Looking for a song /singer

Thread: Looking for a song /singer

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  1. cloven8 said:

    Post Looking for a song /singer

    It is the 1980's she is a black singer who in her film clip wore country and western/cowboy outfit even a cowboy hat but sang what you'd call pop ,she played a guitar ,from what remember she had short if not clipped hair,I did buy the LP back in the early 90's ,one song on the album was very environmental... broken country or bad country,I just have been looking for ever was just one of those singers that I can't get out of my head .I thought she was just amazing .Back then .
  2. liannalondon said:


    Gail Ann Dorsey "Wasted Country" I think I still have the single somewhere
  3. cloven8 said:

    Wink UM...wow !!!

    thank you ,really and she is all I remember ,wow .you have no idea how long i have been trying .thank you .she is beautiful .love it .
  4. liannalondon said:


    glad I could help