Seams Rippin' Sweat Drippin'

Thread: Seams Rippin' Sweat Drippin'

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  1. MikeJones said:

    Default Seams Rippin' Sweat Drippin'

    I know mine sucks only the second rap I ever wrote its simple... unfinished but my friend is way more into rap than me and he wrote a terrible rap about me so I stepped it up He was a little mad cuz of it lol... This is not that rap but

    Seams Rippin' Sweat Drippin' Got me the edge of my seat Tension rising to my head from my feet

    Waitn' for the show to Start Shooken up by the beatin' of my heart

    Lights shine on my face Hits me like Mace

    Go into Shock, Body Stuck on Lock

    Feel like im stuck behind bars, Start Seein' Stars

    Know what I gotta do Just can't make the move

    ... Just tell me what yo think ... Tips IDK I like writing raps now cuz its fun
  2. MikeJones said:


    O BTW sick last lines
  3. MikeJones said:


    I know mine sucks only the second rap I ever wrote its simple... unfinished but my friend is way more into rap than me and he wrote a terrible rap about me so I stepped it up He was a little mad cuz of it lol... This is not that rap but

    Seams Rippin' Sweat Drippin' Got me the edge of my seat Tension rising to my head from my feet

    Waitn' for the show to Start Shooken up by the beatin' of my heart

    Lights shine on my face Hits me like Mace

    Go into Shock, Body Stuck on Lock

    Feel like im stuck behind bars, Start Seein' Stars

    Know what I gotta do Just can't make the move

    ... Just tell me what yo think ... Tips IDK I like writing raps now cuz its fun
  4. Jfam said:


    Seems alright to start actually. I think the idea is to keep writing raps. I think if you just start simple its probably a good idea. No one can be good overnight. It's taken me a year to write a rap that I'm finally happy with and would consider turning into an actual song. Top tips if you're just starting: when writing, rhyming dictionaries can be good cos it stops you from using words which rhyme but are completely off topic like if you're rapping about life but you suddenly rhyme 'life' with 'Christ', just cos it rhymes. Also, beats are good to write to. And spend time when writing raps. Remember, it DOESN'T MATTER how long it takes you to write a rap. Being able to write a rap in 10 mins, while being quick, never produces a good rap. Raps are best written over a few days I find, cos each day you have fresh eyes and can look at your own words critically. If you aren't satisfied with anything, change it
  5. Jfam said:


    The ability to critically look at your own work is good, cos it means you'll always keep improving