, patates dans la machoire
    Strangulations, kicks in the legs, kicks on the jaw

    Dispersion on s’revoit main-de, la faut vé-squi l’tier-quar!
    Dispersal, we'll see each others tomorrow (main-de=demain=tomorrow), he have for now to avoid the block

    ( -eh désolé, vas y on s’casse on s’casse!
    ( -he sorry, let's go, let's go !
    - 10-15! 10-15! Envoyez du renfort)
    -10-15 ! 10-15 ! Send a team (cops's team, don't remember the appropriate word)

    Maître Gims
    Le plan a échoué!
    The plan failed !