Majida Elroumi Kan Ajmal Youm كان أجمل يوم

Thread: Majida Elroumi Kan Ajmal Youm كان أجمل يوم

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  1. catplayer said:

    Default Majida Elroumi Kan Ajmal Youm كان أجمل يوم

    this song is just awesome, but besides the translation. what a pitty. can anyone help?
    here is the link to the song:
    if it is not too much to ask if you can provide also lyrics in arabic with latin letters would be wonderful. thank you.
  2. Ulysses.Rap's Avatar

    Ulysses.Rap said:


    كان أجمل يوم
    kaan agmal youm
    It was the most beautiful day.

    كان أجمل يوم يوم ما شكالي قلبي من حبك وأنا خالي
    kaan agmal youm youm ma shakaalii albii min Hubbek wana khaalii
    It was the most beautiful day, the day that my heart complained to me of your love while I was empty.

    كان اجمل يوم
    kaan agmal youm
    It was the most beautiful day.

    كان لي قلب نسيته من ظلم الناس وجفيته
    kaan lii alb naseetuh min DHulm an-naas wa jaffaituh
    For me, it was a heart that I forgot from the darkness of the people and I dried it up.

    في عينيكي الحلوة لقيته مرتاح وارتحت معاه
    Fii 3ainaikii al-Hilwa la'aituh mirtaaH wirtaHt ma3uh
    In your eyes is the sweetness that I met. I'm at ease and I was at ease with it.

    كان أجمل يوم
    kaan agmal youm
    It was the most beautiful day.

    شبكتني في حبك نظرة شغلتني من غير ما ادري
    shabkatnii fii Hubbek nazra shaghltnii min ghair ma edrii
    You ensnared me in your love. A glance held me without me even being aware.

    من يومها حبيت بكره وشهور وانا بستناه
    min youmha Habbait bukrah wa shuhuur wana bastannaah
    From that day, I loved tomorrow. I have waited for it for waiting months.

    كان أجمل يوم
    kaan agmal youm
    It was the most beautiful day.

    وحياة من وهبك لي ارحم من روحي علي
    wa Hyaat min wahbik liy - irham min ruuHii 3alai
    I swear by the one who has offered you as a present for me, He's more merciful than I am.

    أجمل من ضي عيني يوم واحد مش حانساه
    Agmal min Diyy 3aniy youm wahed mish Hansaah
    More beautiful than the light of my eyes - one day I will never forget.

    كان أجمل يوم
    kaan agmal youm
    It was the most beautiful day.
    Last edited by Ulysses.Rap; 09-10-2011 at 12:44 AM.
  3. LoOlya's Avatar

    LoOlya said:


    This song is originally by Mohammad Abdul-Wahab.
    Great! but I wonder if you don't mind having some corrections..

    كان أجمل يوم يوم ما شكالي قلبي من حبك وأنا خالي
    kaan agmal youm youm ma shakaalii albii min Hubbek wana khaalii
    It was the most beautiful day. One day, my heart complained to me of your love while I was empty.
    It was the most beautiful day.The day which my heart complained to me of your love while I was empty.
    من يومها حبيت بكره وشهور وانا بستناه
    min youmha Habbait bukrah wa shuhuur wana bastannaah
    From that day, I loved you. Tomorrow, months I will wait for it.
    من يومها حبيت بكره و شهور وانا بستناه
    min youmha Habbait bukrah wa shuhuur wana bastannaah
    From that day, I loved tomorrow, months I'm waiting for it.

    وحياة من وهبك لي ارحم من روحي علي
    wa Hyaat min wahbik liy - Arham min ruuHii 3alai
    and life is among your gifts for me. Take pity on my soul.
    I swear by the one who has offered you as a present for me, He's more merciful than I am.

    أجمل من ضي عيني يوم واحد مش حانساه
    Agmal min Diyy 3aniy youm wahed mish Hansaah
    The most beautiful of the ______ of my eye - one day I will never forget.
    More beautiful than the light of my eyes - one day I will never forget.
    Syria ♥
    لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
    Suriyeli damarımda Türk kanı akıyor.
  4. Ulysses.Rap's Avatar

    Ulysses.Rap said:


    Thanks. Just did the edits to it.
  5. catplayer said:


    thank you very much beautiful words...