help needed identifying a song

Thread: help needed identifying a song

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  1. ross1987 said:

    Exclamation help needed identifying a song

    The Lyrics of the song are

    Everytime i Slip you catch my fall, No Matter what happens you bring me heaven time after time take my breath away yeah, no more

    a clip can be heard at*****/ (click qaf say goodbye) and its the song at the last 1/3 of the video

    It be great if someone knows it as its been driving me mad trying to find it

    Songs i know it aren;t are Cyndi Lauper Time afer Time, AdamSki Bring me Heaven or Thank You Baby by King Force! or natalie imbruilla WHY


  2. atmaestro's Avatar

    atmaestro said:


    How about "Take My Breathe Away" by Berlin from the movie "Top Gun"