Mina - Un Anno D'Amore

Thread: Mina - Un Anno D'Amore

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  1. Sanmayce's Avatar

    Sanmayce said:

    Default Mina - Un Anno D'Amore

    I am in search for the essence of one old superhit...
    Please help me with the translation of Mina - Un Anno D'Amore lyrics which is placed at Spanish section:
    Get down get down get down get it on show love and give it up
    What are you waiting on?
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Si può finire qui/ we can end this now
    ma tu davvero vuoi/ but do you really want
    buttare via così un anno d'amore/ to throw away a year of love in this way?
    se adesso te ne vai/ if you leave now
    da domani saprai/ starting from tomorrow you'll know
    un giorno com'è lungo e vuoto senza me./ how interminable and empty is the day without me
    E di notte e di notte/ and at night
    per non sentirti solo/ to don't feel lonely
    ricorderai i tuoi giorni felici/ you'll recall all your blissful days
    ricorderai tutti quanti i miei baci/ you'll dream of all my kisses
    e capirai in un solo momento/ and you'll suddenly understand
    cosa vuol dire un anno d'amore/ the meaning of a year of love
    cosa vuol dire un anno d'amore./ the meaning of a year of love

    Lo so non servirà e tu mi lascerai/ i know, it's no good and you'll leave me
    ma dimmi, tu lo sai che cosa perdiamo/ but tell me, do you know what we lose?
    se adesso te ne vai/ if you leave now
    non le ritroverai le cose conosciute/ you will never find again the well-known things
    vissute con me./ that you've lived with me
    E di notte e di notte/ and at night
    per non sentirti solo/ to don't feel lonely
    ricorderai i tuoi giorni felici/ you'll recall all your blissful days
    ricorderai tutti quanti i miei baci/ you'll dream of all my kisses
    e capirai in un solo momento/ and you'll suddenly understand
    cosa vuol dire un anno d'amore/ the meaning of a year of love
    cosa vuol dire un anno d'amore./ the meaning of a year of love
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  3. Sanmayce's Avatar

    Sanmayce said:


    I repost this because of the forum hack/breakdown:

    Thank you so much Ligeia,
    you did make exactly what I was searching for.

    Looking at video-clip featuring Mina singing is a real thing, I fully agree with superlatives from youtube's comments:
    Ah Mina! Primerissima!
    Grande voce ... grande artista!
    Mina maravillosa

    Please confirm this not being a slip/error:
    ma tu davvero vuoi/ but do you really want

    In my Italian/Spanish/French post the verse is:
    ma tu davvero puoi/ but do you really can

    I cannot hear whether it is 'p' or 'v'.

    Best regards
    Get down get down get down get it on show love and give it up
    What are you waiting on?