Nocas tu su svi, samo nisi ti // Tonight we're all here but you
srce kaze hajde popij nesto jace // My heart is telling me "come on, drink something stronger"
Pevam nocima, dim u ocima // I sing for nights, smoke in my eyes
pa se ne zna da l' se smejem ili placem // So no one knows if I'm laughing or crying
Nocas misle svi da zakasnila si ti // Tonight everybody thinks that you're just late
kako istinu da im kazem, ljubavi // How to tell them the truth, my love?

A gde si sada ti kad gubim te lagano // And where are you now when I'm losing you slowly
i ne dam da mi bol u oku vide // And I don't let them to see pain in my eye
Nedostajes mi ti, moja crna damo // I miss you, my black lady
i pevam al' mi to sve teze ide // And I'm singing, but it's going harder and harder for me
A gde si sada ti, svi dosli su odavno // And where are you now, everybody came a long time ago
ja ne dam da mi bol u oku vide // I don't let them to see pain in my eye
Nedostajes mi ti, moja crna damo // I miss you, my black lady
i pevam al' mi to sve teze ide // And I sing, but it's going harder and harder for me
Pevaj, srce, znam da boli te // Sing, my heart, I know it hurts

Nocas tu su svi stari drugovi // Tonight all old friends are here
srce kaze, hajde popij nesto jace // My heart is telling me "Come on, drink something stronger"
Ponoc prolazi, ti ne dolazis // It's after midnight, you're not coming
a u grudima mi udara sve jace // And the beats in my chest are becoming stronger
Nocas misle svi da zakasnila si ti // Tonight everybody thinks that you're just late
kako istinu da im kazem, ljubavi // How to tell them the truth, my love?