Translate words from Bayya we Shater??

Thread: Translate words from Bayya we Shater??

Tags: baya we shater, nancy ajram
  1. KittyKat said:

    Red face Translate words from Bayya we Shater??

    Can someone please translate some of the words from Bayya we shater by Nancy Ajram.

    Bayaa we shater we brimoo

    I know that the first two mean a seller and a sly but what does brimoo mean?


    3ala adimoo

    fi 3eshra


    we tsada2o

    maloush masi

    dares we kamal ta3leemo

    winta msada2 we msalim

    Yikdib 3aleik we dama3lo

    fil kidb ostaz we m3alam

    Hadi awi lesmat hawa

    yow3ad awi we yseeb hawa

    If you can translate it word for word I'd really appreciate it. thank you
  2. aila's Avatar

    aila said:


    It's HERE
  3. KittyKat said:


    I want to know the specific translations of each of those words..

    thanks for the help..
  4. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    Bayaa we shater we brimoo

    I know that the first two mean a seller and a sly but what does brimoo mean?
    I guess brimo means the number one or the best


    3ala adimoo = just like what he used to be

    fi 3eshra = live together for the lifetime

    mabda2o = his principle

    we tsada2o = and you believe him
    we = and
    tesada2o = believe him

    maloush masi = maseel not masi and it means he's one of a kind
    maloosh = has no other
    maseel = copy

    dares we kamal ta3leemo = he studied and continued his studies and she means that he became a professional liar as if he studied lying and took the master degree

    dares = studies
    kamel = continued
    ta3leemo = his studies

    winta msada2 we msalim = and you're believing and surrendering in other words; you don't suspect what he's saying
    winta = and you are
    mesada2 = believing
    msalin = surrendering

    Yikdib 3aleik we dama3lo = he lies to you and you cry for him
    yikdib = lies
    3alaik = at you, to you
    etdama3lo = shed tears for him

    fil kidb ostaz we m3alam = he's a lying teacher he's so good at lying so he teaches people how to lie
    fil = in
    kidb = lying
    ostaz = master
    m3allem = teacher

    Hadi awi nesmat hawa = he's so calm just like a breeze
    hadi = calm
    nesmet hawa = breeze

    yow3ad awi we yseeb hawa = he gives so many promises and leaves his love
    yow3ed = promises
    awi = too much
    yseed = leaves
    hawa = his love
  5. KittyKat said:


    Thank you for taking the time to translate, I reallllllllllly appreciate it =D
  6. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    you're welcome